Reunited Together

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This is a request by GhostHeartSpirit

"I have another idea for a Castiel x reader, what about this.... Where the reader knew the Winchesters when they were kids as her mother new their dad, her mother being a witch with light magic. But they never told Castiel about her because it's been too long, so when she returns a beautiful young woman from her College and appears at their door, maybe Castiel doesn't trust her at first but slowly starts to like her?..."

Thank you for requesting! Also, the mom won't be given a name. Enjoy!

Your p.o.v.

Having a witch as a mother was cool, but the downside was that she used white magic, so you couldn't kill anybody. You enjoyed helping your mother with spells and such, but it got chaotic sometimes. You would have to go somewhere else at times because of the confusion and headaches. Then, one day, your mother left, leaving nothing but a note that told you how sorry she was for leaving and that she couldn't come back. Ever. You were never the same after that, but you kept your emotions hidden most of the time. It was just the fact that you never saw her again. Until one day, she showed up on your doorstep, but she wasn't the same.

Let's start at the beginning.

It was a normal day, and you were sitting in the library of the bunker with your boyfriend Castiel, waiting for something interesting to happen. You weren't expecting anything to happen at all, but you were wrong. There was a knock on the door of the bunker, and you furrowed your eyebrows. Cas stood up quickly, proceeding to grab his angel blade from his sleeve. You stood up as well, making your way over to the stairs, quietly heading up the stairs, prepared for anything. Castiel was following behind you swiftly, making sure that he was protecting you in case something happened. You took the last step and walked over to the door, grabbing the metal handle and pulling it open slowly. There was a girl standing in front of the door, and she looked about your age. You furrowed your eyebrows and grabbed the dagger out of your belt loop.

"Who the hell are you?" You spat and she sighed looking down.

"I know you don't remember me, but I'm your mother." She said and you shook your head.

"There's no way in hell you're my mom." You stated and she looked at Castiel, eyes full of hope.

"You're an angel. Can you sense that I'm lying?" She asked and you looked at Cas, heart racing faster then ever before. If this really was your mother, what would you do? How would she react to your life? Or your boyfriend? Or anything else?

'Snap out of it Y/N! It's not your mom!' You thought to yourself and you fixed your gaze on Cas worriedly.

He shook his head and you felt your heart stop. You couldn't believe your eyes.

"I used a spell so I could be disguised, since the entire world knows who I am now. I'm pretending to go to a local college." She explained and your breath hitched in your throat. You had never mentioned to Castiel that your mom was a witch. The Winchesters knew, only because their father knew your mother when you were all kids.

You held your breath, hoping that Castiel had missed the "I used a spell" part of her explanation, but him being an angel meant that he caught every word said. He tilted his head and you dropped your arms like limp noodles, not prepared for what he was about to say.

"You used... a spell?" He asked and she nodded.

"Yes, I'm a witch." She said like it was completely obvious and you groaned.

'There it is.' You thought and Cas looked at you, slightly angry.

"You mean to tell me that your mother is a witch?! I gave everything up for you to keep you safe from these monsters that we hunt, but in reality, you're one of them?!" He was furious, and he had the right to be. Everything he said was true. He gave everything up for you, when you were really the thing they were hunting, but it wasn't you. It was your mother. You weren't going to blame her, you were going to stick up for her and convince Castiel that it wasn't your mom's fault.

"I know you did, and I'm not going to argue with you. Just let me explain, please." You begged and he looked away. "Baby please." He couldn't ignore you. He loved you too much. He looked at you with sad eyes and you sighed, knowing you had messed up. "Yes, she's a witch, but she uses white magic. She's not evil, I promise. The only reason I didn't tell you, was because I didn't want you to react like this." You said calmly, and his sadness was replaced with regret.

"I'm sorry love. I should've listened. I should've trusted you." He apologized and you kissed his nose, kind of because he was taller than you.

"You're fine baby." You said and you looked back at your mom, who was smiling widely. "What?" You asked and she winked at you.

"My baby girl's growing up. She finally found a... boyfriend I'm guessing because you're too young to be married." She teased and you blushed while nodding. "You're dating an angel?" She asked and you giggled. Meanwhile, Cas was smiling, proud that he was making your mom happy. "Take care of my daughter..." She paused.

"Castiel and I will." Cas said and she nodded.

"You're good to her. I can tell." She finished her sentence and you smiled.

"Thank you." He said and she nodded. He was starting to appreciate your mom's presence. Maybe, this could work out after all. Maybe he could start to get to know your mother, and maybe one day ask for her permission for your hand. Maybe one day, your mother could be a grandmother. Maybe, just maybe.

Hiya! Thank you GhostHeartSpirit for requesting this! I had fun writing it. I hope you guys enjoyed it! Thank you for 1.31K! Bye!


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