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Tracy's POV

" What happened to you, Tracy?" Dany asked me as he handed me a cup of coffee.

" Nothing happened but I think Susan is in danger." I said to him taking the coffee from him.

" What? Why? What happened to her? Has she messed up again?" He asked me.

" Take a breath, Dani. She is alright but her drawing pins messed everything." I said.

" Drawing pins!!" He asked and I nodded.

" Yeah." I said and explained him everything.

" Good girl. Did a great job. We need give her a Nobel prize for this. She spread peace by clearing the traffic. You know now a days traffic is just too much to handle. Very irritating." He said.

" But Paris is still comfortable in comparison of the other cities in Europe." I said.

" That doesn't mean that we have to break traffic rules. That lady broke traffic rules. She has money this why she is not afraid to pay the fines. But she was creating a great problem for others without any right. If people like her keeps doing these then common people will be in problems which they do a little care. I hate it about the people who don't think about others." Dani said.

" I do understand but what can we do here if they don't understand?!!" I asked him.

" Do exactly what Susan has done. Fantastic thing she has done. I am with her. Super girl Susan from Toronto." Dani said and I chuckled.

" Yeah, but now if Marc fire her then?" I asked Dani.

" Why will he fire her? Who was wrong here?" Dani asked.

" It was Marc's friend but still. If he does then?" I asked him.

" He won't. I know Marc." He said.

" You said Marc is your close friend. Will you please try to talk to him?" I asked him.

" Sure. But I know I no need to talk to him about this." He said confidently.

" If you say so. But Marc was angry when he called Susan in his cabin. It's been 20 minutes she still hasn't returned." I said looking at the watch.

" Relax. It may be work related discussion. If Marc had fired her then she would be back by now." He said and I nodded. He was right. If Susan was fired then Marc wouldn't talk to her this long just to waste his time to lecture a fired staff.

" Yeah right. But still I am not convinced. What can I do to not getting fired?? How can we stop Marc from firing Susan?" I asked him.

" Well, Marc doesn't take all the decisions. There are still bosses to do so." He said to me shrugging.

" You mean Liam?" I asked him.

" Yes, Mr. Edwards." He said.

" He can save Susan's job, right?" I asked him.

" He can. But why are you thinking much? Susan hasn't done anything wrong." He said.

" Still have to do it for peace of mind." I said to him.

" Marc will be a stupid if he fires her. And I know Marc is not a stupid." He said.

" I am coming, Dani." I said standing up. " Thanks for the coffee though." I said to him.

" Where are you going?" He asked me.

" Trying to save Susan's job." I said and walked towards Liam's office.

I stopped right in front of his cabin. I don't want to go in and face him but I need to do it for Susan. This girl needs her job badly to feed her family and keep them alive. I need to help her. There is no way I am going to sit calmly without doing anything when I can at least try. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

" Come in, please." I heard Liam's voice. I stopped for a moment. Should I go in or not!!! No, I should go. I breathed in and opened the door then walked in the cabin. I found him working in his laptop sitting behind the office table of his. I examined his expression for a while. He was typing something on the laptop. His eyes were stuck on the screen and he was working very attentively. I decided not to disturb him. I kept standing there until he noticed me completing his work. It's almost 10 minutes when he was done working on his laptop then he looked up and found me standing in front of him. I can say that he was taken aback by my presence which he tried to overcome looking away at once.

" Well, Ms. Campbell, has sun risen in the west today?" He asked me. " Or you have forgotten the way to your workplace?" He asked in a mocking tone. I rolled my eyes inwardly. " What happened?" He asked me looking directly into my eyes.

" Everything is fine." I said to him.

" Then why are you here?" He asked me raising one of his eyebrows showing an expression that he is really not trusting me on what I was saying.

" Umm... actually... I uhh....I wanted to tell you something." I said.

" What is that?" He asked me holding the same expression.

" I umm .." I stopped as there was a knock and Lin entered the cabin.

" Tracy? You here? Marc was searching for you. Go and see why he was searching for you." Lin said to me and I nodded.

" At first finish the thing you were saying." Liam said.

" May be later." I said and walked out of his cabin. Taking a deep breath I reached my desk where I saw Marc was standing saying something to all. I saw Susan was also there. I walked towards her and stood next to her.

" What happened? What has Marc said?" I asked Susan

" He didn't talk about the incident in the morning. He just talked with me about my sketches. They may be liked it. I am still not sure." She said to me.

" Oh, wow. Congratulations, Susan." I said to her.

" Thanks, Tracy." She said and I smiled.

" You're welcome." She said.

" So, we are going to put you in some groups to complete this task. Group of 3. There will be 3 in each team." Marc said and we nodded. Marc divided us into some groups. Luckily Susan and Dani was in my team. That because we were standing together.

Alright. Everything was fine for now. I took a sigh of relief. We started to discuss about our topic. It was almost 5 in the afternoon when we were done. I came out of the office. I walked to towards parking lot.

I was about to call Ferguson but someone covered my eyes with his or her hands. I touched the hands covering my eyes. The familiar perfume was making me feel comfortable.

" Betty!!!!" I mumbled.

" Surprise!!!!" I heard a squeal and looked at the person weirdly and then smiled. I was really surprised.

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