Another Authors Note

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Hiya! I know you're all waiting for an update, but I have news! I'm starting another story!!! Well, actually I have no idea what it's going to be about, but I know that it's going to be another reader insert with either Castiel or Misha. I'm hoping that it turns out well... I'm going to go through a bunch of my stories and stuff to come up with ideas for it. The only bad thing about that is that I'll have to come up with a schedule for this story and my other stories. I'm not doing that yet though. I'm going to wait and see what happens before I make everything confusing for myself. Anyway, let me know if I should do Misha or Cas because I'm not sure yet! There should be an update for this story really soon, I just needed to finish an imagine I posted on Tumblr that was over 3,500 words long... I love you all! Stay beautiful!


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