Castiel x Deaf!Reader

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In this one, your voice is kinda like Meghan McCarthy's voice.

Your p.o.v.

    You were a normal child, no complications, no issues, until you turned twelve. You were diagnosed with cancer in your ears, and you were told that if you lived, you would be deaf for the rest of your life. You survived but your hearing was completely gone. You learned how to read lips, but you couldn't do sign language and you didn't want to talk because you hated not being able to hear yourself. As a solution, you would write everything you wanted to say. Throughout highschool, you would write everything, and your teachers didn't complain. You hadn't spoken a word since you were twelve.

     When Sam and Dean took you in, you never spoke to them either. You met Castiel, and you opened up to him more so than Sam and Dean, but everything was written. Cas wouldn't say anything about you and how you needed to speak, and neither did Sam, but Dean would push way too hard. You would get frustrated, and would end up storming away. You had a crush on Castiel, but you always told yourself that he would never love you, because of your disability. Sam, Dean, and Castiel did want to hear your voice, but they decided to wait until you chose to speak. You never told any of them how you lost your hearing. You just wanted to keep that part a secret.
    You and Cas were in the library while Sam and Dean were in the kitchen. You really wanted Castiel to hear your voice, but only him because he didn't ever push you. You grabbed a piece of paper and started writing.

     I have a surprise for you. Follow me.

     Cas nodded and you started walking to your bedroom. When you got there, you let Cas in and closed the door while locking it. You sat on your bed and Cas sat beside you.

     Since you never push me to speak, I want you to hear my voice. I trust you Cas, and I know that you won't judge me.

     Cas' eyes widened and he looked at you. You nodded and he smiled. You took a deep breath and cleared your throat. "Thank you Castiel, for letting me choose when I wanted to speak." You slightly slurred and Cas smiled widely.

     "You're welcome Y/N. Your voice is beautiful." Cas said and you giggled while reading his lips.

     "Thank you. The main reason I wanted you to hear it, is because I have something important to tell you, and I wanted you to hear it in my voice." You attempted to explain and he nodded. "I love you Castiel." Cas smiled wider and you looked at your hands. He tilted your head up with his pointer finger and smiled.

     "I love you too Y/N." Cas said and he leaned in, pressing his lips to yours passionately. You kissed back and giggled softly. You pulled away and sighed nervously.

     "One more thing. I lost my hearing when I was twelve. I was diagnosed with cancer and the doctors said that if I survived, I wouldn't be able to hear for the rest of my life. I hadn't spoken since I was twelve. Not until now." You slurred quietly and Cas grabbed your hand, rubbing circles on it.

     "I'm not pushing, but your voice is beautiful, and Sam and Dean would love to hear you speak." Cas said and you nodded.

     "You're right. Come on." You grabbed his hand but turned around before opening the door. "If you could tell them what I'm doing before I do it, that'd be better." You slurred softly and Cas nodded. You both walked into the library, hand in hand, and Sam and Dean looked up.

     "Y/N would like to speak." Cas said and both Sam and Dean jumped up. "She spoke to me, and her voice is beautiful. Now she wants to speak to you." Sam and Dean both nodded, and Dean looked eager.

     You cleared your throat and smiled. "I'm sorry I didn't speak earlier, I was afraid you were going to make fun of me." You slurred and Sam and Dean smiled widely.

     "We would never make fun of you Y/N. Your voice is beautiful." Sam said and you blushed.

     "Yeah, we're just glad that you talked to us. This isn't a one time thing though, right?" Dean asked and you shook your head.

     "No I'll be talking to you guys now. I have one more thing to say though." You said and they both furrowed their eyebrows. "I've liked Castiel for a while, and I told him in my real voice so that it would be more meaningful." You looked at Cas, who was smiling. "He likes me back so I guess we are, you know, together." You said and Sam and Dean smiled.

     "Cas finally has a girl." Dean said and you blushed.

     "How many times has he tried, and failed?" Sam teased and Cas looked down. You turned towards him and he looked at you sadly. You leaned up and kissed his lips passionately. When you pulled away, you rested your forehead against his.

     "It's okay Sweetie. You have me now." You said and he smiled. "I love you Castiel." You slightly slurred.

     "I love you too." Cas stroked your cheek softly and you giggled. This would be the start of a beautiful relationship.

     Hey guys! I was inspired to do the blind and deaf ones for some reason, so I did. I am legally blind, so I wanted to write the blind one, but after I wrote that one, I was inspired to write the deaf one. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed them. Thank you to those who have voted and commented on my strories, and to those who are following me. Bye!


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