The Sixth Archangel Part 2

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This mini series was requested by shivathearcobat, but the part 2 was requested by LilyMarie0515.

Thank you for requesting, both of you. Also, I know angels don't sleep at all, but just go with it. Enjoy!

You woke up with someone's arms wrapped around you, and you were worried for a second, until you remembered the events that occurred the night before. You and Castiel had talked about your feelings for each other, and he kissed you, but you enjoyed it. You had loved spending every minute with the angel, even though you had recently met him. It felt like you had known him your entire life. It was a nice feeling to have his arms wrapped around your petite body.

Angels didn't normally have to sleep, and you were sure that he didn't sleep at all, but you were exhausted from the sudden escape from heaven's jail, and sleeping was always nice every once in while, since you were always bored out of your mind while sitting against the cold cement walls that surrounded you entirely. It was just a way to pass the time.

You turned over slowly to look at Cas, only to find him smiling at you. You giggled quietly and snuggled into his chest.

"How did we get here?" You asked, wondering how you had fallen asleep in the bed with the blankets covering you completely, and the pillows slightly fluffed up.

"Well, our father created the world--" You cut him off.

"No that's not what I meant." You laughed softly and he smiled. "I meant, how did we get here." You gestured towards the bed and your position beside Castiel.

"You must have been completely out of it." He said and you looked down, embarrassed from the teasing. No, not that kind of teasing. ;) He looked at you lovingly and continued. "You said that you were tired, so I laid you down in bed and laid beside you. I believe you fell asleep immediately." He explained and you nodded.

"Thank you for watching over me, because I'm guessing you didn't sleep." You told him and he nodded, a smile still tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"Angels are not supposed to sleep." He stated and you looked down while nodding.

"I know, it's just a habit that developed over time." You said and he furrowed his eyebrows. 'Time for storytime, I guess.' You thought to yourself and you prepared to tell the short version of the story of your life. "When I was in Heaven's jail, I was always bored, and one time I fell asleep, not realizing what happened. I guess I just used sleeping as a way to pass the time." You explained and he nodded, but looked at you sadly.

"If you don't mind my asking, why were you in Heaven's jail in the first place?" Castiel asked sweetly and you shook your head.

"Our brothers and sisters, or the few ones that even knew about me, didn't want anyone knowing about a sixth archangel, and they knew that I wouldnt agree, so they locked me up in Heaven's jail, expecting me to want to escape. Which I did, but I knew that if I tried, I would fail." You said and he looked at you with a slightly confused expression on his face.

"But, why didn't they want anyone knowing about you?" He asked and you shrugged, truly not knowing the answer.

"I don't know. Probably for safety." You said and he nodded, but he seemed angry.

"They knew about what was happening on Earth, and they knew that we could have used your help. Why didnt they want your help?" He asked and you shrugged your shouders again.

"I don't know. I wanted to help them, because I knew what was happening, but they wouldnt let me out. They were dead-set on keeping me locked up forever." You told him and he nodded, but he still seemed confused about one thing.

"I apologize for asking so many questions, but how did you escape?"

"No, thats okay, and I'm not sure. I had given up on even thinking about escaping. I just woke up and I was here. On Earth." You said truthfully and he smiled.

"Well, I'm glad you did." He said and you smiled and nodded.

Suddenly, he leaned over and grabbed the sides of his head. You realized what it was from and you grabbed the sides of your head as well. It was angel radio, and the angels were talking about you. 'Y/N will be found, and when she is, we will kill her for her disobedience.' When the voices finally ceased, you looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Did you here that?" He asked and you nodded. "Why do they want you dead, if you didn't even try to escape?" He asked and you shrugged, too shocked to speak. They were going to kill you.

"They must not know." You said quietly, terrified that your death could be right around the corner.

He stood up, worried about your safety, but you stayed where you were, trembling from fear. He looked at you lovingly, and softly stroked your cheek with his knuckle.

"Don't worry, my love. I wont let them hurt you. I'll keep you safe." He reassured and you nodded.

Suddenly, a group of five angels appeared in front of you and you stepped away, terrified of your brothers and sisters, and of their plans for you.

"You." One of the angels said angrily, while looking at Castiel. "Castiel, I thought you wanted to be forgiven, and allowed into heaven again. This won't get you anywhere." She continued and he looked at her angrily.

"I would rather have Y/N with me forever, then go back to heaven." He said and the angel furrowed her eyebrows.

"What? Why? She belongs in Heaven's jail." The angel explained and Castiel shook his head.

"Do you even know what she did to be put in Heaven's jail?" He asked and the angel slowly shook her head. "Nothing. She did nothing wrong. They were hiding her for, excuse my language, God knows what." Castiel snapped and the angel backed away. She looked at her fellow brothers and sisters who were standing around her, and they nodded. "Now, before we have a mass murder, I suggest you leave." Castiel was fuming, and the angels disappeared immediately. He looked at you, and before you could say anything, he smashed his lips onto yours and you smiled.

Once you pulled away, you looked at him lovingly and smiled. "Thank you Castiel, for everything."

"There is no need to thank me, and you can call me Cas." He told you and she nodded.

"I love you Cas."

"I love you too Y/N."

Hey guys! I'm sorry for not updating in like a week. I've been so busy with Softball games and practices, and school, that I completely forgot about my stories. Anyway, here's part 2 of "The Sixth Archangel". Thank you shivathearcobat and LilyMarie0515 for requesting this. Both part 1 and part 2. Bye!


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