When You Have a Nightmare

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This one is based off of a dream I had. I'm changing a few details just because it wouldn't make any sense.

WARNING: TORTURE, BLOOD, AND RAPE. (The rape is not detailed whatsoever.)

Imagine: Castiel visiting you while you're at school, saying that he wants to cuddle with you. Then you have a nightmare.

Your p.o.v.

You were at school heading to class when a secretary came up to you.

"Miss Y/N. You have a visitor." She smiled and you nodded, heading to the office. You walked in and saw Castiel sitting there.

"Oh hi Cas! What're you doing here?" You said as he lifted his head up looking at you.

"I came to visit you." Cas explained and you smiled.

"Excuse me, Y/N, but may I speak with you?" The secretary asked nicely. You nodded and followed her into the back room. "I found this man sitting at the bench outside and I asked him who he was and what he was doing there. He told me his name was Castiel and that he's an angel of the Lord. He told me that he was your boyfriend and that he came to visit." She explained. You nodded slowly. "Uh he said he's an angel so..." She was pretty freaked.

"Oh! No that's just what I call him since he's really protective and nice so I call him an Angel of the Lord." You said covering up his mistake. She nodded and laughed quietly.

"Okay you can go talk to him, I guess." She said and you walked over to him. "You guys can go outside and talk." You went outside with him and sat down.

"What's up Cas?" You looked at his blue eyes. He smiled slightly.

"I felt the need to cuddle with you so I came here. That woman did not understand my need and she told me to wait." Cas looked down. You laughed.

"What do you want me to do about it?" You asked him and he looked up, eyes sparkling.

"I want to take you home with me." He said.

"Are you sure?" He nodded. "Okay well then sign me up." You smiled and he stood up. He held his arms out and you walked into them. Suddenly you weren't at school anymore. You were home and Cas was still holding on to you. You smiled and squeezed him tighter. He did the same.

The dream kinda ended there so I'll add on to it. 😉

(Italics means it's a dream.)

You let go of him and giggled. "Since I'm not at school, I'm gonna take a nap." You looked at Cas. "You can cuddle with me Cas." He nodded. You went into your bedroom and laid down with Cas laying next to you. You back was pressed into his chest and he wrapped his arms around your stomach. (AKA spooning) You fell asleep quickly and left Cas sitting there because angels don't sleep.

You were in a cage and you were strapped to a table. You were wearing nothing, but the straps covered your female body parts. You looked around and there was blood everywhere, and there were hooks that had blood dripping from them. Suddenly you knew where you were.

"This'll be fun!" You heard a familiar voice say. You looked around and you saw Lucifer standing in the corner of the cage. He was smirking and he walked over to you. He snapped his fingers and a knife appeared in his hands. "Now, before we use this, I had another idea in mind." Your eyes went wide and you became terrified. He laughed evilly and smirked. He raped you. You screamed and tried to get away but there was no use. You were stuck there. When he was satisfied, you were sobbing and giving up hope.

"Please Cas, please help me! Please!" You screamed as loud as you could but nothing happened.

"Your little angel boyfriend isn't gonna come save you this time Y/N." Lucifer said and he grabbed the knife from earlier. He started cutting you and the cuts were so deep, there were blacks spots clouding your vision. He was laughing evilly and you were becoming limp.

You felt someone shaking you, and you fluttered your eyes open. Cas was standing there with a worried look on his face. You felt tears fill up your eyes and start to fall. Cas grabbed you and pulled you into him. You sobbed into his chest and he rocked you back and forth.

"Bumble Bee? Are you alright?" Cas asked quietly. You nodded slowly. "Can you tell me what happened?" You nodded hesitantly.

"I was in Lucifer's cage and I was strapped to a table. He, uh, he came out and raped me. I called for you but you didn't come. T-then he s-started cutting m-me and he wouldn't stop. I begged for you to help me but you never came." You were sobbing again and he rubbed your back.

"Shh my angel. It's alright. I'm here. I won't do that to you." Cas kissed your forehead. You smiled.

"Thank you Cas. I love you." You kissed him passionately. When you pulled away for air, he smiled.

"I love you as well Bumble Bee."

807 words

Hey guys! This one was cute at the end! Yes, it was pretty brutal, I know. But it got better. Anyway please comment and vote. Thanks guys!

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