Castiel x Male!Reader

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Requested by Seltydemon

I've never written one with a male reader before so if this is horrible, I apologize. Just go with the age. Enjoy!;)

Your p.o.v.

The sun peaked through the clouds as you opened your eyes, your joints aching from the odd position you had been sleeping in. You shivered from the cold, seeing that the blankets were no longer placed over your body. You sat up and sighed, realizing that you were only in your loose, white boxers. You stood up and walked over to your closet to grab an outfit. You decided on black jeans and a black and blue flannel. The typical outfit for a Winchester even if you weren't really a Winchester. You were about to leave your secluded bedroom when the rustling of wings startled you. You turned around and smiled.

"Hey, baby." You said as you walked over to your beautiful blue eyed boyfriend.

"Hello, Y/N." Cas fixed a stray strand of hair that had been covering your eye and smiled.

Being Castiel's boyfriend was an interesting experience for the both of you, especially since neither Sam nor Dean knew about your relationship. You both didn't want to risk sleeping in the same bed together, even though Cas doesn't sleep, only because the Winchesters could burst in at any moment only to see Cas spooning you. They didn't know you were (sexuality) and you planned on keeping it that way. (A/N: I'm not trying to offend anyone! Trust me, I love gay people. They're awesome, I'm just trying to make the story clearer. Anyway, carry on.) You just didn't want to cause them to hate you because of your sexuality.

"I think it's time we tell them," Cas said with a glint of sadness in his eyes.

Your eyes widened and your heartbeat sped up. "What?! No! We can't!" You exclaimed and Cas furrowed his eyebrows.

"We can't keep lying to them. They're family." Cas said and you shook your head. "Why?" Cas asked you, knowing there was something wrong. "Why not?"

"Because..." You paused. You needed to tell him but you felt like a baby about it. You were a 35-year-old man and you were scared to tell your best friends, who were more like family, about your relationship with an angel who was thousands of years old.

"It's okay. You can tell me." Cas put his hand on your shoulder and you sighed, knowing you couldn't get away with keeping it to yourself.

"They don't know I'm (sexuality) and I'm scared to tell them because they might not love me if I tell them." You said and Cas looked at you lovingly.

"Y/N, they'll love you no matter what. You're like family to them. That's why I think we should tell them." Cas kissed your forehead and you sighed but nodded.


You both walked over to the door, only to see Sam and Dean standing at the door. Dean had his arms crossed and Sam had a confused look on his face. You panicked and looked at Cas who smiled comfortingly.

"Tell us what?" Dean said and you sighed and looked at the floor. Dean started yelling at you, already knowing what you both were going to tell him. "You're sleeping with him aren't you?!"

Cas scolded Dean for yelling at you but Dean struggled to calm down. "Dean! Stop yelling at him. He did nothing wrong! He's not sleeping with me!" Cas yelled pushing Dean out of your room.

Cas turned to you and sighed. "Stay in here, baby."

You nodded and Cas closed the door. You started pacing back and forth, only thinking about the worst that could happen. It had been ten minutes since Cas told you to stay in your room and there had been endless yelling between Cas and Dean. You had tuned most of it out, but one sentence caught your attention.

"Bring him here," Dean said sternly and you sighed.

"Dean, you ca--" Cas was interrupted.

"Bring him here!" Dean yelled and you heard Cas' footsteps approach the door.

You stood up as the door opened and you walked over to Cas. You grabbed his hand and laced your fingers together. You took a deep breath as you approached Dean, but you were surprised when you saw a smile on his face.

He walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you. You chuckled softly and returned the hug causing him to let out a breathy laugh.

"You didn't tell me you were (sexuality)!" He exclaimed and you smiled.

"You didn't ask." You stated and he smiled. "But, why were you yelling at Cas?"

"Weren't you listening?" He asked and you shook your head. "I was congratulating him on finally getting laid!" He said and your face turned blood-red.

"W-we never..." You paused, knowing that you wouldn't be able to convince him. "Okay."

"We need to celebrate! C'mon Sammy! Let's get pie!" Dean ran off to find Sam and you chuckled.

Cas walked over to you and pressed his lips to yours softly. You kissed back and smiled. Once you pulled away you laughed. "This is gonna be a long day." You said and Cas nodded.

"Counting on it."

You grabbed his hand and entwined your fingers together, starting to walk in the direction of the kitchen. What a long day it would be.

Hey guys! This is the first Castiel x male!reader I've ever written and it was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. I hope you liked it! It took me about an hour to write. Anyway, I love you guys! Stay beautiful!


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