Mark My Words

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Tracy's POV

" What?! HAHAHA." That was Betty's reaction when she heard what happened in the office.

" What's so funny?!!" I asked glaring at her.

" Oh, no. He rejected you?" She asked me trying to control her laughter.

" Die." I said totally pissed off. Wasn't Liam enough for pissing me off that Betty too is here?!

" Oh God!!!" She said trying hard not to laugh.

" Don't make me kick you, bi*ch." I said to her.

" HAHAHA. Tit For Tat, huh?" She asked.

" I really really hate you. I am going. Bye. Don't try to contact me ever again." I said and stood up.

" As you wish." She said.

Cause I have done this thousands of times in my life. But the next morning it was always me who contacted her the first.

" Urrrghh!!!" I said and sat down again.

" Are you going to help me or just will keep laughing?!" I asked her.

" Alright, calm down." She said.

" Hell with you." I said and she nodded.

" I don't want heaven anyways. It gives me no good vibes." She said and I cursed under my breath.

" You can say that loudly. No one will stop you actually." She said.

" I said f*ck you." I cleared.

" You can't f*ck me anyways so the least worried I am about that." She said. I glared at her.

" Not scared of you anyways." She said.

" Why are you this irritating?" I asked and she chuckled.

" Really?" She asked me.

" Yes." I said to her.

" Alright. No need to be so angry. I was just joking around with you." She said.

" HAHAHA." Mocked her. " Very funny." I said rolling my eyes. She chuckled. 

" Alright. Time out." She said.

" I am hungry as hell. I need to eat something first. Let's talk after having lunch." I told her.

" Ok, no problem." She said to me.

We ordered our lunch. I was really very hungry. I was eating like I am starving for days.

" Are you pregnant?" She asked me.

" Yes, I am." I said to her.

" Well, with whom? You didn't bother to tell me." She said and I chuckled.

" I am still virgin for your kind information." I said.

" I know that. But I suddenly got a thought that you are not." She said and rolled her eyes. " By the way get married, get pregnant and make me an aunt, ok?" She said to me. I rolled my eyes.

" Currently can't make your wishes come true cause the person I am going to marry is not in a good term with me." I said.

" That's not a problem." She said.

" That's a big problem, actually. How can I get pregnant when we are not in a good term?" I asked her.

" I meant this term can be make right." She said.

" Yeah, but how do you think that can be happen?" I asked her.

" Well, just let me think for a while. If you keep talking like this then I won't be able to think properly." She said.

" Ok, think." I said to her and I kept having my lunch while she was thinking about.

" What did you think about it?" I asked her a while later.

" Ssssssshhh. Don't interrupt. Keep quiet." She said and I nodded.

" Think quickly. I need to do something. Otherwise I will not be able to take a breath properly." I said.

" You have your lunch silently. Can't you keep quiet for a while?" She asked me.

" I am feeling awkward." I said truthfully.

" After being rejected?" She asked me just to irritate me more.

" Don't eat my brain. Just don't." I said to her.

" I am doing nothing, girl." She said.

" Just think about something and give me an idea." I said desperately.

" Oh, someone is desperate?!! I see." She said.

" Just think." I gritted.

" And you eat. Don't disturb me in thinking." She said and I shut my mouth.

" Have you been sleeping or what?" I asked her.

" Shut up." She said and I rolled my eyes.

She was silent for a moment then opened her mouth to say something but then closed her mouth again. She thought about something then nodded her head. I looked at her weirdly while having lunch.

" Alright, I got plan. Not one but 2." She said.

" Oh, really?" I asked her.

" Yeah, now if only you promise me that no harm from you will come to me I can reveal them." She said.

" What kind of plan they are?" I asked her.

" Very cool types of plans." She said.

" Why is my brain forbidding me to trust you?" I asked her.

" How much can a stupid brain think of good?" She said.

" Hey!!! Just tell me already." I said to her.

" Do you promise no attack from you after telling you that?!" She asked me.

" Alright. I do. Now tell me. Don't pull it too far." I said to her.

" Wait." She said and took away the glasses of water away from my reach and placed the vase on the table out of my reach.

I can sense how much of a good plan she has made that she has to do this.

" Satisfied?!" I asked her.

" Yes. Only if those knife and fork wouldn't be in your hand then it would be perfect." She said and I rolled my eyes.

" Just tell me already. Enough of drama." I said and she sighed.

" Well, you can either seduce him or make him jealous. Both will work. Now you choose what you want to do." She said first words loudly and last few words like above whisper. I rolled my eyes.

" This is your super cool ideas?!" I asked her and she nodded.

" Yes." She said.

" I will never ever seduce him. That's final." I said.

" Then choose option 2." She said.

" Making him jealous? I don't think he will be jealous. He has already been so cold to me these days. He doesn't care." I said and sighed.

" He cares and he will care. Just do as I say." She said.

" What do you want me to do?" I asked her.

" Make him extremely jealous that he is forced to claim you his." She said.

" You think this will work?" I asked her.

" 100 and 1% it will. Mark my words." She said.

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