Chiweenie Times

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This one was inspired by my Chihuahua Dachshund mix, Petey. (AKA Chiweenie) By the way guys, all of the details about the dog is true. This is actually my dog. Enjoy!

Your p.o.v.

You met the Winchesters and Castiel, at least that's what they called him, a few hours ago, when you were attacked by a Wendigo, while hiking in a forest. They lead you out of the forest and lit the sucker on fire while you waited in their awesome car, a black, four door ,1967 Chevy Impala. Once they came back, Sam and Dean got in the front seat, and Castiel sat in the back with you. You had to be honest, Castiel was pretty cute and innocent, and being an angel and all, made him even more cute. It was just a small crush that had developed and you couldn't help your feelings.

The only issue with the Winchesters, was that you had a Chihuahua Dachshund mix named Petey. Sam and Dean wanted you to live with them in their bunker, but you never told them about Petey. You wanted to live with them, and especially Castiel, but you were scared that they we going to say that you couldn't keep your only companion. You figured you might as well tell them, since you were going to have to eventually.

There was a comfortable silence on the ride back to your apartment as you stared out the window, looking at the familiar scenery. You smiled when you saw your apartment complex, but the smile faded when you realized that Sam, Dean, and Castiel would probably follow you into your apartment, and if they saw your adorable little Chiweenie, they could change their minds about letting you live with them. You took a deep breath as the Impala pulled into a parking spot. You opened the squeaky door, and stepped out of the beautiful car. It was a nice day, with fluffy clouds and blue skies, and the birds were chirping. You sighed and grabbed your hiking backpack, since you hadn't been home since the incident. You threw your backpack over your shoulder and smiled at the boys.

"You coming? I still have to pack up my stuff and change." You said and they nodded while getting out of the car.

"Are you coming too Cas?" Dean asked and you smiled at the cute nickname they had made for him by shortening his name. Cas nodded as he got out of the car. You smiled and headed towards your "house".

Once you got to the door, you turned towards the boys and giggled. "You guys better look out. I have a fierce, relentless protector." You joked as you turned around to unlock the door. Sam and Dean traded looks while Cas just stood there with his head tilted and his eyebrows furrowed. You giggled and opened the door, revealing a small, black dog that was about 6 pounds. Sam and Dean gasped while Cas looked at the small dog with a confused expression.

"This is the...fierce, relentless protector?" He asked and you giggled at his innocence.

"It was a joke Castiel. He's the most pathetic dog, but I love him." You stated and Cas nodded.

"That's a boy?" Dean asked and you nodded while making your way into your apartment.

"Yes. Sorry about the mess. I don't have guests that often. But please, make yourselves at home." You said as you set your backpack down.

"Let me guess, you made his name about as pathetic as he looks?" Dean said and Sam chuckled causing you to laugh.

"His name is Petey. If you count that pathetic, then yes." You said and Dean nodded.

"I think it suits him." Sam said and Dean nodded.

"There's a story behind the name. I'm not just terrible at choosing names." You joked and Dean chuckled.

"Shoot." Dean sat down on your couch, followed by Sam and Castiel. You sat across from them and smiled at the story you were about to tell.

"Well, when I got him, his name was Pity, because of how pitiful he was. I thought that was mean, so I chose a name that was closest to that, which just so happened to be Petey." You explained and Cas smiled.

"Your animal seems to like me." Cas said and you looked down, only to see Petey laying in his lap asleep. Your heart jumped for joy and you smiled widely. Cas was petting Petey softly, while he inspected Petey's short, black fur.

"Aww. That's so cute." You said happily. "Anyway, I was wondering if I could maybe...take him with us to the bunker?" You said, but it came out as more of a question.

"Dean's not a huge fan of dogs, but there's no way you're leaving him here or selling him. He seems to like Cas." Sam stated and you smiled widely.

"Thank you!" You yelled and Petey shot straight up, looking for danger. You giggled and picked him up off of Cas lap. You ran to go pack everything you needed to live in the bunker with Sam, Dean, and Cas.

Time skip

After packing, Dean drove you all the way to the bunker, singing along to the classic rock that was blasting from the radio. Cas seemed content with the car ride, and you smiled looking at the small crate that held your bundle of joy, who was probably wrapped up in blankets. You were thinking about how your life would end up when your favorite song came on the radio.

"I WAS CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF A RAILROAD TRACK!" You sang as loud as you could, waiting for the chorus. "YOU'VE BEEN THUNDERSTRUCK!" You screamed and Dean chuckled.

"A fan of AC/DC, huh?" He asked and you nodded roughly.

"AC/DC is my life." You said and Dean smiled.

He pulled into the bunker's garage and parked the car. You jumped out and grabbed the crate, along with your other bags. You followed Cas into the bunker and looked around.

"Holy crap. How the hell am I gonna find my way around here?" You asked no one in particular and a smile tugged at the corner of Castiel's mouth.

"It does seem a bit confusing, doesn't it?" He said and you nodded. "If you ever get lost, pray to me and I'll help you." Cas said as he fixed his gaze on you. You blushed and nodded, smiling.

"Thank you Castiel." You said and he nodded.

"You can call me Cas. That's what Sam and Dean call me." He said and you smiled and nodded.

"Okay Cas." You said and he smiled slightly.

Just then, Petey whined, distracting you from the beautiful angel standing in front of you. You sighed and Cas smiled.

"I'll show you your room. Your animal seems to want freedom." Cas said and you smiled while nodding. He brought you to a room that was plain with white walls, a bed, a desk, a dresser, and a closet. You thanked him and let Petey out of his crate, letting him roam free.

"You'll have to get used to this huge place Petey." You said and Cas flew in.

"Are you talking to Petey?" He asked and you blushed.

"Yeah, I like talking to him. I don't know why." You said and Cas tilted his head, still looking at Petey.

"Can I talk to him?" He asked and you giggled.

"Sure! He might not answer though." You joked and Cas seemed to notice the joke. He smiled and kneeled down in front of the small dog.

"I once interrogated a cat." He said to Petey and you smiled widely. "I almost had him, but Dean made me follow him to a different room." He continued to say. "I believe you are the cutest animal I have ever come across." He said and you laughed. Petey was just sitting on the floor staring at him, probably mesmerized by those beautiful ocean blue eyes. Cas put his hand up to Petey's body and stoked his fur. You smiled as Petey nudged Cas. "You'll have a good life here. I promise you."

Hey guys! This is actually my doggie! The picture at the beginning is my dog! He's 6 years old and only 6 pounds! I hope you enjoyed this! Thank you for 915 reads!


Castiel Imagines Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz