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This one will be extremely fluffy. Just a warning. If you aren't 16, like me, just pretend you are.

Your p.o.v.

A sixteen year old with cancer wasn't common, but it just so happened to be what you suffered with. Brain cancer. It wasn't a good feeling to know that you had a high risk of dying everyday, not including hunting with the Winchesters and Castiel, which made the risk of dying even higher. Normally, you would live life to its fullest, knowing that you could die in a matter of days, but it wasn't that simple. Neither the Winchesters, nor Castiel, knew about the cancer you had, but since Castiel was an angel, he could sense distress. You played it cool, saying that it was an issue only females had to deal with, or saying that you cut yourself with razor while shaving on accident, and it seemed to work, but you had your doubts. Maybe Castiel didn't believe it, but said that he did because he didn't want to ask questions. Maybe Sam and Dean knew something was wrong, but were too scared to ask. You had no idea, but you put your worries aside and went on with your life.

Your crush on Castiel wasn't helping the situation. You wanted to be able to tell him that you love him before you died, but you could die at any second. Even if you were sixteen, you couldn't control your hormones. It didn't matter anyway, because Castiel didn't love you back. You were just the moody teenager that tagged along with the Winchesters, but didn't hunt, because they were scared for your safety. You rarely even saw Castiel. He was always in heaven or just absent with no excuses. When you saw him, you wouldn't say anything, because you thought that if you made direct eye contact or even if you just said something, it would cause suspicions. You would speak to Sam and Dean though, because they're human and they cant sense pain or suffering. You thought that even if you did tell Castiel about the cancer, that he wouldn't do anything to help. You were so wrong.

You were eating a muffin, when you felt a wave of nausea flow through you. You knew where this was going. You rushed to the bathroom, prepared to vomit into the toilet. You did, in fact, vomit into the toilet, and you mentally cursed yourself, knowing that this would definitely raise suspicion. You sighed and collapsed onto the floor. There was a knock at the door that caused you to jump up. You slowly made your way over to the door, wondering who could be on the other side.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Castiel's voice came through the door. He sounded worried which made your stomach churn.

"Yeah, I guess I just ate something bad." You chose your words carefully, trying not to raise more suspicion. You flushed the toilet and opened the door, ready for the questions that might attack you.

"Are you sick?" Cas asked and you sighed. You didn't know what to tell him so you said the first thing that came to mind.

"Nope." You replied and he tilted his head. You held back a giggle at his adorable gesture.

"Then why did you vomit?" Cas asked and you looked away, unsure of how to answer his question. "Y/N, please tell me the truth." Cas said and you took a shaky breath.

'I have to tell him. I've kept it in for too long.' You thought to yourself. You felt tears threaten as you took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry Cas. I should've told you." You said and he furrowed his eyebrows slightly, thinking he was prepared for what you were about to tell him. He was wrong.

"What is it Y/N?" Cas asked and you attempted to swallow the lump in your throat.

"I... I have stage three brain cancer." You said and Cas breathed deeply.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Cas asked and you choked back a sob.

"I didn't want you to worry about me." You told him and he sighed. "Look, I'm sixteen years old with stage three brain cancer. I've had enough stress and adding you guys to the equation would make it so much worse. So, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I'm sorry." You said and he nodded.

"You don't have to be sorry. I should be sorry. Since I've known you, I haven't paid much attention to your needs and I should have. This will repay you, I hope." Cas said as he brought two fingers to your forehead, bringing a warm feeling through your body, but mostly through your head. When he pulled his fingers away, all of the pain and uneasiness went away. You smiled widely and felt tears of joy stream down your face.

"Thank you Cas." You paused. "I love you." He smiled and kissed your temple.

"I love you too, Y/N." He said and he sighed. "I know I haven't shown much affection towards you, but I couldn't live with the feeling of you dying from such a horrible thing that no person should have to go through." He explained and you nodded.

"If I lived without you in my life, I might as well die from cancer, but if you're here, I have a reason to live." You said and he nodded. "Never change, Castiel."

"I won't."

Hey guys! I hope you liked this one! I know it starts off slow, but I needed to give you guys some backround information. I hope you guys enjoyed this one! Thank you!


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