Frail Wings

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Warning: Smut-like content below. Read at your own risk.

I didn't mean for this to turn out to be smut. It just kinda happened. Not my fanart!👆Enjoy! ;)

You were sitting in your bedroom with the door open when you heard the shower turn on in the other room. It was strange, seeing that Sam and Dean were in the library. It couldn't be Cas because he's an angel and he doesn't shower, but it had to have been Cas. He was the only other person in the bunker.

You were just writing in your journal, minding your own business, but this was confusing. If it was Cas, why was he showering? Was he just covered in dirt or blood and he was just trying to clean himself, or was there more to the story? You fully intended to find out.

You decided to start by asking Sam and Dean who was in the shower and why. You walked past the bathroom door as you made your way towards the library. As suspected, Sam and Dean were sitting in their regular chairs on their laptops. You walked over, making your footsteps louder than they needed to be so that you wouldn't scare them, and you clasped your hands together softly.

"Uh, guys?" You asked, working on your acting skills seeing that on the inside you were a beaming, smirking mess, but on the outside, you sounded confused and hesitant about something.

They both looked up from their devices and at you. You flicked your eyes from Sam and Dean and vice versa as they studied your expression. Neither of them said anything for a good thirty seconds as they expected the other to speak, and you chuckled, deciding to just continue your sentence on your own.

"Who's showering?" You asked and they looked at each other and back at you with wide eyes. Your eyebrows rose, waiting for an answer to your question as they stared at you.

Sam was the first to speak up. "Cas? I guess?" He responded and you looked at him, bewildered.

"But... Cas doesn't need to shower." You stated, your eyebrows furrowing together as you thought about the strange scenario. It was true confusion at this point. You weren't acting anymore. You really didn't know why Cas was showering.

"Maybe he's just relieving himself." Dean winked and you turned your head towards him with a disgusted look on your face.

"Eww. Dean, that's gross." You said as you shook your head at his childishness. "What are you, ten?"

Dean shrugged, a smug look on his face as he fixed his gaze on the laptop's screen once again. You chuckled softly as you turned to Sam.

"Well, I guess I'll go see what he's doing in there then." You said and Sam nodded, but Dean looked at you with a smirk on his face. "Oh shut up! He's my boyfriend!"

You headed back to the bathroom but the water was turned off. You knocked on the door softly as you stopped in front of the door.

"Cas, baby? Are you okay?" You asked as you stood in front of the door.

The door opened and Cas peaked out from behind the door as if he was hiding something. You furrowed your eyebrows as he looked away sheepishly.

"What is it?" You asked and he sighed.

"I was grooming my wings."

You looked at him like he was crazy which caused him to sigh again.

"Every once in a while, I need to groom my wings because they get dirt and debris stuck in them. Not to mention blood." Cas explained and you nodded.

"Do you need help?" You asked and he looked down with a small blush fanning across his cheeks.

"W-well, no. I, uh, I did it. But, uhm..." He paused as he stared at the wall to his right. "They get tense sometimes and I can't reach them..."

"Would you like me to massage them for you?" You asked and he nodded hesitantly.

He let you into the bathroom and closed the door after you, making sure to lock it. You looked at him with a confused expression plastered across your face.

"You'll see." You said as he made his way over to you. "I'm going to, uh..."

"Y-yeah. Go ahead." You encouraged and he nodded, suddenly feeling slightly self-conscious.

His wings appeared behind him and stretched out to their fullest. Well, as far as they would go considering the small bathroom. They were immense with black with a little bit of dark blue feathers where they joined at his shoulder blades. They were beautiful.

"C-can I touch them?" You asked, hope dwelling within you as you looked at the astonishing feathers.

"Wait." He said softly, causing you to look at him with worry overwhelming your features. "They're very sensitive."

"Will it hurt?" You asked and he shook his head, his face turning a bright red. "Oh. Oh... Alright."

He turned around and you started at the tips of his wings since you didn't really know where to start. Of course, you couldn't reach the tips because they were about three feet taller than him and you were about three feet shorter than him, so he had to lower them to your height. You ran your fingers through his feathers and he sighed deeply. You received a few moans and groans every once in a while and they made you smile but nothing too extreme. At least until you reached where they grew from his shoulder blades.

You were getting closer and closer to the roots of his wings, and he was a moaning mess. He was leaned over with the death grip on his slacks that he had put on before you knocked on the door. He had beads of sweat on his forehead as he growled from the pleasure. This just caused you to press harder as you grabbed handfuls of feathers.

As soon as you touched the inside edge of his wings, his groans became louder and louder to the point where he was begging you to keep going. You grabbed another fistful of feathers and he groaned loudly.

"P-please d-don't s-stop." He stammered as you pressed extra hard causing him to cry out in pleasure. "A-ahhh, Y/N." He moaned as his breathing became even more irregular than it already was.

"Are you gonna cum in your pants baby?" You asked seductively and he nodded.

"Y-yes." He said and you stopped your movements causing him to whine. "W-why'd you stop?" He asked and you smiled at his whiny attitude.

"Because I'm not gonna let you cum in your pants!" You unbuttoned his pants and undid the zipper, sliding his pants down his legs, as you slid his boxers down afterward. You returned to your position behind him and smirked.

You shoved your fingers into his feathers again and he whimpered. The pleasure became too much for him causing him to fall to the ground as he held himself up with his hands that were placed on the floor in front of him. You fell to the floor with him but never stopped your movements. He whimpered again causing you to become wet, hearing him make noises you'd never even knew he could make.

He had precum dripping out of his cock as you continued to grab his feathers relentlessly. You had one hand in his wings as you moved the other hand to wrap around his shaft. You began stroking him at the same time as you massaged his wings, causing him to moan and double over again.

He lasted about ten seconds until his orgasm crashed into him causing him to scream as he scratched the floor with his fingernails. He whimpered continuously as his orgasm faded away into nothing but a, still throbbing, cock. His breathing slowed as he looked at you. There was cum all over the floor and his stomach, and you giggled as you stood up to get a washcloth for him. You cleaned him up and helped him dress.

As soon as he was dressed and cleaned up, you both headed to your shared bedroom and fell into bed. You held each other and smiled.

Cas spoke up. "Thank you."

"You're welcome Cas."

"But, we can't go to bed yet. It's your turn." He smirked as he stood up and walked around to the end of the bed. He grabbed your feet and pulled you closer to his, still naked, figure.

Let's just say the night was, once again, filled with moans and groans as you made love to each other.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this!😏 I swear I didn't mean for it to turn into smut! It was an accident! Anyway, I love you guys! Stay beautiful!


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