Drunk Confessions

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Your p.o.v.

     You were sitting in the bunker, bored out of your mind. Sam and Dean were on a hunt and they told you not to go. Castiel was told to stay back and make sure nothing happened to you. You've always had a crush on Cas but you never had enough courage to tell him. You were always shy around him so you gave up on telling him. You felt so awkward sitting there silently so you stood up and started walking towards the kitchen. You reached up to grab a bottle of Jack Daniels but you couldn't reach it. You groaned and tried getting on your tip toes but you ended up getting a foot cramp. Cas heard you and walked into the kitchen. He walked over and reached up, grabbing the bottle and handing it to you.

     “Thanks Cas.” You blushed and looked down.

     “You're welcome Y/N.” A smile tugged at his lips.

     You grabbed a glass for yourself. “Do you want some Cas?” You looked up at him.

     “No thank you. I may need to take care of you if you have too much alcohol in your system.” His blue eyes sparkled.

     Boy was he right. After a few drinks you were talking about Dean's perky nipples. Cas tilted his head and tried to figure out what you were saying.

     “Why don't you go to sleep?” Cas brought you into your bedroom and laid you down on the bed.

     You giggled. “You're so cute Cassie. I wuv your wittle blue eyes.” You said like a toddler.

     “Goodnight Y/N.” Castiel said.

     “Night Cas. I love you!” You screamed at the top of your lungs. He stopped in his tracks and looked at you. You were already sound asleep, snoring softly. He smiled and walked away, wondering if it was just the alcohol causing you to tell him those things.

The next morning

     You woke up the next morning extremely hungover. You groaned and sat up. You used the bathroom and brushed your teeth. ‘Good thing I never vomit when I'm hungover.’ You thought. You walked into the kitchen and heard wings flapping. “Morning Cas.” You turned around.

     “Good morning Y/N.” He looked flustered.

     “Go ahead. Tell me what I said.” You were scared to hear what he was about to say.

     “You said that you loved me.” He paused. “And you also said that you wuv my wittle blue eyes.”

     You giggled and decided to tell him that what you said was true. “Uh Cas? I do love you. I have for a while but I was scared to tell you.” You regretted what you said and looked down. Cas grabbed your hands and started rubbing circles on them.

     “I love you too Y/N” He leaned in and pressed his lips to yours softly. You kissed back passionately and pulled away for air. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around your waist. Suddenly you had a really painful period cramp which caused you to drop your arms to your abdomen. “Are you alright Y/N?” Cas was worried.

     “I'm okay Cas. Sorry to ruin the moment.” You mentally cursed your body.

     “That's alright. Was that a menstrual cramp?” Cas asked casually. You nodded and blushed. “It's okay, it's something you can't control.”

     “This is why I love you Castiel. You're understanding and kind and always wanting to help.” You stood on your tip toes and kissed his lips sweetly. You pulled away. “Cas? I've always wanted to ask you this.”

     “Yes Y/N?”

     “Can I see your wings?” You looked at his beautiful ocean blue eyes. He nodded. Before you could blink, beautifully large black wings showed. They were so large, they were skimming the walls of the room. It was different than the first time. The first time, all you could see was the shadows of the wings. Now you were looking at the actual thing. “Wow Castiel! They're beautiful.” He looked flustered.

     “Thank you.”

     “Can I touch them?” You asked hesitantly. He nodded. You caressed his wing and he moaned softly. You giggled.

     “What was that noise?” He looked shocked and turned to you.

     “That was a moan. It only happens when you feel pleasure.” You smiled and his face turned red. “Was that pleasurable?” He looked at you hesitantly.

     “Y-yes.” He looked down and you smiled widely. You put your pointer finger under his chin, and lifted his head up.

     “It's okay Cas, that just means you're sensitive to touch. I am too. Even though I'm still...” You decided not to continue your sentence.

     “You're still what?” Cas tilted his head.

     “I'm still a virgin.” You looked down, embarrassed. This time he was the one to lift your head up.

     “That's okay. That just means you haven't found the person to lose your virginity to yet.” He smiled and you giggled.

     “Yeah I guess you're right.” You smiled and hugged Cas again. “I love you Cas.”

     “I love you as well Y/N.”

840 words

     Hey guys! This one was kinda all over the place. Please comment and vote! If you have a request put it in the comments section please. Thanks guys! Btw I love this gif of Castiel. It's one of the coolest ones! Even though it's him with broken wings. Anyway bye!





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