Don't Leave Me

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Sorry guys, but it's been a while since I've written a sad one so here ya go.

Your p.o.v.

It felt like the apocalypse. Again. It felt like the world was underwater and you were running out of oxygen. It was relentless and the only thing that was keeping you from falling apart, was your boyfriend Castiel. But that love would soon fade, and you would be left to die. It was only a matter of time. Little did you know, that that love would fade a lot sooner than you wanted, and it was all your fault.

You were sitting in the bunker's library, dreading the conversation you were about to have with Castiel. You had made a decision, but only under force. Wrong place, wrong time, and it shoved you into the fire. It was just your bad luck deciding to jump right in, no matter what you said about it.


You were taking a walk to clear your head, under stress, anxiety and fear. You were done with the world and your life, but you knew that if you tried to harm yourself, Castiel would be heartbroken, so you steered clear, hoping that those feelings would leave, but they never did. They stayed with you even if you were happy. You still felt that hole in your chest. Even if you saw the one that you loved with everything, you felt a ping in your chest, knowing that something needed to change. Knowing that you needed to change something.

You turned a corner, expecting the path to be clear, but it wasn't. In the middle of the pathway stood the one and only Lucifer. You stopped dead in your tracks, terrified of what your destiny was in this situation. You slowly backed away hoping he didn't recognize you, but why wouldn't he recognize you? He smirked and put his finger up, using his powers to stop you.

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. Who knew I would run into you?" Lucifer said and you felt terror build up. "You know, I was kinda hoping you would talk with me." He said and you furrowed your eyebrows. He wasn't going to kill you?

"W-what?" You were too shocked to say anything else.

"Oh! She speaks." You narrowed your eyes. "Sorry. Not sorry. So, I'm gonna need you to come with me, okay?" He said, obviously tricking you.

You shook your head and kept your eyes narrowed. "There's no way in hell." You said angrily and he sighed.

"I knew you would be stubborn, Y/N. I guess we'll just have to do it my way." He said, a smirk growing across his face.

Before you could respond, the scenery around you changed. You were in a cold, dark room, tied down to a table. You started to panic, looking around for the only person you wanted to strangle with your own hands. Once you saw him, your panic changed to anger.

"Maybe you should have listened. You're not gonna like my way." Lucifer said as he made his way over to you with a needle. "I know you don't like shots."

"What're you gonna do?" You asked slightly nervous since you really did hate getting shots.

"I'm gonna make you do what I want you to do." He paused. "Like, for example, kill Castiel."

Your eyes widened and your jaw dropped to the floor. "What?! No!" You screamed and he smirked. You couldn't kill the only one keeping you here and keeping you strong.

"You don't have a choice Y/N, with what I'm gonna do to you." He held the shot up and your eyes widened.

"Brainwashing." You said mostly to yourself. "No, no, no, no, no. You can't do this." You said and he shook his head.

Castiel Imagines Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon