Q and A!

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You guys don't listen! Lol it's okay, I'll just do this. I found some random questions that might help you guys get to know me better so here we go. I have 20 questions and they're really random so be ready. Alright!

Are you a dog person or a cat person? I'm a dog person. I have a 6 year old Chihuahua dachshund. His name is Petey and he is 6 pounds. ;)

Are you a morning person or a night owl? I'm a morning person but sometimes I have to stay up late to finish chapters.

Are you scared of heights? No I am not scared of heights.

Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Yes and it's very amusing to me.

Can you whistle? No because I have braces and whistling takes a lot of energy with braces.

Do you have any birthmarks? If so, where? Yes I have a birthmark on my left arm above my elbow on the outside, on my left leg above my knee on the outside, and on the back on my neck. I have quite a few.

Do you sing in the shower? Yes, yes I do.

Have you ever broken a bone? Never.

Have you ever had any teeth pulled? Nope.

Have you ever had a cavity? Nope never had a cavity either.

What is music to you? My life. I can't go anywhere without music.

How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? I've only had 1 and I'm currently with him.

Pick one: Kill or be killed? Be killed because I would never be able to live with the guilt of killing someone.

What are you inspired by? When I'm writing, I'm inspired by other writers by reading their stories. If I'm procrastinating a chapter, I go on Tumblr because there are some really good writers on Tumblr, and that's where I get my inspiration.

What's on the walls in the room you are in right now? Well, I'm in my bedroom, so there's Supernatural posters and Supernatural fan art, as well as a real street sign that says 99CastielLn. Don't forget the Supernatural calendar!

What's something most people don't know about you? Most people don't know that I love to write because I've never really told anyone.

What are you gifted at? Softball. I've been playing for 6 years and it's the only sport I like.

What's the best compliment someone has ever given you? I was once told that I was a really pretty girl and that I would grow up beautifully.

What's the longest period of time you have ever been in a hospital? I've only been in the hospital once, and I had just turned 1. I went there for eye surgery, because I'm legally blind, and I was there with my parents for 12 hours.

That's it! I hope that helped you guys get to know me better! I love you all! Stay beautiful!


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