What's Wrong?

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Liam's POV

" No, I will cook today. Let me. Please, please, please, please, please." Rora said to me pouting like a kid

" Yeah, no way. I don't to get killed by your husband." I said to her and she twisted her lips and glared at me.

" Alright. I can see you have eyes and you can glare. Go and sit there." I said to her and pointed at the kitchen table.

" I hate you." She said to me.

" Thank you." I said and she twisted her lips in disappointment. Then went to the kitchen table and sat on the table.

" There are chairs no need to sit on the table." I said to her.

" What's going on here?" I heard my mom.

" Liam banned me from the kitchen." Rora said to her pouting like a kid whining for chocolate.

" Why so?" Mom asked.

" Who wants to get killed by her husband?!!" I said and put on the kitchen apron. " At least I don't want to. I have a great plan with my future." I said smirkingly.

" I know what you are thinking. After all you are my best friend." Rora said rolling her eyes. I chuckled and she twisted her lips.

" Don't twist your lips even they can stuck in a awkward position." I said to her and she glared at me.

" How can lips get stuck now?" She asked me. " You always keep saying stupid things." She said to me. Mom chuckled.

" You can keep her as your assistant. As she wants to learn cooking." Mom said.

" No, mom. Please. You help her later. But if something happens to her then Luke will not leave me. I don't want to get bruises. It's better to look identical twin. I don't want to look like a street fighter with full of bruises." I said to her and she laughed.

" He won't. I assure." Rora said.

" He will. I know him more than anyone else in the world. He will not leave me. So, you better stay away from kitchen at least when I am here." I said to her and she sighed.

" Don't think too much." She said to me.

" I am not thinking too much. I am thinking the fact only." I said.

" Well, kids stop fighting. I will teach her. Come with me." Mom said and hold Rora's hand to bring her to the kitchen aisle. I sighed.

" Yeah. This is better." I said.

" Excited!!!" Rora squealed. I chuckled listening her squealing like that.

" Such a kid!!" I said.

" I hate you." She said.

" You said that before and I heard it as well." I said.

" Alright now stop both of you." Mom said and we shut ourselves.

" What are we going to cook today, Mom?" Rora asked Mom.

" Actually we are not cooking anything today. We are going to have basic knowledge." Mom said.

" Much better much comfortable." I said.

" Like?" Rora asked.

" The simple things which are important for cooking without getting hurt." Mom said to her.

" I want to learn all of Luke's favorite dishes." She said like a little girl. I shook my head smiling helplessly.

" That will take whole of your life." I said and Mom hold my ear. " It hurts, Mom." I said trying to get my ear free.

" Don't discourage her, you little boy." Mom said.

" I am not little. I am 25." I said to her and she glared at me.

" Ok, ok. I am a little baby." I said and she chuckled.

" You will never grown up, Liam." She said.

" I am happy being a kid." I said smilingly and she patted my back.

" But don't keep discouraging her. Let her learn." She said to me.

" I was joking, Mom. I know our Rora is a fast learner. She will learn it before our next birthday. At least I hope so." I said.

" Yes, I will try my best." Rora said.

" Don't stress yourself out a lot." Mom said and I nodded.

" You have whole of your life for that." I said winking at her. She rolled her eyes.

" The sooner the better." Rora said.

" Of course. It is. You will learn them soon. Just keep trying but of course when I am not around. I don't want to get killed." I said to her and she shook her head.

" What's going on here?" I heard Luke who entered the kitchen and found us standing in front of the kitchen aisle.

" We are cooking." Rora said excitedly squealing. Luke smiled and reached us.

" Good morning, Mom." She said and kissed on her forehead.

" Why do you squeal all the time?" I asked Rora. She rolled her eyes.

" Cause I was born to be a whiny kid." She replied.

" Yeah, I can see that very well. No need to tell me." I said said and she elbowed me. I groaned in pain.

" What are you doing?! Want to kill me?!" I asked her.

" You won't die with this, stupid!!! Why are you even my best friend?" She asked me and I chuckled.

" Cause I am super duper cool." I said acting a bit and she laughed.

" Mom, you can go and have rest or you can spend time with Dad. He is in the garden. I saw him reading newspaper. He was asking for you." Luke said.

" Oh, your dad woke up already?" She asked Luke.

" Yes, talking with uncle and aunty. You can join them. We are going to take the responsibility of the kitchen today. You can relax." Luke said and I nodded.

" Only if Rora also goes back with mom it will be more relaxing." I added but Rora glared at me.

" I am not going anywhere. I will be right here." She said trying to voice out coldly. I shook my head.

" Ok. Then you can be here." I said to her.

" Better." Rora said.

" Ok, kids. I am going. Don't be late. I am starving." Mom said.

" Sure Mom." I said to her and she walked out smilingly.

" What are we going to make?" Rora asked Luke. He leaned and kissed her. I shook my head.

" Seriously you guys should change this habit you know?" I told them.

" You spoiled the moment." Rora complained. I rolled my eyes.

" Deal with him later first tell me why did you left the bed while I was still sleeping?!! I forbade you right? Specially on Sunday. Never do it again. I hate it when I don't see you the first thing opening my eyes." Luke said and I rolled my eyes.

" Cheesy." I said. Both of them glared at me and the same time my phone started to ring. I accused myself and picked up the call it was Adam.

" Hello." I said.

" Liam, there is a news for you." He said.

" Then spill. What is this?" I asked him.

" Tracy is going to Paris next week." He said.

" Why? What happened?" I asked him.

" We are trying to find it out." He said.

" Better." I said and hung up.

What's wrong now!!!

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