The Sixth Archangel Part 1

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Request by @shivathearcobat

"Can I request this imagine? Here I go, so the reader is an archangel but was kept hidden and Castiel finds out that there is a 6th archangel, he goes and finds her and falls in the love and the reader, the same. The rest is to you go wild."

Thank you for requesting! This one will be written differently and I'll be switching up the p.o.v.'s a couple times. I apologize if you're not a female but making the reader female in most of my imagines is just easier. Enjoy!

Your p.o.v.

You woke up, expecting to be in heaven's jail, but you were somewhere else. Somewhere you didn't recognize. You believed it was earth, but why were you there, and not in heaven hidden from humanity? You had no clue, but you decided to go for it, not really knowing what you were doing.

You were an archangel, and the only archangel, that had never been on earth physically. You had seen it from up in heaven, but you had never touched it with your own skin. You were an archangel that didn't need a vessel, because you were created already borrowing a vessel. Of course, you weren't actually created as a toddler, but you were pretty clueless. You had to learn how to survive, and you were given your own angel blade, and archangel blade. But, the other angels realized that they needed to keep you hidden from everything, so they locked you away in heaven's jail, in case you wanted to escape. Which you did, but it was heaven's jail. It's not the easiest jail to escape.

Somehow, you managed to make it to earth, but with no memory of how you escaped. You just did. You stood up and looked around, not knowing what was happening or where you were. You went with your gut, and headed in a random direction, hoping it was the right way to go, even thought you didn't know where you were going. You just decided to keep going.

Third person p.o.v.

Sam and Dean were in their motel room, just finished with a hunt, and Castiel was sitting at a table in their motel room, looking out the window contently. He decided to check into angel radio, just to see if anything came up. He heard a voice, clear as a bell, say "The sixth archangel, Y/N, has escaped heaven's jail." He shot up and grabbed the sides of his head, making sure he had heard that correctly. There was a sixth archangel. He pulled his hands away from his head and looked at Sam and Dean. They were confused as to what made him react like that, so they slowly made their way over to him.

"Hey. You okay, Cas?" Dean asked and he looked up. They couldn't tell if he was terrified or amazed.

"There's a sixth archangel." He explained and both Sam, and Dean's eyes widened.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked and Cas shook his head.

"The angels said that the sixth archangel escaped heaven's jail." He said and Sam and Dean shared a look.

"Do you know the sixth archangel?" Dean asked and Cas shook his head.

"Y/N had been locked in heaven's jail since the beginning of time. I never met her specifically but I have heard of her. I thought it was a myth." He explained and Dean furrowed his eyebrows.

"Wait, so the sixth archangel's a chick?" Dean asked and Cas nodded. "Awesome." He said and Sam shook his head.

"We have to find her and bring her to the bunker. It should be easy, because she doesn't know that she's supposed to ward herself from angels, but that means that it'll be easier for the other angels to find her." Cas explained and they both nodded.

"Well, go get her and meet us at the bunker." Cas nodded and disappeared, heading straight in Y/N's direction.

Your p.o.v.

You were walking down a road, when you were jumped by a few angels. You used your powers to get rid of them and ran away as quickly as you could. If this was how life was on earth, then you wanted nothing to do with it. You kept walking until you found a huge pine tree, and leaned against it, enjoying the sunny day. You were sitting up against the tree, when you heard wings flapping and leaves rustling. You looked up and saw a man with dark brown hair and blue eyes, He was wearing a suit under a trench coat and he was beautiful. You weren't scared, until you saw the giant black wings behind him. Your eyes widened and you stood up, trying to escape. He stopped you by grabbing you gently by the arm.

"Please, I'm not going to hurt you." He reassured, his deep, gruff voce sending chills up and down your spine.

"But you're an angel. The other angels wanted to hurt me." You said quietly and he sighed.

"I'm not like the other angels. I'm here to protect you. I'm here to keep you safe."

Castiel's p.o.v.

When I saw Y/N, I had this weird feeling in my stomach. She was beautiful with her E/C eyes sparkling in the sunlight, and her H/C hair flowing in the breeze. I felt to urge to kiss her soft, pink lips, but I held back. I had something important I needed to do. When I heard her beautiful voice, I felt the need to make her scream my name from pleasure. My thoughts became too inappropriate, so I shook them away, once again, focusing on the beautiful woman in front of me. She truly was an angel sent down from heaven.

Your p.o.v.

Castiel was the name he told me was his, and I, once again, kept thinking about how perfect he was. He convinced me to come with him to the bunker, so we flew to the bunker, seeing two other handsome men, but not as handsome as Castiel, sitting at one of three tables. You introduced yourself and went to speak with Castiel.

"Are you alright?" He asked and you nodded.

"Yes, I have a question." You explained and he nodded.

"What is it?" He asked and you smiled.

"I have this feeling in my stomach when I see you, and I keep thinking that you're beautiful. What does that mean?" You asked and he smiled.

"I have the same experiences with you. I believe it means that we love each other." He said and you giggled. "I'm going to try something." He said and you were about to ask what he meant, when he pressed his lips to yours. You kissed back, but completely wrong because you had no clue what you were doing, but neither did he, so it was okay. Once you pulled away, you were both out of breath and smiling.

"I liked that." You said and he smiled wider.

"Me too." He replied and you giggled. "I love you Y/N."

"I experience the feeling of love to you as well." You stated not understanding what he was trying to say. Instead of correcting you, he smiled and kissed your forehead. Maybe, by the end of this, you could understand what love really is.

Hi guys! Thank you for requesting this! It was so fun to write because this time, the reader was clueless about love. I hope you enjoyed this! Also, I thought that the picture at the beginning was cool. 😆Thank you! Also, requested a part 2 so... that'll be up asap.


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