Another Dimension

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This one is weird. Just a warning. I was just talking to my best friend when the idea came to me. This one will be longer. Enjoy!

Your p.o.v.

Having a day off from hunting was rare. Most of the time it was just spent searching for another hunt. On those days you would be in your bedroom, finding a way to tell Castiel about the feelings you have for him. That never ended well. You would keep telling yourself to wait, and the time would come, but patience was not one of your strong suits. You would become frustrated, and then you would scream into your pillow, but after your tantrum, you would forget about telling him by taking a nap, or listening to music. Then the next day, you would become frustrated again. It was just a never ending cycle of frustration.

You were reading a book about spirits because it had been a while since you had faced a ghost. The information was repetitive but you read it anyway. You heard wings flapping and you smiled. You turned around and Cas was standing there. "Hiya Cas."

"Hello Y/N." Cas said monotonously. You smiled and he tilted his head. "What are you reading?"

"It's about spirits. I haven't hunted one in a while so I wanted to refresh my memory." You said and he nodded. You stood up and went into the kitchen to grab a water bottle. You took a sip and set it down. You walked back over to Cas, whose eyes were glowing a bright blue light. "What is it?" He didn't answer. He was concentrated on something. "Cas?" You asked and he looked at you.

"I sense something." He stated and you furrowed your eyebrows.

"What?" You asked and he squinted his eyes.

"I'm sensing something here." He repeated and you looked around. Before you could say anything, you felt wind blowing your hair and you appeared somewhere else. You looked around and saw Cas looking at you, but not at your face.

"Wha-" You looked down and shrieked. You were completely naked. You looked back at Cas, and he was naked as well. His face was red and you felt your face turn hot also. You ran behind a tree to hide your embarrassment but Cas just walked over to you.

"I apologize Y/N. Did I make you uncomfortable?" He asked innocently and you shook your head.

"N-no. I just didn't expect to... Lose my clothes so suddenly? I guess?" You said but it came out as a question.

"I do not understand why we are unclothed, but there must be a reason." You looked around and gasped. There were other people there, but they were naked as well.

"Uh Cas?" He looked at your face this time. "I think this is normal for them." You pointed towards the other people and Cas' face turned beat red. "Okay uh. How do we get out of here?" You asked calmly.

"I believe there is a portal on the other side, for the people who don't belong here." Cas said and you nodded. "That portal is over fifty miles away." You groaned and patted Cas on the back.

"Well, let's get going then." You sighed. "That'll most likely take a day and a half." Cas nodded and you had an idea. "Do you have powers here?" He shook his head.

"We are in a different dimension. I am powerless. The only thing that I have is never becoming tired or needing sleep." Cas said and you nodded.

"That thing you were sensing, do you know what it was? Maybe if we knew what it was, there would be a quicker way of getting out." You looked up at Cas and tried to forget about the nudity.

"One of my brothers. An archangel. Gabriel." He said and your eyes widened.

"We're dealing with a freaking archangel? Those things are really powerful." You said and Cas nodded.

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