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Request made by Awesomeguy168

"Hey I was reading your Castiel imagines and I saw that requests were open so can you try to make one about the reader suffering from insomnia or something."

It might not be what you wanted, and I apologize, but I really wanted to write it like this.

Thank you for the request! Enjoy!

Your p.o.v.

Insomnia. A secret you never told the boys about. Your insomnia didn't mean much to you. You just thought that your issue was just one of the perks of being a hunter. After all, almost every hunter, including Sam and Dean, had insomnia, just at different levels. Yours was just a sleeping disorder. You had difficulty falling asleep and most of the time you would continuously wake up in the middle of the night, never falling back asleep until morning. It was just an issue that hadn't been addressed by the others.

Castiel, on the other hand, knew when you were being suspicious. It was like he was reading your tired mind, but you didn't want any of the boys worrying about you. On the inside, you were secretly crushing on him, even though you were always too tired to think. You were pretty sure he didn't know about it, but there's always a possibility of him keeping it to himself. You told yourself not to worry about it, because you were going to tell him anyway, just not yet.

It was nearing 1:00 a.m. and you were still sitting in the bunker's library, completely aware of the time. Scrolling through social media, which you hardly ever used, you heard someone walk in, so you looked up, expecting Sam or Dean. You were pleasantly surprised to see Castiel walking into the library. He looked at you, a confused expression on his face, and you looked down guiltily, knowing that you would be scolded. You couldn't be further from the truth.

He smiled and sat down beside you. You furrowed your eyebrows and he gave you his puppy dog look. You giggled and smiled, knowing that you had been defeated.

"A night owl, I presume?" He asked and you shrugged, not prepared to tell the truth about only getting around 2 hours of sleep each night.

"Yeah, you could say that." You said and he nodded, looking into your E/C eyes.

"I'm glad you're up. I was expecting to be alone tonight." Cas admitted and you smiled, feeling the same way about the situation.

"Yeah, me too. Aren't you supposed to be up in heaven? You know, helping the angels?" You asked and he looked down, attempting to hide his emotions, but failing.

"I, uh, my brothers and sisters do not want me in heaven at the moment. They do not... appreciate my presence as of now." Cas explained and you felt sorry for the poor angel.

"Oh, I'm sorry." You apologized, regretting what you had brought up. He shook his head and smiled.

"It's alright. I'm just glad to be with someone." He said and you blushed while nodding. He looked at you, and seemed to be concentrating on something. He exited his trance and tilted his head while furrowing his eyebrows. "Y/N. Please, tell me the truth. Why are you really awake?" He asked and you sighed since you're a terrible liar.

"Alright, I can't lie to you. I have insomnia, and I only get about 2 hours of sleep each night, so why even try to sleep?" You explained and he smiled which caused you to become confused.

"I thought you were going to tell me something much worse." He said and you looked down, relief flowing through your body. He put two fingers up to your forehead, but stopped right before his fingers made contact with your skin. "May I?" He asked and you nodded. He touched his fingers to your forehead and you fell into a deep sleep. He smiled and picked you up bridal style, carefully carrying you into your bedroom. He laid you down on your bed and pulled the covers over you. He smiled and caressed your cheek, healing you of your insomnia almost immediately. "Goodnight my love."

Hey guys! A special thanks to Awesomeguy168 for requesting this! I hope you enjoyed it! Bye guys!


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