Back from Purgatory

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This one is based around season 8 episode 7, when Castiel comes back from purgatory. Also, this is not a season rewrite, and I'm not doing the dialogue from the episode. This is just a reader insert so don't judge me! I don't even really remember a lot of that episode so... Please, enjoy! Oh! One more thing. Detailed body parts... But no smut! I swear!

Your p.o.v.

Your boyfriend, Castiel, had been dead for a while, and you were heartbroken. He died while trying to kill Dick Roman, the leviathan. You were never the same after that. Until, someone showed up on your doorstep.

Let's start at the beginning.

You were researching a god when there was a knock at the door.You slowly stood up and grabbed your gun, prepared to shoot the threat. When you opened the door, you almost passed out. Castiel was standing on the doorstep of the cheap motel room, smiling at you. Your eyes widened and you jumped into his arms, sobbing.

"Castiel?! You exploded with Dick. You died." You said, still in his arms. He shook his head and set you down. He wrapped his arms around your waist in a tight embrace, and you did the same. Your boyfriend was finally back.

"I didn't die. I was in Purgatory, with Dean." He explained and you felt the lump in your throat thicken. You furrowed your eyebrows and Cas tilted his head.

"But... Dean came back a while ago. Why didn't you?" You asked and he looked down, eyes full of guilt. "What is it baby?"

"There was a portal for humans and Dean thought that I could go through, but I'm an angel." He explained, still not looking at you. You shook your head, not believing a word he was saying.

"No Cas. Tell me the truth. Please." You said and he sighed.

"When we reached the portal, Dean grabbed my hand and tried to pull me through with him, but I pulled away and told him to go without me." He looked in your eyes, which told you that he was telling the truth.

"Why wouldn't you go with him?" You asked, but you noticed his discomfort, so you grabbed his hands and rubbed circles on them.

"It's where I belonged. I've done more bad then good Y/N, that was where I needed to stay." He said and you had tears streaming down your face.

"No Castiel. You have not done more bad then good. Sure, you've made mistakes, but they weren't bad enough for you to say that you belonged in Purgatory."

"Thank you love." He said and you pulled him down and pressed your lips to his lovingly. Even though it tasted like dirt, it was all you needed, and you didn't care. Your lips moved with his perfectly as you reached around his head and tugged on his hair slightly. When you pulled away you giggled and stroked his face.

"I love the beard." You said and he smiled softly. "But, I know that you, being you, are gonna shave it all off immediately. Right?" You said and he nodded sheepishly. "That's okay. I know you have to keep the look professional because you're an angel. I still love you." You said and he smiled.

"I'm dirty." He said an you smiled while nodding.

"Let's get you cleaned up." You said as you brought him into your motel room. You lead him to the bathroom and you closed the door behind you. You pulled his trench coat off, as well as his shirt and pants after taking his shoes off. He was left in his boxer briefs, and you took a deep breath, knowing that you had to take those off too.

Even though you were dating him, you had never done the deed with him, or even seen him naked, so you were a little nervous. You reached over but paused and looked up at him, making sure it was okay. He nodded and you carefully pulled his boxer briefs down, causing his length to spring free. It was so freaking big, you tried so hard not to stare.

"Does this make you uncomfortable?" He asked and you shook your head.

"No! I want to help as much as I can." You said and he nodded.

You turned the bathtub on and waited for the warm water to fill up the tub. Once it did, you poured soap into in for suds and smiled contently. You looked at Castiel who had the smallest smile on his face.

"Yes, bathing. Humans do it to become clean." He stated and you nodded.

"Yes. Now it's your turn." You said as you grabbed his hand and carefully set him in the bathtub. He looked at you and you smiled while grabbing a bottle of body wash. "Alright. Put this all over your body and rub it in. I'll be back in a few minutes because I need to put your clothes in the washer." You explained and he nodded.

Luckily, this motel had a public washing machine and dryer right outside your motel room. You put his clothes in and turned it on. You headed back into your room and into the bathroom, only to see Castiel awkwardly rubbing the body wash on his shaft. You felt your face turn hot and you giggled nervously.

"This feels odd Y/N." He said and you kneeled down beside the bathtub to help him. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes tightly.

"God, please forgive me." You said as you put your palm around his length, hoping to help him clean it. Once that was clean, you helped him clean the rest of his body. You grabbed a bottle of shampoo and poured some in your hands. You started to massage his scalp and he moaned softly. You finished washing his hair and the rest of his body, so you grabbed a towel and helped him out of the bathtub. You wrapped the towel around his waist and smiled.

"Alright. Now we can shave this beautiful beard off." You said as you grabbed a razor and some shaving cream. You slightly leaned his head over the sink and you shaved the right side of his face first. Then the left, and finally the middle. Once his facial hair was gone, you put water on your hand, and wiped the excess away.

"Okay. I'm gonna brush your teeth now." You told him and he nodded. You grabbed a new toothbrush and mint toothpaste and slightly wet the toothbrush after putting toothpaste on it. You opened his mouth and slid the toothbrush across every tooth. After you finished, you cleaned the toothbrush and told him to spit the toothpaste out of his mouth and to rinse the rest of it out of his mouth with water. He did as you told him and once he was done he looked at you and smiled.

"Thank you." He said and you nodded.

"I'll go put your clothes in the dryer." You said and he nodded. You put his clothes in the dryer and chilled with him in your motel room until his clothes were finished. You grabbed them and helped him put them on. He thanked you and you nodded and smiled happy that your angel boyfriend was finally back.

Your next goal was to call Sam and Dean and tell them about Castiel, as well as his pamper day. Oh boy.

Hey guys! This one was cute! Also, I promised LilyMarie0515 that I would make this one the best one so please let me know! Isn't the picture at the beginning sexy as hell? Thank you!


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