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Having an angel as a boyfriend was sometimes difficult because angels don't understand many human concepts. Castiel was completely clueless when it came to human concepts. He would help you with something, or do something by himself, and leave the room a huge mess. You were never angry with him, in fact, you thought it was cute, but sometimes it became frustrating to clean up every single mess he had made. You scolded him playfully for it, which resulted in him apologizing continuously, but you eventually told him that you were joking and he would understand. You liked it when he was sorry about something that wasn't really that big of a deal.

Recently, Castiel had been doing a lot of things with you all over the bunker and leaving stuff everywhere. You would leave for a few minutes, only to come back to a room that was trashed that hadn't been trashed before. You would shake your head at a flustered Castiel, who knew what he did wrong, and clean up the mess, as well as Castiel, who somehow got messy too.

Most of the time, you did messy things when Sam and Dean were on hunts, just because you didn't want to risk forgetting to clean up, because you would never hear the end of it. You would never be allowed to stay at the bunker when Sam and Dean went on hunts ever again.

You were in the kitchen replying to a text from Sam. They had just left for a hunt and they were letting you know what their plans were. You heard the huge metal door open and footsteps echo down the stairs.

"Y/N?" Cas called from somewhere in the bunker. He didn't sound worried, he just sounded confused because you rarely hung out somewhere other than the library.

"In here Cas!" You yelled and you heard the sound of his footsteps become closer to where you were. Cas walked through the doorway and you smiled at your adorable angel. "Hiya Cas."

"Hello Y/N. What are you doing?" He asked while looking over your shoulder.

"I was texting Sam about the hunt they're on." You explained and he nodded in understanding. "Do you wanna do something?" You asked and he nodded hesitantly.

"Like what?" He asked and you stood up with a smile on your face. You had an idea that you knew Cas would enjoy, or maybe he would just be confused the entire time.

"Like," You paused for a dramatic effect. "confetti!" You exclaimed and he furrowed his eyebrows while tilting his head. "And glitter! And sparkles!"

"Confetti, and glitter... and sparkles?" He asked, completely oblivious to what you meant.

You nodded and motioned for him to follow you. He complied, following you into your bedroom that you shared with him. You opened and drawer that had confetti, glitter, and sparkly objects in it, and Cas walked over, inspecting the drawer.

"You never told me you had this." He said as he grabbed a bottle of hot pink glitter. He shook the bottle gently, observing what the contents did. "I like this." He stated.

You giggled and gave him a 'seriously?' look. "You like the pink one?" You asked and he nodded. You found it amusing that he liked the pink one because he always seemed like the rebellious angel who's dangerous when in reality he's just an innocent and adorable "Tweetie pie".

You grabbed the rest of the bottles and headed into Dean's man cave in the bunker. You set the bottles on the pool table and headed into the kitchen to get a few bowls. You came back into the room and smiled at Cas who was, once again, observing the bottle of pink glitter.

"Alright. Let's do this." You sorted the glitter and the confetti, deciding on just putting the sparkly objects to the side. "Should we mix some different color glitter and confetti together?" You asked Cas as you fixed your gaze on him.

He nodded and held the pink and blue glitter bottles up. "These ones." He said with a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

You smiled and nodded, your heart fluttering at Cas who seemed to be enjoying your idea you had planned. "And these ones." You said putting up the red and orange bottles of glitter.

"Can we do these ones too?" Cas asked as he held up the dark green and the light green glitter bottles.

"Of course!" Those were all of the colors you had for glitter. You mixed the chosen colors together in separate bowls and smiled at the pretty mixtures once you were done. "What next?" You asked and Cas pointed to the different colors of confetti. "What about it?"

"Can we put all of them together?" He asked innocently and you nodded.

"Sure!" You grabbed the last bowl you had brought in and poured the different colors in. You mixed them all together and grinned at the vibrant colors that were in the bowl.

"That's beautiful. Just like you." Cas said smoothly and you smiled at his sweetness.

"Aww. Thanks, Cas. You too." You said and he looked down. "Alright, are we ready?" You asked and he nodded. "Dean's gonna kill me." You said slightly under your breath.

You put your hand into the bowl that had the pink and blue glitter in it and grabbed a handful of the glitter. You turned around and threw the glitter into the air which resulted in it falling onto you and Cas. You smiled and looked over at a very confused Cas.

"Try it!" You said and he put his hand into the bowl with the light green and dark green glitter in it. He tossed it in the air, mostly over your head, and smiled at you. You put your arms out and let the glitter consume you. You were having a great time and completely forgot about your stress and anger, until Cas decided to grab the bowl with the red and orange glitter in it and pour it over your head. You glared at him and grabbed the bowl of confetti. You poured it over his head and laughed.

"Gotcha!" You exclaimed and he smiled. You continued to throw glitter and confetti at each other, as well as playing with the sparkly objects. You were having the time of your life until you heard the bunker door open.

"Guys! We're back!" You heard Dean's voice echo through the bunker.

"Crap crap crap crap." You said as you tried to clean up the mess. You were scrounging around with Cas trying to grab every piece of glitter and confetti but it was no use. You needed a vacuum or something of that sort.

"Guys? Where are yo-" Dean was cut short when he saw both you and Cas covered head to toe in glitter and confetti along with the floors of his man cave. "Son of a bitch." He practically whispered and you looked down knowing it was your fault. "Y/N! Why would you make a mess here, of all places?" He asked, less angry than you had expected him to be.

"Sorry. I was bored and this seemed like the best room to play with glitter and confetti in." You confessed and he sighed.

"Just clean it up." He said and he turned around just as Sam walked up.

"Oh." Was all Sam said and you sighed. Sam turned around and followed Dean.

"Sorry you had to get caught beside me Cas." You apologized and he shook his head.

"It's not your fault. I was making a mess too. Besides, I would rather get in trouble with you than you have to get in trouble by yourself." He said and you smiled.

"Thank you, Cas, but would you really rather be in trouble with me?"

"Yes. I would rather be with you than have to watch you get scolded for just having fun and being yourself." Cas explained and you smiled.

"That's very sweet, Cas, thank you." You said and he nodded. "I love you."

"I love you too Y/N. Never forget that."

"I won't." You kissed his nose and continued to clean up the mess you had made with Cas, enjoying every second you got to spend with the one you loved.

Hey guys! I had to make a cute and fluffy one because the last one was really sad. I hope you liked this one! I edited it so it should be better. I love you guys! Stay beautiful!


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