Piggyback Ride Mishap

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This is a period imagine since I haven't done one in a while. Enjoy! ;)

P.S. I know the picture is of Misha and not Cas, but it's cute so I put it there anyway.😁😍

Your p.o.v.

You woke up naturally, which was nice since it didn't happen very often, and you rolled over to glance at the clock. 9:54 a.m. It wasn't too early but it wasn't too late either. You figured it was good enough, so you sat up and rose your arms above your head to stretch. You ended up popping your shoulders and your back which caused you to smiled because it was relieving. Just as you heard your back crack, Cas walked in with a smile on his face.

"Good morning, love," He said cheerfully causing you to let out a breathy laugh.

"Good morning, baby." You sighed contently, glad that you didn't have any hunts planned. You finally had a day off in, what seemed like, forever.

Cas walked over to your side of the bed and plopped down beside you. You leaned into him and he wrapped his arms around you, enjoying the feeling of your body pressed against his. "Do you want breakfast?"

You nodded vigorously, the reminder of food causing your stomach to growl. Cas chuckled and turned around, motioning for you to get on his back. Piggyback rides were pretty frequent in your relationship just because you were lazy AF, and Cas was an Angel of the Lord so he could lift you effortlessly. He stood up and carried you into the kitchen, while you rested your head on his right shoulder. You noticed the absence of the Winchesters, which caused you to furrow your eyebrows with your head still resting on Cas' shoulder.

"Where're Sam and Dean?" You asked, your words slightly mumbled because your face was pressed into his neck.

"They went on a hunt. They said it would be an easy salt and burn." Cas explained and you nodded your head.

Cas walked into the kitchen and he made a slightly bumpy movement causing you to bounce. You felt something damp on your panties but you shook it off as sweat. It was rather common for you to sweat uncontrollably when in the bunker. Cas set you on the countertop and you smiled, but that smile soon faded when you saw what was on his trench coat. Your jaw dropped to the floor and your eyes widened quickly.

"Oh my god." There was blood on his trench coat from you. You looked down and noticed the blood that had seeped through your sleep shorts and onto the counter. Cas smiled sheepishly as if he knew the entire time. "Why didn't you tell me?" You asked softly, trying to hide your embarrassment. Sure, you had awkward moments around him, but your self-consciousness never faded away.

"I didn't want to make you uncomfortable, so I acted like I unintentionally took a bumpy step so that you could hopefully notice it," Cas explained and you sighed.

"It's okay. Well, we should probably clean this up and get you a new trench coat." You said, stating the obvious.

"I don't need a new coat," Cas said, completely clueless, like always.

You laughed softly at his cluelessness. "Yeah, Cas, you do, ya big doof." You smiled softly. "You'll never be able to get that stain out."

He sighed and slumped his shoulders. "Alright."

"I love you." You kissed his cheek and offered him a warm smile.

"I love you too."

You both spent the rest of your day off cleaning up and cuddling with each other while watching movies.

Hey guys! I know it's shorter but I wrote this in an hour on and off and I felt bad for not giving you guys an update. I hope you guys liked this! By the way, I'm working on updating my season rewrites so I'll post that as soon as I can. I love you guys! Stay beautiful!


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