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Italics means it's a flashback/dream

Your p.o.v.

     Being an angel's girlfriend wasn't the easiest thing to deal with. Castiel was always leaving to help with heaven and the angels. He would apologize about leaving way too much, but you loved how he always felt guilty about it, even though you knew he would always come back. You would never leave his side when he came back.

     You never remembered how you met Castiel, and you felt bad about it. Castiel would hug you when you apologized about not remembering, and he would tell you that it was okay, but you didn't believe him.

     You were about to go to bed, when Castiel appeared. "Hi Cas." You said and you smiled.

     "Hello Y/N. I decided to come and wish you goodnight." Cas said and you smiled.

     You got in bed and Cas smiled at you.

     "I also wanted to lay beside you." Cas said and you giggled. You patted the empty spot next to you abruptly and Cas took his trench coat and suit jacket off. He took his shoes off and his tie, and laid next to you. You turned towards him as he turned towards you. You giggled and got closer, shoving your face into his chest. Your legs were entangled with his and he put his arms around you protectively.

     "Goodnight my angel." You mumbled into his chest.

     "Goodnight love." Castiel said lovingly.

     You were twelve years old, laying in bed at night, thinking about all of the horrible things that had happened to you. You sighed and thought about your parents that had died, and your sister(s)/brother(s) (unless you're an only child)  death(s). You closed your eyes and took a deep breath.

     "Dear Castiel. My parents had told me stories about you. They told me about how you're an angel, and that you're very brave and powerful. They also to me that if I ever needed help and they couldn't help me, to pray to you. So here I am. I know a lot of bad stuff has happened to me, but I don't blame you for any of that. I know you're out there somewhere, watching over me and keeping me safe. I wish I could meet you, but I know the time will come. I thank you for keeping me safe, even if it meant my family had to die. I know you had a reason for saving me and not them. If you are out there, I just want you to know that I believe in you, and I believe that you have kept me safe all this time." You breathed deeply wiped away the tears that had fallen.

     You heard wings flapping and you opened your eyes. There was a man standing beside your bed. He had dark brown hair and ocean blue eyes. He was wearing a trench coat over a suit and he was around six feet tall. You sat straight up and gasped.

     "You're Castiel." You said in awe.

     "I am Castiel. An angel of the Lord." He said and you smiled.

     "You heard me praying to you." You said happily and he nodded. "Thank you Castiel. For watching over me." You said and he nodded again.

     "You're welcome Y/N." Castiel said and you laughed quietly.

     You woke up and gasped. "I remember how we met!" You screamed and Castiel smiled. You still had your face buried in his chest, so you wrapped your arms around his torso. He already had his arms wrapped around you. "I was twelve and I prayed to you. I didn't expect you to come, but you appeared right in front of me!" You said and he nodded. "Castiel?"

     "Yes Y/N?" Cas asked and you opened your mouth slightly.

     "Are you my guardian angel?" You asked and he smiled and nodded.

     "Yes, I was waiting for you to figure it out on your own." Cas said and you smiled widely.

     "Thank you Castiel. For watching over me." You said and he smiled and nodded.

     "You're welcome Y/N."

     Hey guys! Please let me know if you like this book of imagines! Should I end it or should I keep going? Please tell me! Thank you so much for 383 reads! It blows my mind. I love all of you! Bye!


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