Only Human

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Your p.o.v.

The struggles of being human were really hitting Castiel hard. He wasn't used to eating or sleeping or even urinating. He missed his powers, his grace, and he just wanted it to be over. That's why you were there. His girlfriend of two years. You had been with him through good and bad, through thick and thin, and you were the only person who could make him smile and laugh during the hardest of times. You were the only thing he needed to get through everything.

This week had been one of the harder weeks. There wasn't anything different, Cas was just upset and emotional, and he didn't want to do anything. He was like a teenager during her period, but with less blood and more tears. It was really depressing to watch, and sometimes you silently cried yourself to sleep because you wanted to help Cas, but it hurt you to watch him slowly disintegrate each and every day. The only thing you could do was comfort him while he cried, and hold him while he slept.

You were sitting in the library with Cas finishing some research for a local case when you saw that Cas was about to fall asleep. You closed the laptop and stood up, causing Cas to look up at you, confused as to what you were doing. You smiled softly and kissed his forehead.

"You need to rest, sweetie." You said calmly as you gently massaged his shoulders.

He nodded and stood up slowly, undeniably heading towards the bedroom you shared with him. He changed into soft sweatpants and a t-shirt, sluggishly making his way over to the right side of the bed. He collapsed onto the bed and waited for you to come in.

You finished putting the books away and you plugged the laptops in wanting them to be fully charged by the time you needed to use them again. Once you were done you headed into the room you shared with Cas and saw him patiently waiting for you. You smiled and changed into your pajamas, getting into the left side of the bed. You rolled over to face him and wrapped your arms around his torso, acting as the big spoon, him being the small spoon. He smiled and fell asleep in your arms, you doing the same.

You woke up a few hours later to Cas' heavy snores. You sighed and repositioned yourself, hoping to muffle the snoring. It didn't work, of course, but some part of you didn't want it to work. The sound of him sleeping was calming to you in some way, causing you to smile. Sure, it was difficult to fall back asleep, but you didn't want to disturb his sleeping process. He hardly ever got a good nights sleep. You knew he was sleeping well and you didn't want to disrupt.

It had been about an hour since you had awakened from Cas' snoring, and you still hadn't fallen back asleep. You groaned, finally becoming tired of listening to his snores every second, and you rolled over hoping to shake the bed enough to wake him up. It wasn't working so you did the only thing you could. You got out of bed and walked over to his side, moving his arms away from his body. He was laying on his left side, so you climbed onto the bed, shoving yourself into his warmth. Out of instinct, he wrapped his arms around your body, causing you to smile.

You heard him inhale deeply, informing you that he had awoken, and you smiled. He chuckled softly and rolled onto his back causing you to lay with your stomach pressed to his stomach. You wrapped your arms around his torso and rested the left side of your head on his chest.

"What was that for?" He asked, his voice still groggy from sleep.

It was the sexiest thing you had heard. "You were snoring. I had to wake you up somehow." You smiled and breathed in his wonderful scent.

"I'm sorry I have caused your lack of sleep." He said and you giggled.

"It's fine. It was adorable." You kissed his cheek and shoved your face in his neck. "Get some sleep."

He nodded and tightened his grip on you. "You too. I love you."

You smiled and sighed contently. "I love you too."

You both fell asleep quickly, comforted by the sounds of each other sleeping, while your arms were wrapped around each other lovingly. You both would never have trouble sleeping again.

Hey guys! I hope you liked this one! I was talking to my friend and she asked me what I would do if I woke up to Cas snoring and this is what I told her I would do. I hope you liked it! I am slowly running out of ideas so if you have any requests I would be grateful. If you ship Destiel, like I do, you should check out my Destiel masterlist on Tumblr! I have 2 chapters posted and I'm working on chapter 3. My username is thehoneybeecastielfollows. Anyway, I love you guys! Stay beautiful!


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