Midnight Conversation

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Tracy's POV

" Hello, Tres!!" I heard the squeal as soon as my call was answered. I said.

" Hello, Betty." I said to my best friend Beatrice.

" Hey, what's up, girl? When are you coming back?" She asked me.

" Tomorrow. We will come back by the day after tomorrow." I said to her.

" Cool!!! Then we can go to the party that Colton has thrown next week." She said excitedly but I narrowed my eyes.

" You know very well that neither me nor my family like Colton." I said to her.

" I know but this is not like other parties." She said to me.

" It's not about the party. It's about Colton himself. I don't like him. Don't pull it far." I said to her.

" Alright, calm down, girl. No need to react that much." She said to me.

" Then stop taking about Colton and stop pairing me with him." I said to her.

" He likes you a lot. You should give him a chance." She said.

" I don't want to give that chance to anyone. I want to live my life alone by myself. Don't you understand that?" I said to her totally frustrated.

" But I don't want you to live your life alone. After all you are my best friend. I want you to settle down in life and be happy." She said.

I sighed. My happiness was gone the day I kicked Liam out of my life. No one can make me happy again. I don't want to give his place to anyone else but I don't want to say that to Betty. She will act crazy. I don't want to handle her craziness right now.

" I don't want that. Stop worrying about me. Think about yourself. Don't make your brain think about useless things." I said to her.

" It's not at all useless. It's your life. You are equally important to me as important as I myself am." She said and I rolled my eyes.

" Why the hell a girl like you is my best friend?" I asked her.

" Cause I love you a lot, baby." She said in a girly tone which I hate.

" And I hate you. No, no, I loathe you." I said to her and heard her laughing her heart out. I sighed.

" Alright keep hating if even that bothers me a bit." She said and I rolled my eyes. Stupid for a best friend.

" Yeah, right." I said.

" You have met Liam, right?" She asked me.

" Yes. Unfortunately we met and had a fight." I said.

" What did he say?" She asked me.

" The same old things. He will not go away, he will get me back, he will take whatever he wants." I said and sighed.

" Urrrghh!!! Don't worry. He won't do anything. I am with you." She said and I rolled my eyes.

" It's Liam Edwards about whom we are talking currently may I remind you if you have forgotten." I told her.

" No, not at all I have forgotten. How can I forget him?! I will never ever forget him." She said.

" Good for you." I said. " Now as you remember that then you should remember it clearly that you can't do anything with him or against him. He can destroy you in a blink." I said to her.

" Yeah. I do remember that. He is the great Liam Edwards who was once your boyfriend and you used to love him unconditionally." She said.

" Correction. I still do." I said to her.

" But you know you can't get him back. If you do then it might be prove fatal for him." She said and I sighed.

" Yes, I do." I said. " I am not going to get him back. I am trying to keep myself away from him." I said.

" Don't try just do it." She said.

" Yeah, I am doing so." I said irritatingly.

" Good then. Good for both of you." She said. " It's better until you remember the limit." She said.

" Well, don't start to lecture now. Bye I am sleepy." I said to her.

" I am not lecturing you. I was saying the truth. By the way, Bye. See you soon. Take care." She said.

" Bye." I said to her and hung the phone up.

Talking to Betty supposed to make my mood better but it spoiled my mood more. I was totally irritated by now. I decided to sleep but it was far away from me. I got up from the bed and sat on there clutching my head.

" I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep!!!" I said to myself.

I thought for a moment and then gave approval what I was thinking about. I got up from the bed. I took a scarf and wrapped it around my shoulder. I don't know why I was feeling cold. I hugged myself and walked out of my room. I saw almost all the lights were off. I chuckled. Good for me. I walked downstairs and walked towards the balcony. I sat there alone. I took a deep breath. The late night breeze was oddly comfortable to me. I kept sitting there looking at the moon. Still don't know what materialistic relationship do I share with this thing. Whenever I am sad it makes me want to look at. Like a peace runs through my body. I love that feeling. I can feel my bleeding broken heart calming down slowly. I sighed.

" I see you didn't stop being a zombie every now and then." I heard the voice which almost made me fall down from the balcony as I was leaning down. If only he didn't hold my hand in time. " Careful!!!" He said pulling me towards him and I collapse on his chest. " You ok?" He asked me.

" Stop scaring me all the time." I said trying to move back.

" I didn't know Tracy Campbell can get scared." He said smirking at me.

" Stop being a kid." I said to him.

" I answered you earlier that I don't want to." He said.

" Leave me. Go and sleep." I said to him.

" You didn't answer me, Tracy. Why aren't you answering me?" He asked me.

" My wish." I said.

" You can't do everything you want to do." He said to me.

" I didn't follow. What did you say?" I asked him.

" I said that I am going to kiss you." He said and my eyes open wide.

" No. You are not." I said to him in horror.

" What?!! I didn't follow." He said  mocking me back. He leaned closer. I moved a bit back.

" You won't dare, Liam." I said to him.

" Sorry. But I do." He said and the next moment I felt he sealed our lips together. I tried to fight him but no use of that. I gave up.

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