10 Facts About Me!

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I've been tagged once again! Thank you StacielNovak112. Some of these are in my description box on my account because I don't have any more facts about myself.

1. I'm legally blind. I don't even know how since no one in my family has trouble seeing but it's true. I've been wearing glasses since I was 1 year old.

2. I'm fluent in Latin. Don't ask.

3. My voice is extremely high pitched for my age. I don't know why.

4. I used to be a Sam girl but over Christmas break of 2017 I changed to a Cas girl. Then, I started writing fanfictions about him in January.

5. I taught myself how to play Dean's Family Dedication theme song on the piano. It took me 2 months.

6. I started school a year early so I'm a year younger than all of my classmates. Apparently I was smart enough.

7. When I first started watching Supernatural, I watched about half of "Pilot" and I refused to watch the rest so I just skipped it and watched the rest of the show. Once I finished the rest I went back and watched "Pilot". Don't judge, I was 11 years old!

8. I went from watching "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" to "Supernatural". There was nothing in between because I was still watching "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" in 7th grade.

9. I'm allergic to chlorine but I can still swim. It only affects my face.

10. Last but not least, I can get sunburnt within 15 minutes of being in the sun since I'm as white as paper!

There you go! 10 facts about me!

I tag:






I would tag more people but I'm lazy today. I love you guys! Stay beautiful!


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