Me Neither

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Tracy's POV

" How was your presentation?" Dani asked Susan.

" Was quite well. Damien tried to make me uncomfortable and asked a lot of questions. I know he was just trying to make a trouble for me. Has he seen us exchanging our sketches?" Susan asked us.

" Don't know. We were just busy with your sketches." I said. " Now you need to explain me about your sketch. Some points are still not clear to me." I said to her and she looked at me weirdly.

" What happened?" I asked her.

" Are you done with the sketch?" She asked me.

" Yeah, Dani helped me." I said smilingly.

" Well, that's great then." She said smilingly. " Open the sketch." She said and I opened it.

" Wow. You guys did very well." She said.

" Yours was flawless." I said to her.

" But you guys also have done a great work." She said and explained her sketch.

" It's really good. I was thinking about some changes if you don't mind." Dani said and Susan nodded. We discussed for a while and changed a lot of things from the sketch. It  was now looking completely different but it was quite better than before. Susan and Daniel both are very good at their work. I am not as good as them but I think I will improve my skills and get experience better working with them. Who knows in near future I can be like them or may be better than them. (Wink)

" Thank you, Tracy." Susan said.

" For what?" I asked her.

" For saving me today. I would surely got fired if you were not here. Thanks God for sending you in time. Otherwise it would be a hell." She said said I chuckled.

" I was there for you cause I am an angel." I said to her winking at her and she laughed.

" Anything but an angel." Dani said and I rolled my eyes.

" Haters are not in count." I said and he chuckled.

" Haters!!! Lolz." He said.

" When is our presentation time?" I asked Daniel rolling my drawing sheet.

" Yeah, soon may be." He said. I rolled my eyes.

" It's almost lunch time now." I said to him pointing the clock.

" May be we are after lunch break." He said and I nodded.

" Let's go out for lunch then." Susan said.

" Let us be sure before leaving." Dani said and I nodded.

" We need to be sure." I said.

" Ok, we need to ask Lin. But where is she now?" Dani asked.

" Inside." Susan said.

" You saw her?" Dani asked Susan.

" Yeah, she is also there in the presentation submitting meeting. Actually she is also taking interest in the stuffs." Susan said.

" No worries. We can handle her. But I am worried about Marc. He is very strict. Haven't Marc say anything to you?" Daniel asked Susan.

" He did." Susan gritted her teeth.

" What was he doing then? Wasn't he there?" Dani asked her.

" He went to receive a call. When he came back I was done already." She said. " And thanks God for that when he is not around. It's more comfortable without him around." She said. I was really confused. Marc is such a nice guy. What's wrong with Susan?!!

" Well, he will find out every single little flaw on your sketch. I just want to steal his glasses today when I am going to present my presentation." Dani said.

" No use. He has extra with him." Susan said.

" How do you know?" I asked her.

" It's obvious. The people who use glasses always keeps extra with them. So, it won't work even if you steal his glasses today. It won't help you." She said and I chuckled.

" Big trouble then." I said.

" Yes, very." She replied.

" Alright then let's face it, Dani." I said and we found Lin was coming towards us.

" You guys are done?" She asked us.

" Yeah, completely." I said to her and she chuckled.

" How is the presentations going on?" I asked her.

" Till now Susan's one was best. Not just for the sketch but your presentation was also very beautiful. Everyone praised you a lot. The board members and all." She said to Susan. " So, Susan is fixed. 2 more places. Try to grab them and team up. You three are really amazing." Lin said and we nodded.

" When is our part starting?" I asked her.

" It's after lunch. Go, have lunch and come back soon. This is going to be fun. There are still a lot of time to get prepared." She said and I chuckled.

" We have already prepared. We just need to present our presentation." Dani said.

" It's great then." Lin said and she walked out of our place towards her cabin. We were discussing things suddenly Melanie appeared smilingly a smiled that didn't gave me a good vibe. She looked at us and sat beside Susan.

" You did a great job, Susan." She said wrapping her right arm around Susan's shoulder. Susan was a bit uncomfortable with her but she smiled a bit.

" Thank you, Melanie." Susan said.

" You two are next, right?" Melanie asked me.

" Yes, we are." Dani said.

" Well all the best." She said and left the place at once.

" Weirdly surprising." Dani said.

" Yeah. So sweet suddenly." Susan said.

" Why?" I asked them.

" Melanie never does something like that." Dani said.

" Something is fishy with her behavior." Susan said.

" Your call." Liz said to us gesturing us to go.

" We are going." I said and stood up.

Dani and I walked towards the conference room. There were a lot of people in the conference room the first thing came into my as soon as entered the room.

" Good afternoon." I said to all and they nodded.

" Daniel first." Marc said and I nodded let him have a space to go ahead.

Dani was done. He really did well and answered the questions very smartly. It was my turn now. I took my presentation. I took a sigh of relief when I was done. It was difficult for me cause Liam was sitting just opposite of me. He wasn't looking at me at all that made me restless. I finished and sat back to my sit then carefully examined him for awhile. I sighed and looked back at the presentations.

Soon everyone started to present their presentation. It was Tania's turn. She went to present her presentation very unique expression she had. As soon as her sketch came in view. My eyes widened cause it was Susan's sketch exactly same to same.

" I didn't get it." I heard Dani saying. He was totally confused me as well.

" Me neither." I said to him and looked at her weirdly. What's going on!!!

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