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Hyperpigmentation is a darkening or lightening of the skin, frequently caused by higher or lower levels of melanin. It's kind of like a birthmark or freckles. If you didn't know what it was. Enjoy! ;)

Your p.o.v.

You were born with hyperpigmentation and you were extremely self-conscious about it. It was only on your face, but it was quite noticeable. You would cover it up with makeup every day because Sam, Dean, and Cas didn't know about it. Luckily, they knocked on your door before entering, so if you hadn't put it on yet or if you had just taken it off, you could hide in the bathroom and act like you were urinating so that they wouldn't be suspicious. It was hard to hide but you managed.

You had just taken off your makeup and you were about to step out of the bathroom and into your bedroom since your bedroom had an en-suite bathroom, when Cas appeared in front of you. You jumped and stepped back with wide eyes before remembering that your hyperpigmentation had been exposed. You turned around and dropped to the floor, hiding your face in your hands.

Cas knelt down beside you and placed his hand on your back. "Y/N? Are you alright?" He asked sweetly and you shook your head. "What's wrong?" He asked, but you shook your head once again. "It's okay. You can tell me." He rubbed your back soothingly and you took a deep, shaky breath.

You slowly pulled your hands away from your face and looked over at him. He smiled and you smiled back, remarkably nervous about what he was gonna say about your face. "Go ahead. Say it."

He furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head. "Say what?" He asked and you sighed.

"Tell me how ugly I am with this." You pointed towards your hyperpigmentation and he shook his head.

"No, Y/N. You're beautiful. Why would you hide it?" He asked softly, not wanting to push any buttons.

"It's hideous." You said, full of shame. You knew how ugly your face was, especially with your hyperpigmentation.

"No, it's not. It's beautiful. You shouldn't cover it up." Cas leaned in and kissed your forehead, causing your cheeks to turn red.

You felt a few tears stream down your face and you laughed at how bipolar your emotions were. "Thank you."

He picked you up and laid you down on your bed. He laid beside you and let you rest your head on his chest. You fell asleep quickly, allowing the sound of his heartbeat to lull you to sleep.


You woke up the next morning to Cas playing with your hair. You smiled and stretched, causing your joints to pop. "Good morning." You said, your voice not working properly from the lack of use.

"Good morning." He replied as he kissed your forehead.

You stood up from the bed and headed to the bathroom to brush your teeth. Once you were done, you picked up your makeup bag, planning on covering up your hyperpigmentation. You stared at your utensils for a few seconds but put them down on the counter and walked away from them.

Cas furrowed his eyebrows as he stood up from the bed. "You're not going to cover it up?" He asked, silently hoping you wouldn't. He thought you were beautiful just the way you were.

"Nope." You said proudly, causing him to smile as he walked over to you.

He leaned in and pressed his lips to yours softly. Once he pulled away, he kept his eyes closed and smiled. "Thank you." He said and it was your turn to furrow your eyebrows.

"For what?"

"For listening to me and believing that it's true because it is." He said and you smiled and nodded.

"You're welcome." You walked out of your bedroom and into the library, Cas following behind you.

As soon as you stepped into the library Sam and Dean looked up and furrowed their eyebrows. You smiled and waved and they waved back.

"Something's different about you," Dean observed and he squinted his eyes shut as he thought about it. "Your freckles! You have freckles?" He asked and you laughed softly while shaking your head.

"Kind of. I have hyperpigmentation. I would normally cover it up with makeup." You explained and they nodded.

"But, why? They're cute." Dean said and you blushed.

"That's what I said," Cas said from behind you and Dean's eyebrows rose.

He pointed at you and then at Cas, and then back at you. You nodded and smiled as you leaned up and kissed Cas' cheek.

"I'm not even gonna ask." He said and you giggled. "You shouldn't cover them up anymore. I like them."

You giggled. "Thanks." You grabbed Cas hand and entwined your fingers together. Life was going to get so much easier now that you didn't have to hide from them. You could finally be yourself.

Hey Guys! This one just popped into my head. I hope you liked it! But, guys! I posted the first two chapters of my Castiel x OC! It's called "Hidden Secrets" and I'm super excited about it! You guys should go check it out! It's gonna be so cute! Anyway, I love you guys! Stay beautiful!


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