It'll All Be Okay

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This one has a few... emotional parts in it. At least for me. It's fluffy at the end though! Enjoy!

Warning: Season 13 entire season and finale spoilers! SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS! Read at your own risk! ANGST, fluff!

It hurt. The feeling of guilt, and pain, and sadness. The emotions that had been going through your brain when Dean had said yes to Michael. The Michael that had tore through his world to get to your world, killing millions in his own galaxy, only to come to your universe and destroy it. You had a plan, of course, to make sure that Michael stayed under control but within seconds, that rug was ripped out from under you. Dean was going to stay in control of his body and only use Michael if needed, but when the time came and you needed Michael, he helped with the situation until he decided that he didn't like the agreement he had made with Dean. He took control of the body, causing Dean to become very angry, and he disappeared, pushing Dean farther into his conscious

Everyone, including Cas, had been extremely upset and on the verge of crying. You, of course, weren't on the verge. You had already shed enough tears for everyone combined. Cas had tried to comfort you, but you knew it was hard for him because he was in as much pain as you were, physically and mentally. Your boyfriend was broken, but it wasn't Dean's fault. It was Michael's. And you would never forgive him for what he took from you.

Walking through the bunker's corridors, you spotted Cas sitting on the stairs that led to the library. You walked over and it looked like he was about to cry. You couldn't blame him, because you noticed that you continuously had a lump in your throat and tears slightly forming in your eyes wherever you went. You sighed and sat down beside him wrapping your arms around him in a loving way.

"It's okay Cas. We'll get him back." You soothed him, feeling the waterworks start to flow.

"This is my fault. I could've stopped this from happening." He said sadly, avoiding your gaze. He knew that if he made eye contact with you, he would break down.

"How?" You asked him, already knowing the answer.

He didn't respond, so you took control of the conversation.

"Exactly. You don't know how because it wasn't your fault. You couldn't have stopped this Cas. it was Dean's choice." You paused, hating the idea of Dean wanting to be possessed by Michael. "But it's not Dean's fault either."

He looked at you sadly, not understanding what you meant.

"It's Michael's fault." You stated and Cas looked away, not wanting to be reminded of Michael.

You turned his head softly with your hand and made him look at you. You stroked his cheek with your hand and you saw a spark in his eye for only a millisecond. You knew that you, Sam and Cas, as well as the others from the apocalypse world that had left together, would all be okay. It would be hard, but you would all get through it.

"Y/N?" Cas asked and you snapped out of your unnoticeably deep trance.

"Sorry." You said and he smiled. He smiled for the first time in, what seemed like, forever. You didn't smile back, which caused a worried expression appear on his face.

"I know, love." He said and you looked away, feeling a tear slip away. You were thinking about Dean being possessed by Michael and how horrible it must be, as well as how sad Castiel had been lately. It caused your tears to keep flowing without control over them. "Love? Love, look at me, please."

You slowly lifted your head up, revealing your tear-stained face. He wiped your tears away and held your face in his hands. You leaned in and sat in between his legs, burying yourself in his arms. You sobbed into his trench coat as he held onto you for dear life. He rubbed your back and stroked strands of your hair in hopes of making you feel better. You weren't sure how you would get through it, but you knew that you would, somehow.

It was then that you realized that Castiel had always been there for you through the hard times. Castiel was always there to comfort you, even when sometimes he was the one who needed comforting. He always put you first even if you didn't need it. You realized that it was his turn to be comforted.

You pulled away from him and wiped your tears away. You shook your head and he furrowed his eyebrows. You didn't want to be comforted anymore because you wanted to comfort him. He grabbed your hands and gave you a worried look.

"What is it, sweetheart?" He asked and your heart fluttered at the nickname. You shook your girly thoughts away and replayed his question inside your head, prepared to answer it.

"It's your turn. I'm always being a baby about everything and the one time you need to be comforted about something, I'm never there." You said sadly and he shook his head.

"No, love. You are far more important to me than how I feel. I don't need to be comforted." He looked at you lovingly, but you could tell that he was having a hard time lying to you. He wanted to tell you everything but he couldn't.

"No, Cas. You need me right now. It's okay if you're upset about this. You should be." You stated, your tone changed from slight anger to a softer tone.

He looked down, knowing that he had been defeated. You cupped his cheek with your right hand and lifted his head up to look at you.

"You can tell me Cas."

He took a deep, shaky breath, and looked at you sadly. "D-Dean's gone an-and I tried to stop M-Michael from coming any closer b-but Dean wouldn't let me."

You could tell he was about to cry, so you wrapped your arms around his neck. "It's okay baby. It'll all be okay."

He found truth and comfort in your words and he knew that if you were with him that everything really would be okay. But, for some reason, he couldn't control himself. He broke down and shook from his sobs, causing you to shed tears. He had never fully cried in front of you before, and now that he was, it broke your heart. He was broken and he didn't know how he was going to recover.

You felt his tears soak your clothing, but it didn't bother you because you knew that he needed to be with you at that moment. He calmed down and sniffled causing you to smile because you were able to help.

"You know why it's gonna be okay?" You asked and he shook his head like the innocent little puppy dog he was. "Lucifer is dead. Dean killed him with the help of Michael and now the devil will never bother us again."

Cas smiled slightly and nodded. "Thank you Y/N. I love you."

"I love you too Cas. You should rest, even though you don't sleep." You said and he nodded.

"Will you come with me?" He asked and you nodded, knowing that you needed rest as well.

"Of course." You led him to the bedroom you had shared with him and threw yourself on the bed, not even bothering to change your outfit. Cas laid on the bed calmly and pressed his chest against your back, with his arms wrapped around your stomach. You fell asleep quickly and Cas watched over you, feeling better about the entire situation. Having you with him caused the catastrophe from earlier to leave his mind completely. The only thing that he was thinking about was how much he loved you, even if Dean was no longer with you all. He knew that everything would, in fact, be okay.

Hey guys! What did you guys think of the finale? I couldn't stop crying tbh. I hope you guys enjoyed this! I know it was sad but I needed to write an imagine about the finale because Cas looked like he was about to cry. Anyway, I love you guys! Stay beautiful!


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