Castiel x ADHD/ADD Reader

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Jeez guys! It's only been a day since this story has reached 1K reads, and we're already at 1.08K! This is absolutely insane guys! Thank you! Anyway, I have ADHD and ADD, so I decided to write an imagine about the symptoms that I experience often. I feel that ADHD and ADD are similar, so I combined them both into the title. I decided to change this one up a bit, and add Castiel's p.o.v. to it. In fact, most of this one is Castiel's p.o.v. Enjoy! ;)

Your p.o.v.

Experiencing the symptoms of ADHD and ADD with the Winchesters around was a common thing to happen, only because you couldn't control it. It was basically part of your personality. They never judged you for it, because that's the only way they had known you. That was just you.

Castiel had the same reaction to it. Sometimes you caught him smiling at your actions. This would make you blush and look away, hoping he wouldn't notice your embarrassment. Your mad crush on him, was something that you kept to yourself, and only yourself, which was exactly why you would try to hide your blush. Often times, you would leave the room quickly if it got bad, but you came back a few minutes later, and it seemed like nobody had noticed your sudden leave. Then you would continue what you had been doing before, hoping that, since Castiel was an angel, he didn't sense your embarrassment, but you had another thing coming.

Castiel's p.o.v.

I had known Y/N for a few months, but I felt a strong connection with her. Every time she walked by me, our shoulders would slightly touch, and I always had this feeling in my stomach. Well, her shoulder, my upper arm since she was significantly shorter than my vessel. I believe humans call this feeling "butterflies in your stomach", which was exactly what it felt like. I wasn't exactly sure what my feelings meant, but it caused me to always want her near me, or to touch her in a way that wasn't sexual, but more like... protection or... endearment. I appreciated these feelings.

I would never ask about my feelings, because I had a feeling that Sam or Dean would tease me in some way, by saying that I was in love or head over heals for someone who was much younger than my vessel. I felt like they wouldn't approve. But, I could have been wrong. I could have been completely wrong.

Y/N's ADHD and ADD was adorable, and in some ways, perfect. I only say this because it's what made her who she really was. It made her unique and special, and that's what I loved about her. She had her own response to things and her own reaction, and it wasn't like anyone else's. It was the thing that made we want to be with her, and to tell her how I felt about her. To tell her about how I wanted to hug her and kiss her, but I could never do that, because she never had the same feelings for me, that I had for her. She thinks that I'm just the angel that only visits if it's needed of the Winchesters, or if I needed something. But that was never the case. I visited because I wanted to see her and talk to her, and sometimes it seemed like she enjoyed spending time with me, but I was probably imagining things.

We were all sitting in the library of the bunker, when Sam and Dean decided to leave for a hunt, probably because they wanted us to lay together, which I think is not something that Y/N would like to do. I looked at her, and saw a small layer of blush form on her cheeks. I smiled, knowing that she was slightly uncomfortable being left with me. Maybe she did have the same feelings I did. I shook the thought away and fixed my gaze on her, seeing that I had looked away while my thoughts flowed through my brain. She was staring at me with a smile on her face. I tilted my head, which I seemed to do often, and she smiled wider.

"I have an idea Cassie!" She exclaimed and I smiled at the nickname. She called me "Cassie" repetedly, and I enjoyed it, even though my vessel is male and the nickname is for a female. It caused me to feel like we did have a bond that was stronger than the bonds I had created with Sam and Dean.

"What's your idea?" I asked her and she giggled loudly. She had probably used her diaphram to cause the sound to escalate.

"I wanna dance and sing and dance and sing!" She repeated her sentence to tell me that she really wanted to "dance and sing". I figured that she wanted me to join in too, but I wasn't sure because I did not know how to dance and sing very well. It reminded me of the time when my manager, Nora, at Gas-N-Sip, invited me over to her house. I though it was a date, but she just wanted me to babysit her daughter. When her daughter, Tanya, started to cry, I sang her a lullaby. That was the closest I got to singing and dancing.

Y/N saw the look on my face, and shook her head, as if she heard me send her a thought and she was responding.

"No, Cassie. You don't have to sing and dance with me." She reassured and I let out a breath of air that I didn't know I was holding in.

"Thank you. I haven't had much experience with dancing and singing." I explained and she smiled and nodded.

"I'll do enough singing and dancing for the both of us!" She said cheerily and I smiled, knowing that what she said was definitely true.

She grabbed her phone from her pocket and turned on Eye of the Tiger by Survivor. She cranked the volume to full blast and my eyes widened.

"RISIN' UP, BACK ON THE STREET!" She screamed louder than ever before. "DID MY TIME, TOOK MY CHANCES!" She started dancing and I watched intently, entertained by her actions. She stopped singing until the chorus. "IT'S THE EYE OF THE TIGER, IT'S THE THRILL OF THE FIGHT, RISIN' UP TO THE CHALLENGE OF OUR RIVAL, AND THE LAST KNOWN SURVIVOR STALKS HIS PREY IN THE NIGHT, AND HE'S WATCHIN' US WITH THE EYE OF THE TIGER!" She continued to do that through the rest of the song, while dancing happily. When the song was over, she smiled widely. She wasn't even out of breath.

I was smiling widely as well, trying to figure out what to do next. I suddenly realized what I needed to do, so I stood up and walked over to Y/N. I grabbed her chin with my right hand, and her waist with my left. I turned her around and into the wall gently, while pressing my lips to hers. She kissed back almost immediately and it turned into a heated make-out session. I heard clapping and cheering behind us, and realized that Sam and Dean were watching us. I pulled away, but never broke eye contact. Her eyes were full of love and I had a feeling that mine were too.

"I love you Y/N." I said and he smiled softly, breathing deeply.

"I love you too Cassie." She said and I smiled, knowing that I could finally kiss her and hug her whenever I wanted to, with her consent of course.

"We have a confession to make." Dean said and I rolled my eyes. "We never left." I sighed, knowing that our privacy would most likely never exist.

"That's great! You got to hear my awesome singing." She said, making me smile uncontrollably.

"Yeah, more like, screaming." Dean teased and she giggled. This would be the start of a beautiful relationship

Hey guys! Wasn't this cute? I love dominant Cas. It's like my favorite thing to write about or read about. Sometimes we even get to see it in the show, like when Cas kissed Meg in season 6. That was fun because I just picture myself as Meg. ;) Don't forget to leave me questions for the Q and A! No matter how long it takes, we will do it! Even if we're already at 2K reads, we'll still do it! Also, let me know if you guys liked how I wrote this one. You know, with most of the story being Castiel's p.o.v. Thank you!


Castiel Imagines Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt