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It's getting warm where I live so I thought I should write an imagine about the reader getting a sunburn, since I've already gotten many sunburns in the past month. This is what happens when you're part German and part French and definitely some Irish in there... sunburns. Anyway, don't mind me. Just rambling over here. Carry on.

1809 words... sorry not sorry. ;)

Your p.o.v.

It was a warm sunny day, and you had the perfect idea of spending it. Swimming. Well, more like laying in the sun and tanning beside the pool. Before your parents died, they owned a fancy hotel that had gone out of business a while back, so that was where you spent most of your alone time. You had always enjoyed going there because everything was still in perfect condition, people just didn't stay there anymore. You had planned on going alone, only because you felt the need to have some alone time, but your plans changed.

You had already changed into a Y/F/C bikini with a tank top and shorts, and you were grabbing a towel and a bottle of spray sunscreen, when Cas walked over to you with his famous head tilt. You smiled and greeted him like you always would.

"Hiya Cas!" You turned towards him and closed the cabinet above you. He smiled softly, which was something he had been doing often lately, and greeting you.

"Hello Y/N," He looked at the sunscreen that was in your hand and furrowed his eyebrows. "What are you doing?" He asked curiously and you smiled.

"I was gonna go to the hotel my parents used to own before they passed and it had gone out of business. There's a pool so I wanted to swim." You explained and he nodded, but he still looked unsure of himself.

"May I come with you?" He asked and your heart leapt for joy. Your crush on Castiel was hard to hide from the others, but they still don't know about it. Maybe this is the day that you could tell Cas that you like him. No. Love him. But dreams are dreams.

"Sure Cas! There's always room for one more." You said and he smiled.

You continued to get everything ready, with Cas following you like a lost puppy. You grabbed an extra towel for him, in case he wanted to lay in the sun, and looked for a pair of swimming trunks for him. You found a blue pair that matched his eyes and handed them to him.

"Put these on with a shirt and then we can leave." You said with a smile on your face and Cas nodded. He left to change and you waited for him, thinking of ways you could tell him about your feelings for him. You sorted through a few extravagant ideas in your mind, but eventually decided against them. Cas wouldn't want you to express your feelings for him in an overly excessive way. You decided to wait until that exact moment came, and then you would let your words flow like a stream of water across the concrete floor.

Your thoughts were interrupted when Cas came back in wearing the swimming trunks you gave to him with his white button up shirt. Not a good combination. You held your laughter in and guided Cas back into his bedroom.

"Let's get you out of this shirt." You said and Cas looked at you worriedly. "What's wrong?"You asked and he looked down.

"I don't have any other shirts." He said sadly and you smiled.

"That's okay Cas. I know that. You can borrow one of Dean's shirts since I'm guessing Sam's won't fit you." You chuckled softly and Cas nodded, letting you figure everything out.

You headed into Dean's room and grabbed an AC/DC shirt. You walked back into Cas' bedroom and gave him the shirt. You told him to take off his white button up and replace it with the AC/DC t-shirt. He nodded and lifted his hands up to the top button of his shirt fumbling with it. He sighed, clearly frustrated that he couldn't unbutton his shirt. You walked over and hovered your hands over his.

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