Figure It Out

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Tracy's POV

" Why are you guys not letting me meet Betty?!!! It's 2 weeks now. I am kinda feeling weird with all of your behavior since I have woken up." I asked Tasha who was holding baby Karson. He seemed happy with her.

" Just relax. She is alright. You don't stress out yourself." She said.

" Where is Bianca now?" I asked about Karson's mom. Tasha looked at Liam who was working in his laptop sitting on the couch. He gave me a flat look but didn't say anything. She cleared her throat and then tried to smile a bit.

" She is with Betty. You know she needs full attention now." Tasha said and I nodded.

" But where is Xavier then?" I asked about Karson's dad.

" He is with Bianca. They both are with Betty." Liam replied without looking at me.

" Right and they too don't have any time to visit me for once?!" I asked him.

I know they will never ever do that. Cause ever since I know Betty, Bianca always is an elder sister to me. Whenever I use to be sick she use to call me at least to ask me about my health. And talking about Xavier he is always very caring towards Betty like a big brother. If he forgets then it doesn't matter but Bianca!!! She won't forget. At least that's what I believe.

" You can't understand. Betty is in a very sensitive condition. So, they need to be there." Tasha said and pinched on Karson's nose. He giggled.

" He likes you." I said and she kissed on his forehead.

" He is a cute boy." She said.

" He is." I said.

" Yeah. Look at his smile. God, he is so cute." Tasha said touched the tip of his nose and he gave her a toothless smile

He still haven't tooth. He is almost 4 months old. I hope he will get his teeth come out soon. Betty and I are so excited about him started to walk and talk. It will be a moment to remember for us. I just want him to grow up soon.

" Yes, I know." I said smiling at them.

" Good morning, guys." I heard my big brother turned to see him entering the room.

" Morning, Flynn." Liam said to him.

" Good morning, bro." I said and he smiled.

" Good morning, Flynn." Tasha said. " It's still so early that you came." She replied.

" I just dropped Finn and Tiana at the hotel." He said as he sat beside me.

" You should go and take rest as well." Tasha said to him.

" I am fine." Though he said that but I can see the dark circles around his eyes.

See!!! This why I don't want to get into any trouble. Cause he got too much tensed.

" Tasha is right, Bro. You should go and take rest. You look like zombie. Go take rest. I am fine. See?" I gave him a tight smile. He shook his head.

" I am fine." He said.

" Stop pretending. Go, have rest, you need it Flynn. Don't you deny that." She said and I nodded. He just sighed.

" Had the doctor came to check you already?" He asked me. I shook my head.

" It's still early." Tasha said.

" I will go and call the doctor. Liam, come with me. Have something to talk to you." Bro said and Liam stood up. He came to me and kissed on my forehead.

" I will be right back." He said and I nodded.

They went out of the room and I saw Tasha taking selfi with baby Karson including me.

" Hey!!! Don't include me. I am looking like a zombie. Take pictures with baby Karson only." I said to Tasha.

" You don't look like a zombie. It's ok." She said.

" I do. Don't take my photos. I don't want it." I said.

" Tracy is no fun. Right, baby?" Tasha asked Karson and he give her a giggle.

I chuckled seeing him this happy. He turned his head towards me and sticked his tongue out at me. I laughed at this. This boy is really so cute. He got platinum blonde hair and grey eyes of his from his mom.

" He is happy." I said patting his head with my left hand.

" He is. I know. Last night he was crying but see now. He is smiling." She said.

" He was with you last night? Bianca is that busy that she doesn't have any time for her son as well?!" I asked getting puzzled totally.

" I mean she was there. I was just saying that he was crying cause I was with them." She said.

" Why didn't you tell me that she came?" I asked her.

" You slept earlier." She answered.

" Oh. Ok. Then tell her to meet me when she comes tonight." I said to her. She nodded weakly.

" By the way Dean hadn't come?! At least he could visit me." I said.

" He couldn't come cause it's been raining there in New Zealand and all the flight got cancelled. So he kinda stuck there. You know he is not able to reach here." She said.

" Oh, ok. I can understand." I said. " I can call him. Give me your phone." I said to her. I wanted to know what was happening around me. They were just keeping me in dark. I don't know why they can't tell me what actually happened!!!

" Do you have his number by the way?" She asked me.

" Yes, it's in my phone." I said then I sighed. My phone is broken.

" And your phone is in garbage." She said.

" Alright, ask Bianca for his number when you get to meet her." I said returning her phone back.

" Surely will do that." She said.

" I just want to talk to Betty. When is the doctor going to discharge me?" I asked her.

" What do you want to talk to her?" She asked me.

" Definitely about Anahita first. She never bothered to talk about her with me." I said.

" What use?! She is a crazy psychopath. Actually no use of talking about her." She said to me.

" Yes, but she is her twin. She should have talked about her." I said to her.

" Just forget it. It's not necessary." She said and I looked at her weirdly.

I was about to answer her but the same time Liam entered the room with the doctor and stopped me at once from talking about this anymore.

" Where is Flynn?" Tasha asked Liam as she sat beside him.

" Sent him back. He needs to take rest." Liam said.

The doctor gave me a check up and told me that I am improving. I smiled at this and thanked him. He left and I leaned back on the pillow. I knew there is something wrong. There is something that they were lying to me and hiding the truth about Betty and her family cause it was completely unbelievable story that they were saying to me. I need to figure it out.

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