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Tracy's POV

Betty left and I was upset that she went back. I don't know why I was having a bad feeling. I wasn't getting why it was this worst. I didn't know how to express this but I was feeling like something bad is going to happen soon. I had a damn feeling. I wasn't understanding why she has left in that hurry. I called her sister. She said everything is ok there. Nothing happened back there at her home that is too be worried about but she left like something very bad happened. I was so confused about it.

I wanted to know what she was hiding. She must be hiding something which she doesn't want to tell me. It never ever happened. She always tells me if she is in any trouble any of that. She never hide things from me. Suddenly last night she decided to leave then didn't even wanted to explain. I asked thousands of times but she said everything is fine.

If everything was fine then she wouldn't left 2 weeks before. There is something wrong with her. She is in trouble I think but she is too secretive that she doesn't want to share. The Beatrice who was my friend wasn't like this. What changed her?! I was damn confused. Why was she acting weird. I was sitting alone in the balcony thinking about her. Suddenly it started to rain. I kept sitting there in the rain. I was not in a good mood. I kept sitting there. Getting wet. I came inside when I was trembling and almost frozen in cold. I knew I was going to catch cold and have a fever. I just took a shower and slept. I was all cold.  When I woke up in the morning I wasn't able to breath properly. My body was burning in fever. But I had office. But head was so much heavy for me to carry it. Besides head was paining like hell. Everything was spinning in front of me. I was a complete mess. I somehow got ready for office when Liam called me and he at once got it my voice wasn't sounding normal. I had to tell him that I had a high fever. I told it's not that much so that he doesn't worry. But he wanted to come. I didn't had enough of energy to argue with him. I was too much weak. I couldn't get hold on myself anymore. I hit myself on the bed with my office attire didn't even removed my shoes. I just needed to sleep. I was completely messed.

I was sleeping like a dead girl. I know I was defeated with this fever. I never had this high fever in my life ever before. I couldn't get hold on it. I know I was a stupid for sitting hours in the heavy raining. It's still great that I didn't loss my senses by now. But I was very weak.

I was having dreams. Beautiful dreams. Dreams about my life. How my life started. I saw my parents and our house where we used to live before. My school. My siblings. Our happy moments of those days. My dad's voice was ringing in my ear. He was signing 'Nothing gonna change my love for you' on her birthday. Her last birthday. The day I last saw them. The last time I hugged them. Last time I kissed them. The last time I called them mom and dad. Everything was so real. I once thought I will wake up and see nothing happened it was a nightmare. My mom, my Dad. I saw the moment I left their hands the last smile they smiled at me. The last word they said to me.

' Bye honey, love you. Take care and don't be so pranky  at Grandma's place, ok?!' it was my mom saying kissing on my forehead.

' She is my big girl. She won't. Right, princess?' it was dad. I nodded smilingly. ' say bye to Tracy, my boy.' dad said to Tris as he was holding him.

Tris sticked his tongue at me. I chuckled. I kissed his cheek and he giggled. 'Go, grandpa is waiting.' dad said and I left his hand.

I never thought it was the last time. If I ever knew then I would have never left your hands, Dad. Am I a failed daughter, Dad??! I couldn't help you all. I am sorry Dad. I am so sorry. I am sorry Mom. I couldn't do anything when those bullets hit you. Was they paining a lot?!! Did they hurt you much mom?! Can you hear me, Mom? Dad?!! Can I ever get out of the the guilt?!! Wouldn't it better if I had died with you guys?!! You remember,  mom, how you used to get worried even if you found out a small scratch on our body!!! Do you remember how you used to scold me for pranking??! I do remember mom. I do remember everything about you. Your beautiful smile. Dad used to say that your smile had something which can soothe the worst pain ever. Well dad was right. You had a magic. You were my magic, Mom. I no more do pranks, mom. I became normal girl. But I am still the feisty girl. And I still love you the most. I miss you mom. I miss you dad. I miss you both a lot.

Then everything started to change. I found myself in our new house in Melbourne. I started to get peace of mind seeing my family. Suddenly things changed someone hold my hands. I felt I was standing on the backyard of our house. We were mocking each other. Then found us in front of my parents grave me crying and him trying to comfort me. Then the day he proposed me. I was watching everything very clearly. Our secret dates, how I took a promise from him to keep it secret. Then the day we broke up. How I suffered after that. I felt pain was reducing little by little. I found myself standing in an unknown place lost my way. I felt someone holding my hand. It was Liam. He smiled at me and nodded to assure me that he was there with me. No need to be worried. I smiled back and suddenly I screamed in the crowd, ' I love you' to him. Suddenly I saw Betty. She smiled and started to walk away. She faded up slowly. I couldn't find her anywhere. She was gone. "Betty!!!" I screamed her name and sat up felt my head was blasting with pain. What was that!! Nightmare!!!

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