Castiel x Braces!Reader

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Your p.o.v. 

     Having braces was painful and uncomfortable, and you hated everything about it. You got braces a few months before you met the Winchesters , and you had only known the Winchesters for about two months.  Your crush on Castiel didn't help either. 

     You woke up and your wire was poking the inside of your cheek. Your bracket was very sharp and you had a large, swollen bump from the wire. The bracket was in the very back of your mouth, so you couldn't put any wax on it to help it. You tried to forget about it and get ready for the day. You chose an outfit and brushed your teeth. You then brushed your hair and put your rubber bands in your mouth.

     You headed towards the library  and greeted Sam and Dean. "Hey guys. What are you doing?"

     "Hi Y/N. We were just looking for a hunt and we seem to have found one." Sam explained and you nodded. "But we think you should stay here for this hunt." Sam continued and you sighed, knowing that you couldn't argue with the Winchesters. 

     "Yeah, alright." You said sadly and Dean walked in.

     "Don't worry, Cas will be here so you're not alone." Dean said as he winked at you. You smiled and Dean chuckled at your reaction. "Ya know, most people would tell me to shut up, but you just admit it right away." Dean said and you shrugged.

     "I have nothing to hide." You said as you threw your hands in the air. Sam chuckled and Dean shook his head.

     "Alright, well, we better go. People are dying." Sam said as he stood up. Dean grabbed a duffle bag and followed Sam up the stairs. "Cas will be here soon." Sam said and you nodded. They opened the metal door and left. 

     You sighed and headed into the kitchen for breakfast. You grabbed a box of cereal and poured it into a bowl . You poured milk into it and took a bite. You heard wings flapping and you turned around. You finished chewing and smiled. "Hey Cas." You said and he nodded.

     "Hello Y/N. You seemed to be in pain earlier. Are you okay?" Cas asked and you nodded.

     "Yeah I'm good." You paused. "My wire was poking me and it was uncomfortable."

     "I can heal the swollen part, but I can't fix the wire." Cas said and you smiled,  "Allow me." He put two fingers on your forehead and your cheek didn't hurt as much. "Better?" He asked and you nodded.

     "Yes, thank you Cas." You said and he nodded.

     "Y/N, your teeth are straight. Why do you need pieces of metal in your mouth?" Cas asked and you shrugged.

     "Well I had braces before I met you guys, and I guess I just never had the chance to go back to the orthodontics." You explained and he nodded.

     "Would you like to go to the... Orthodontics to see if you can get them off?" Cas asked and you nodded. 

     "Yeah, Cas. Let's go." You said and he zapped you to the door of an orthodontics. You walked in and smiled at the employee sitting behind the desk.

     "How may I help you?" She asked kindly and you smiled again.

     "I, uh, my name's not in the system, but I was wondering if I could just, ya know, talk to the doctor to see if I can get my braces off." You explained and she nodded.

     "Yeah sure. Just let me call the doctor and tell him." She said and you nodded. She called the doctor and told you both to sit in the waiting area. "Oh! I almost forgot. What's your name?" She asked and you smiled.

     "Chloe." You lied and she nodded. 

     You sat in the waiting room with Cas and started shifting your body. Cas looked over at you worriedly. He tilted his head and you laughed nervously.

     "What's wrong?" He asked and you sighed.

     "What if I do get my braces off? I've had them on for, like, forever it feels like." You said and cas smiled.

     "Then, you'll be even more beautiful." He said and your breath hitched in your throat. You were about to ask him what he meant, but a nurse walked in and interrupted you.

     "Chloe?" She asked and you stood up.

     "Just stay here cas. I'll be back in a few minutes." You said and he nodded.

     You walked into a single room with no one else in it. The woman told you to sit in the chair so you did. She grabbed a few tools and looked in your mouth. 

     "Your teeth seem to be perfectly straight, and it doesn't look like you have any problems, but we'll just have to see what the doctor says." She explained and you nodded. The doctor walked in right after she said that and you smiled. He was handsome and young and he seemed like he'd be a very nice person to work with. 

    "Hi. Chloe, right?" He asked and you nodded. "Alright, let's take a look." He looked inside your mouth and began working his way through every tooth. When he was finished he smiled and you tilted your head. "Your teeth are perfect. I'll start the process of taking your brackets off." You smiled and nodded. 

     When every bracket was off you skimmed your teeth with your tongue and it felt slimy and weird. You smiled and the nurse lead you back into the waiting room.

    Cas was still sitting in the chair waiting for you. He stood up when he saw you and you smiled. He smiled back and you giggled. "You're teeth are beautiful Y/N." He said and you smiled. He zapped you both to the bunker and you sighed. "I need to tell you something." Cas said nervously and you smiled. "I... I love you." Your heart skipped a beat and your smile became wider, involving your eyes closing.

     "I love you too castiel." You pressed your lips to his softly and he kissed back. You chilled with him for the rest of the day.

     I don't know guys. I have braces and my wires are always poking me in the cheek so I decided to write about it, I guess. I hope you enjoyed this. Thank you!

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