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Requested by SupernaturalDruggie_

"Okay sorry its complicated but could you do one where the reader has bipolar disorder, so one day when she starts acting different (you can choose wether its depressive or manic) the boys and cas become worried so her best friend gabriel has to explain to them and the rest is up to you! again sorry if its complicated."

Thank you for the request, Love! The specific gender in this one is female. And, I've never written Gabriel before so... I apologize. Sorry this took me longer than expected! I ended at 1,948 words so enjoy!

A Depressive Bipolar Disorder, was what the internet called it. A disorder of some sort that caused 'low energy, low motivation, and loss of interest in regular activities and hobbies.' The, never diagnosed officially, disorder you seemed to have, was a discombobulated obstacle that needed to be dealt with almost every week. A hidden complication that slammed into you at least once every 24 hours. Sometimes manic, sometimes depressive, your emotions, unmanageable just like they had always been, became haywire; abruptly interrupting anything and everything.

The professionally-kept secret always came back and bit you, leaving a scar, but you managed, somehow tolerating whatever it did to you. Whether it be mentally - reminiscence and photographic memory - or physically - cuts and bruises - it was always there, semi-lightly affecting you, much less leaving. But, that was rare.

You had been perfectly fine; eating, drinking, even showering regularly and sleeping very well for a hunter. But, one of your monthly episodes crashed into you, leaving you an emotional wreck. The boys, oblivious to the fact that you had this 'disorder', went running to the angel, Castiel, for help, hoping that he knew more about you than they did, seeing that you two had a particular special bond, but their plans backfired as soon as they found Cas sitting outside of your bedroom door, a confused and upset look across his face.

With sagged shoulders, Castiel stood up slowly, a pout-like frown trying to hide behind angelic presence. He trudged up to his close friends, head down and eyes glued to the floor. He stopped in front of them and breathed sharply through his nose.

"Cas, buddy, you okay?" Only worried about his friend's actions, he placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Cas looked up and sighed. "I can't help her," he paused, clenching his fists at his hides in an attempt to hide his pain, "she won't let me."

"What's wrong with Y/N?" Sam's brow furrowed, feeling bad for his good friend. "I mean, we knew something was up, but..."

"But we decided to give her some privacy. You know, just in case she just needed to be alone or something." Dean finished and Cas nodded.

Well I-" The seraph cut himself off, contemplating on what to say. He felt slightly guilty about not giving you your space, but he was worried about you. "I care about her and I just wanted to help." He sighed and mentally hit himself, his submissiveness causing him to want to tape his own mouth shut.

"Cas?" Sam's brow lifted, a worrisome look now beginning to form onto his face.

"She wouldn't let me in. I'm beginning to worry." Cas' already slumped shoulders dropped even farther, as well as his facial expression. Wrinkles of concern covered his forehead as his mind sorted through every reason he could think of as to why you were acting the way you were.

"It'll be alright, Cas. We'll figure this out and Y/N will be fine." Sam patted Castiel's back lightly as he passed by him, making his way over to your door, Dean following close behind.

Cas turned around to watch from afar, deciding on letting Sam and Dean handle the situation.


Three soft knocks on the wooden door lifted your head, the sinking feeling in your heart and on your chest seeming to sink more. The slightly overheard conversation from earlier popped back into your head as you stayed in your position. Cas was worried about you, and he just wanted to help, but you weren't letting him.

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