Chasing the Birds

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Your p.o.v.

     You were sitting with your boyfriend of one year, Castiel, bored out of your mind. You were staring at a wall with your head tilted, trying to figure out what you wanted to do with him. You had been sitting beside him, staring at the wall for, almost an hour and your mind was completely blank. Castiel seemed content but he was looking at you, wondering what you were doing. You were ready to give up, when a light bulb went off inside your head. You gasped and jumped up running towards your bedroom. You ran back and forth in your bedroom, grabbing everything you could, in the limited amount of time. Cas stood up and walked over to your bedroom. He stood in the doorway and tilted his head as you sprinted around your room grabbing things.

     "Y/N, what are you doing?" Cas asked and you looked up grinning widely.

     "I have an idea!" You explained, practically jumping out of your skin. He tilted his head and you giggled. "We are going to the beach!" You exclaimed and Cas squinted his eyes. You started jumping up and down and Cas smiled.

     "I like it when you're happy." He said and you giggled loudly while grabbing a pair of swimming trunks for Cas. You threw them at him and they hit him right in the chest. He looked down at his chest and looked at the shorts that had been thrown at him. He looked at you and saw you smiling widely. "What was the purpose of that?" He asked and you smiled wider.

     "Put them on silly!" You said and he nodded hesitantly. "Go to the bathroom and take everything off and put the shorts on." You explained and he nodded in understanding. He grabbed the swimming trunks and walked into the bathroom but didn't close the door before he started stripping. You sprinted over to the bathroom and shut the door before anything was seen. You shook your head and grabbed your swimsuit. You quickly put it on before he came out and threw a pair of shorts on and a tank top. Cas came out with just the swimming trunks on and your breath was caught in your throat. You looked at his abs and felt your face turn hot. He was even more beautiful without his shirt and trench coat. Before you knew it, you had spaced out.

     "Y/N, love? Are you alright?" Cas asked you and you snapped out of your trance and looked up at him.

     "Y-yeah. I was just... Thinking." You said and he nodded. "You ready?" You asked and he smiled and nodded. You grabbed a beach bag and stuffed everything inside. You ran to the kitchen and grabbed a few snacks to put in your bag. You turned to Cas and smiled. "I'm ready. Wait!" You ran back into your bedroom, and grabbed a bottle of sunscreen since you hated sunburns, even if Cas could heal them. You ran back to the kitchen and Cas was waiting for you. "Alright. I'm ready." Cas nodded and zapped you both to a random beach. It was beautiful with turquoise water and white sand. "Wow. Where are we?"

     "A private beach in the Hawaiian islands." Cas said and you smiled widely. You had never been to Hawaii before. Cas smiled at your thought and you dropped your bag. You took your tank top and your shorts off and grabbed your sunscreen. You applied it everywhere and sighed contently. You giggled at your now white skin from the sunscreen and Cas tilted his head. "What is humorous, love?"

     "I'm so pale now because I put sunscreen on." You giggled and Cas smiled. "I look so weird." You exclaimed and Cas frowned.

     "No love. You look beautiful like you always do." Cas said and you blushed while looking at his blue eyes.

     "Thank you Cas." You looked down and smiled. You heard seagulls squawking and you looked up. There were about twenty seagulls walking around in the wet sand. You giggled loudly and jumped up. "Come on Cas! Let's chase the seagulls."

     "Why would we chase my father's creation?" Cas tilted his head and you giggled.

     "Because Cas, birds will just fly away, unless they're stupid and they decide to run." You stated and Cas squinted his eyes but nodded anyway. You started running towards the birds on the soft sand, and Cas followed. You sprinted towards the birds and they all flew away. You giggled and looked around. You saw another bird that was smaller and had a long, thin beak. You sprinted over to it and it started running on its little legs. You were laughing so hard because its legs were moving so fast. You clutched your stomach and fell down while rolling around from laughing. Cas looked at you and smiled. You stood up and smiled at Cas'. "Wasn't that fun?" He nodded and you looked back at the bird that wouldn't fly away.

     "That must be the bird that you spoke of. The ones that are stupid and they run instead of flying." He stated while looking at the bird and you nodded.

     "Yeah." You said and giggled. "But it's so cute." Cas nodded and you turned to him. "Thank you for coming with me." You wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around your waist.

     "Why wouldn't I? I like to see you happy." He said and you smiled.

     "Let's go in the water now." You said while pulling away. You grabbed Cas' hand and lead him into the water. When it reached your waist, you stopped. Cas seemed to have trouble walking and looked at you worriedly. "It's okay Cas. That's just how the water reacts when you move in it." Cas nodded and you squeezed his hand. You let go of his hand and waded into the deeper part. You started swimming around and you occasionally looked at Cas, who looked content. You swam back over to him and stood up. Your hair was wet and your face had water droplets on it. You grabbed Cas' hand and walked back in. "That was fun." Cas nodded.

     "I agree. You looked happy." He said and you nodded.

     "I was." You looked at him and leaned in, pressing your salt water lips to his. He kissed back and wrapped his arms around your waist. You pulled away and looked at his beautiful ocean blue eyes. "I love you Castiel."

     "I love you as well, Y/N."

1093 words

     Hey guys! I hope you liked this. I'm in San Diego right now, and I was chasing the birds, so that's what inspired this imagine. Please comment and vote. Thank you!

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