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Request by GhostHeartSpirit.

"Castiel x kidnapped reader? Where the reader has been taken by a witch or some being that wants to use her as bait for Castiel and the Winchester boys because the reader is a childhood friend to Dean and Sam. But she hasn't seen them in a few years."

Thank you for requesting! In this one, the reader is in her mid-to-late thirties. Enjoy!

The room was dark, and you were the only thing in it. You remember coming home from work, only to be knocked unconscious, and taken here, wherever this place was. You didn't see the enemy, you only felt its cold, lifeless hands grabbing you and dragging you away.


You had recently finished work, and you were driving home, stressed from the difficult day at work. Your boss hated you, and your co-worker was done with your shit. You always dreaded getting up in the morning, because you knew that your day would be crappy. That was exactly why you would blast the radio every ride home, just to get your mind off of things. It would get you pumped to get home and do absolutely nothing.

You had pulled into your driveway and parked your car, stomach grumbling from the lack of food you had eaten that day. You walked through your front door and set your keys on the end table that was placed directly beside the door. You kicked your shoes off and walked towards the kitchen, anxiously, ready to fill your empty stomach. As soon as you turned the corner, something hit you in your head and you were immediately knocked unconscious. The only thing you remembered, was being dragged across your own kitchen tiles.

End of flashback

You quickly shook your memories away, when you heard footsteps approaching. You panicked and tried to rid yourself of the ropes that had bound you to the chair completely. The ropes had been tied too tightly, and you were only giving yourself burns. You slumped, terrified of what was about to happen to you. The door opened, which caused you to look away from the bright lighting that had seeped through, and a girl, who looked to be in her mid-twenties, walked in with a smirk on her face. You furrowed your eyebrows at the girl who was, in fact, younger than you.

"Who the hell are you?" You asked sternly and she laughed.

"The name's Shaylin." She paused. "I'm a witch." Your breath hitched in your throat. A witch? Those didn't exist, right? "Oh! You didn't know?" She asked sassily. "About demons and werewolves and ghosts and witches." She said and your eyes widened. "They're all real." She stated and you started to shake slightly, trying to process the new information.

You decided to change the subject, not believing that any of it was real. "Why did you kidnap me?" You asked and she chuckled.

"I'm using you as bait. I need a few people to notice your disappearance, and to come after you." She stated and you furrowed your eyebrows.

"Who?" You asked and she smirked walking closer to you.

"The Winchesters. And that angel who's always following them around. I think his name is Castiel." She said and you gasped. You had been good friends with the Winchesters when you were younger. Why would she kidnap you to get to the Winchesters?

"Why do you need to have them here?" You asked and she picked up a small knife, toying with it as she spoke.

"They have something of mine. They took it when they were hunting a ghost a few weeks ago." She explained and your heart almost stopped. The Winchesters knew about monsters, and they kept it from you the entire time. "Aww. They never told you about their life, did they? Yep, they hunt monsters, and they kept it from you the entire time." She said, her voice full of sass.

You looked away, considering the thought but shoving it away quickly. It wasn't possible. You were so close to the Winchesters. Would they keep such a big secret from you?

"Anyway, they should be here soon, since I just checked in on them and they had just figured out about your disappearance." She said and you furrowed your eyebrows for what seemed like the fiftieth time since you had been in that room.

"But... I was only gone a few minutes." You said and she chuckled softly.

"Oh honey. You've been gone for," she looked at her watch, "three days." She concluded and your eyes widened.

"How was I out the entire time?" You asked and realization hit you like a semi-truck. "Did you drug me?" You asked angrily.

She nodded proudly and you scoffed. "Yep!"

"Oh you son of a bitch." You said and she cackled loudly.

"Right back attcha." She exclaimed and you rolled your eyes.

Suddenly there was loud banging noises from what seemed like upstairs, but how would you know? You had been in that dark room, drugged, for three whole days. Shaylin jumped up and smiled.

"Our guests have finally arrived. Now, stay put." She walked over to the door and opened it slowly, which resulted in a loud, squeaky noise from the hinges. She snuck past quickly and closed the door behind her, leaving you in the dark room.

After a while of you hearing crashing sounds and grunts from fighting, Sam, Dean, and a man whom you were sure was Castiel, walked into the room. Once Sam and Dean saw you they rushed over and untied you of the ropes that had given you burns earlier. They looked you in the eyes with worried expressions on their faces.

"It's been a while." You stated and they nodded. They helped you stand up and you smiled.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked and you nodded.

"Yeah just these pain in the ass rope burns." You explained while rubbing your wrists lightly.

"Looks like someone tried too hard to escape." Dean teased and you laughed while nodding. "Cas? Could you heal her please?" The man walked over and pressed two fingers to your forehead. You gasped but, in seconds, all of the pain was gone. You looked at the man and noticed his beautiful features. He had dark brown hair and ocean blue eyes. He had some scruff, and he was wearing a suit under a tan trench coat. He was absolutely gorgeous.

"Cas, this is Y/N, a family friend." Sam introduced and you smiled. You extended your hand and he took it.

"My name is Castiel. Sam and Dean call me Cas." He explained and you nodded.

"I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you Castiel." You said and he smiled softly.

"That's a pretty name." He said shyly and you blushed.

"Damn Cas. He doesn't normally warm up to people this fast." Dean stated and you smiled. Cas looked down shyly and you patted his shoulder comfortingly.

"It's alright. I've been there." You said happily, mainly towards Cas, who was still smiling. "I like you, you're cool."

"Actually I'm quite warm." He said and you laughed.

Yep this was going to be the start of a humorous friendship. Maybe something more.

Hey guys! Sorry this took me so long. I've been super busy lately. I have sooo many projects due since my last day of school is May 31st but, you know, being an 8th grader kinda sucks because I have to go to high school next year and it's gonna be so much worse. Oh well. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! I know it doesn't mention the "hunting monsters" thing or the "what the hell is this Castiel guy" but just go with it. I was too lazy. Thank you!

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