In a Squabble

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I love that word. Squabble! ;)

Warning: Fighting, angst (If it even counts), fluff!

Your p.o.v.

The werewolf threw you against the wall knocking the air out of your lungs, and he picked up your silver blade, approaching you with a smirk. He knew he was going to win this, so he took his time preparing the knife. You reached for the pistol that was hidden in your jeans just as he was about to stab you. He pressed the blade through your left side, but before he could get deep enough to kill you, you shot him with a silver bullet, causing him to fall to the floor with a thump. He was dead.

You slowly descended from the wall but winced from the pain in your side. You took your flannel off and tied it around your waist, across the wound. You weren't going to die of blood loss. You wouldn't let that happen. You slowly walked out of the now empty warehouse and over to your car, hoping that Sam and Dean wouldn't be suspicious, especially Castiel, your boyfriend of two years. You hopped in and put the key in the ignition. The engine turned over with a beautiful roar and you stepped on the gas pedal hoping to get back to the bunker quickly.

You pulled into the garage of the bunker and parked your car beside Baby. You took a deep breath before stepping out of your car, unsure of how they were going to react. You still had the flannel tied around your wound, but the blood had seeped through while you were driving. You winced as you stepped out, feeling more blood seep through from the movement of your skin. You headed to the trunk and grabbed your duffle bag, feeling the nerves build up. You were only worried about how Castiel would react. He was always concerned about you, no matter what the situation was.

You walked down the stairs and opened the door, the butterflies in your stomach becoming more intense as you stepped into the bunker. You had to pass by the library to get to your bedroom, which caused your nerves to practically explode. You knew that Sam, Dean, and Cas would be in there, so you decided to slyly rush past, hoping that they wouldn't notice. You slowly tiptoed closer, and right as you got to the line, you sprinted to your bedroom. You were almost there when you heard a familiar voice call your name.

"Y/N! Get your ass in here!" Dean yelled, clearly agitated. He knew you were hiding something.

Your stomach dropped and your hands were shaking as you made your way to the library. If it was just Dean in there, you would be fine, but that was unlikely. You held the flannel to your wound, hoping that they wouldn't notice that you were injured, as you walked up the steps and into the library. You looked up and Sam, Dean, and Cas were all standing up and facing you as you walked in. You made eye contact with an angry Cas, who looked slightly worried as well.

"Where were you?" Cas asked sternly, making it sound more like a command than a question.

You sighed and rubbed your nose, trying to find a way to make it less awkward, but also trying to avoid telling them where you were.

"Answer me." Cas stringently stated with intimidation lacing over his voice.

"I was hunting." You said quietly, attempting to bypass Cas' anger.

"Why would you hunt alone?" Cas seemed angrier with you and you knew you deserved it.

"It was a werewolf that was killing innocent people, and you guys were busy with something else so I just went alone." You told but they weren't letting your explanation make them feel better, especially Cas.

"You could've told us and asked one of us to come with you!" Cas yelled, anger flowing through him.

Sam and Dean left you both to sort it out, knowing that Cas would've shoved them away sooner or later.

"No, because you would've made me stay back because I'm not a good enough hunter for you!" You argued, becoming angrier by the second.

"You could've gotten hurt!" Cas was fuming with rage. He cared about you too much to let you put yourself in harm's way.

You looked down, scared to say what you had to say because it would only cause him to become outraged. "Too late." You said quietly, refusing to make eye contact with him.

He tilted his head and you pointed at the flannel that was acting as a makeshift bandage. You slowly untied the flannel and lifted your shirt enough to show him the stab wound in your left side. His gaze softened as he made his way closer to you. You backed away not allowing to let him get any closer.

"Let me heal you." He said with a sad expression plastered across his face.

You shook your head. "No, I deserve to suffer because of what I did and the worry and pain I caused." You said and he shook his head.

"Please. I'm sorry." Cas looked down sadly, knowing that he went too far.

You sighed and stepped closer to him, stroking his scruffy cheek softly. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gone on a hunt alone." You attempted to wrap your arms around his neck but he stopped you.

"Let me heal you first." He said with a small smile, feeling better about the situation.

You nodded and he hovered his hand above your stab wound, causing a warm feeling to spread throughout your body. You smiled and the pain in your left side disappeared almost instantly. He took his hand away and you wrapped your arms around his neck in a tight embrace. You felt his arms wrap around your waist as he rested his face in the crook of your neck. You did the same to him, breathing in his scent.

"I love you." He said into your neck, the vibrations from his voice tickling you, causing you to giggle.

"I love you too." You smiled, feeling better about the entire circumstance. Maybe the next time you wanted to go on a hunt, you could just take Cas with you.

You both spent the rest of the day with each other, holding each other the entire time, and spending time together to forget about the mishap, because it was your love for each other that caused you to not focus on the bad, but on the good. And the good, was that you would be together forever, and love each other until the end of time.

Hey guys! Like I said before, this wasn't really angsty, but it was kinda sad so I put angst in the warnings. I hope you liked this one! It took me about two hours to write. Also, I'm still thinking about what my new story is going to be about. It's going to be either a Castiel x Reader, or a Castiel x OC. I'm still not sure yet. I know I said a reader insert but I'm contemplating that, because these imagines are reader inserts and I feel like the two books would be too similar. I don't know. I'll let you guys know. I love you guys! Stay beautiful and awesome!


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