So Wrong

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Tracy's POV

" Why are you asking this now?" He asked me again. I was totally confused.

" Are you sure that he never ever came out in these years?" I asked him.

" Nope. He never did." He said.

" But..." I was seriously confused.

If he wasn't out then who send those letters and who scared Betty that night. I was totally confused.

" Why? What happened?!" He asked me.

" Nothing happened. Just like that." I said trying to smile.

" You know that you are the worst liar, right?" He asked me.

" It's nothing, Liam. Why will I lie to you?" I asked him. But I thing was I didn't want to tell him now.

" Only you know that, Tracy. I don't know why the hell you are lying to me." He said irritatingly.

" It's nothing. Don't make it an issue." I said to him.

" I am not making it an issue, Tracy. I am just trying to convince you if only you understand my topic. If you keep hiding things from me then we might not be able to understand each other ever. We already have issues to solve. Don't add more in it." He said.

" Liam, calm down. There is nothing that can make an issue between us. And I am too much of aware of it that we have issues to solve. And I am trying on it. There is nothing that I won't do to clear the mess I have created. I will even marry you tomorrow if you ask me to do so if that can settle the issues between us. Why do you think I am not trying? I am working on it as much as you are doing. So please don't say that I am not trying to solve the issues because I am doing that." I said.

" I didn't say that. I was just asking why do you need to hide something from me?" He asked me.

" I am not- " I was saying but he cut me.

" Enough. I am going. Take care. Go sleep." He said and stood up to leave.

" Liam, you just can't leave when we are having a conversation." I said to him.

" And you know where this conversation is going to lead us. To a fight. And I don't want to fight with you when you are not doing well." He said.

" Sit down I am not done yet." I said to him.

" You no need to be done if you can't trust me. I can understand that's your trust issue." He said and walked to grab his jacket.

" I am not saying that. I was just saying that I am not hiding anything. Just trust me for once. I will tell you." I said.

" Alright, when?" He asked me.

" Soon." I said.

" A sooner one or far away one?" He asked me.

" Definitely sooner." I said.

" Then why not now?" He asked me.

" Cause I need some time." I said to him.

" So what will you call this?! Isn't it a trust issue?" He asked me.

" No, it is not." I said.

" Then what do you name it?" He asked me.

" Just not that." I said.

" Well, whatever you name it I don't care. I was just saying that I don't want to fight with you anymore. I will just leave before it turns into a fight. Fighting is not an solution. Take care. Good night." He said but I stood in front of the door.

" You can't leave before we are done with this." I said.

" Done with what, Tracy? Your drama?! I am tired of it. And right now I need to sleep. I have a lot to do tomorrow. I am tired of telling the same thing to you. Again and again. There has to be a limit now. I told you I won't be asking you anymore. But it's too much now that you are still hiding things. It will make a big issue later." He said.

" Well, are you giving up on me?" I asked him looking at him in horror.

" That will never ever happen. But still right now I need some space. I will come round. If you want to tell me things then it's ok but if not then I won't force you to tell me cause it won't work on love. Go sleep. You are not doing well." He said.

" And you think I will be able to sleep peacefully after what happened here. You can't leave me in this situation like this. I will be crazy thinking about it." I said.

" You left me in this kind of situation for 7 years, Tracy. Hope you remember that." He said.

" So you are taking revenge now?" I asked him.

" Revenge?! On you?!" He said and came dangerously close to me. " If only I wanted to take my revenge on you I could have taken that long back and there is no one who could stop me from that. But that word never came into my mind because I love you a lot. My love for you is much more bigger than that. You will never ever understand that cause you were so blind to see that." He said.

" I wasn't blind. Damn it." I said.

" Go sleep, Tracy. You need it." He said and pulled me away from the door. " Bye and good night. See you in the office tomorrow." He said and left my suite.

I was standing there like a total mess. I can't believe this happened. This is not good. It's not at all. I closed the door and ran to grab my phone. I need to talk to Betty. I quickly dialed her number to tell her what I just heard. If Sean Velasco is still behind the bar then with whom she talked that night, who scared her and who kept those letters on her locker?! Things wasn't cleared by now. But Betty didn't pick up. I tried again and again but no one picked up. Where are you Betty!!!? I kept sitting there thinking about everything. I don't know how long I was sitting there.

Suddenly the door of my suite opened. I stood up to see who it was. I thought it was Liam. But the next moment Aurora came into my suite along with Ferguson.

" Thanks a lot, Ferguson." Aurora said.

" You're welcome." Ferguson said and left. Aurora closed the door.

" Hi." She said. I smiled as she sat beside me.

" You came alone?" I asked her.

" Liam said you are not ok. So, he requested me to stay with you tonight." She said.

" You should be with Luke." I said.

" It's ok. He too told me to come to you cause you are not ok." She said.

I nodded. I kept myself strong not wanting to cry in front of Aurora.

" You upset?" She asked me.

" A bit." I said and a single tear slipped on my cheek. She wiped it.

" You guys fought?" She asked.

" We messed up." I said and she nodded.

" Everything will be fine. Let's go and sleep." She said and I nodded.

We talked for a while then she was slept. I was thinking how things went wrong. So wrong.

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