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Whoever came up with this first, the entire idea belongs to them. This is my version. Enjoy! ;)

Your p.o.v.

It was quiet in the bunker because you were the only one there. Sam and Dean were hunting a witch somewhere else, you have yet to know, and Castiel was probably in heaven doing heavenly things, so you were watching Netflix on your laptop in the kitchen. It was pretty common for you to be alone in the bunker because Sam and Dean wouldn't let you go on a lot of hunts since it was 'too dangerous', and Castiel rarely popped in anymore.

Of course, you wanted him to pop in because he was your crush, but you didn't ever pray to him because you had a feeling that if you were alone with him, everything would be awkward and uncomfortable. He was your crush for heaven's sake! Little did you know, you were going to get a little visit from him, but it wouldn't be fine and dandy.

You had just started your favorite movie, and you had your feet resting on the kitchen counter and your back pressed against the backrest. You had a hot cup of coffee in your hands, resting in your fingertips, and you breathed in the scent that constantly made you smile. You turned the volume down slightly, focusing on the scenes instead of the sounds. You sighed deeply, glad that you finally had a break from everything.

You heard wings rustling and you paused the movie, your eyes moving in the direction of the sound. There he was, bloody and bruised, and swaying like he was about to topple over. Your coffee mug slipped from your hands, landing on the floor with a crash as it shattered, causing pieces to fly everywhere. But, you didn't care. You only cared about Castiel. You rushed over you him, catching him in mid-fall, and helped him into his bedroom which wasn't too far away. You laid him on his bed and inspected his wounds. He had a large gash in his left side, cuts all over his chest and face, and bruises forming on his face as well.

"Oh my god..." You didn't know what to say.

Instead of speaking, you grabbed your first aid kit and alcohol and started to carefully cut Cas' shirt in half, since it would be easier to cut it than to pull it over his head. You grabbed a damp cloth and began to clean the excess blood off of his wounds. He was completely silent the entire time until you looked up at him, silently asking him why he couldn't heal himself.

"A-angel b-blade." He stammered and you nodded.

'Angels.' you thought to yourself.

You grabbed a sewing needle and thread and looked at Cas sorrowfully. "Sweetie, this is gonna hurt." You paused. "Since the wound was caused by an angel blade, it'll hurt to sew it up, even if the needle isn't made out of an angel blade."

Cas nodded and gave you an encouraging smile. Since you were doing this for him, he realized something. He realized that you really care for him and that it hurts you to sew his wound up. He smiled again, hoping that it was true.

You poured alcohol on his gash and he hissed, jolting forward slightly. You shook your head, hating having to put him through more pain, but you began to sew his wound back together anyway. Every once in a while, Cas would hiss or wince which caused you to look away sadly. You felt a couple of tears stream down your face and you took a shaky breath. He winced again and you choked back a sob. "I know, sweetie, I know."

You finished sewing his wound back together, which left you to tend to his smaller cuts which wasn't that hard. You dabbed the cuts with a cloth that had alcohol in it and left them alone since they would heal quicker if you left them in the air. You wrapped a larger cloth around his gash and stuck it to his skin so that it would stay. You gave him a shirt since his had been cut in half, and led him into the kitchen.

"You can watch this movie with me if you would like to. You need to rest though." You told him and he nodded.

"Y/N?" He asked and you looked up.


"Thank you. Now I know that you care about me a lot. Much like how I care about you." He said and you smiled, but looked up slightly confused as to what he meant.

"You care about me?" You asked, not buying it for a second.

"Of course I care about you Y/N. At first, I thought it was like how I care about Sam and Dean, but now I realize that it was love. I love you, Y/N."

Your eyes widened and you smiled. "I love you too." You wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around your waist. "I always have." You stayed there for a while, embracing each other like the whole world depended on it.

"Me too." He stayed with you for the rest of the day until Sam and Dean came back from their hunt, just talking with you about everything. This would be the start of a wonderful connection.

Hey guys! Sorry it took me a few days to update. I just read the Destiel fanfiction called Twist and Shout and it took me a while to get over it. (I'm still not over it.) Anyway, I hope you liked this! I love you guys! Stay beautiful!


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