Show You Better

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Tracy's POV

" Urrrghh." I said throwing my bag away on the floor.

" This doesn't have anything to do with you. Stop acting like a crazy woman." Liam said and took the bag from the floor and kept it on the couch.

" What are you doing here now? Go away. Go back to office and work." I said to him but he looked at me with an expression that I can't read.

" What?!! Go back to office. Don't you have a lot to do today?" I asked him.

" You no need to tell me what I should do. I know that better than you." He said arrogantly.

" Excuse me!!! It's my place. This is my suite. I can tell you to get out of here." I said.

" Sit down." He said.

" What?!" I asked.

" I said sit down. Have you got any hearing problem?" He asked me. I glared at him.

" I won't sit down what will you do?" I asked him.

He glared at me back and came over where I was standing. I crossed my arms over my chest raising one of my eyebrows. Letting him know that he doesn't scare me at all.

" What?!" I asked him.

" Sit down." He repeat again.

" No, I won't." I said. " I will sit down and take rest once you are out of here. So, get out." I said to him.

" I will go back once your friend is here." He said.

" What do you think I am?!! A kid!??" I asked him.

" Exactly." He said and I glared at him.

" You know that you are just annoying?" I asked him.

" Do I look like I care?" He asked me.

" No, why will you care?! After all stupid doesn't have any problem with his own stupidity. Why am I here in the first place?!" I asked myself.

" Cause you hurt yourself." He said and I glared at him.

" I haven't got hurt that much." I said to him.

" Yeah, can see that. Struggling while walking is not a sign that you are hurt. Not at all. Or is it?" He mocked me. I stomped my feet.

" Ouch, ouch!!!" I said clutching my knee sitting on the couch.

" Alright, I got you. It's ok." He said as he came and hold my hands removed them from my knee and placed his hand then softly rubbed the place was paining a lot. He soothed the place.

" Better?" He asked me looking at me.

" Yeah, it's ok." I said to him.

" See this why I was saying that you should sit down and not to stress yourself." He said.

" I don't like you here. Can you go back so that I can rest?" I asked him.

" No, I can't. Keep quiet." He said sitting beside me." Have this." He said.

" What is this?" I asked him suspiciously looking at the medicines.

" Painkillers. Will help you a lot." He said and I didn't waste anymore time to gulp them down as the pain was increasing. I didn't have any idea that I hit myself there that much hard.

" You no need to be here." I said and tried to stomp my feet again. But he placed his hand on my knee effectively stopping me from doing that.

" I said stop stomping your feet and stop acting like you are a kid." He said.

" You don't know how much I am hating you now." I said without thinking about anything else.

" I know and you have told it thousands of times." He said to me in a very normal tone.

" I mean I didn't mean it then. But I meant it. No I mean it now. No... alright. Carry on." I said totally lost of track what I was saying. I don't know may be the medicine started to work.

" I have nothing to do now. As for that I have some other plans. All my concern now is to make you sleep anyhow. But I don't think I have to put much effort on it." He said to me.

" Did you just gave me a sleeping pill?" I asked him.

" Yes." He said to me confirming his crime.

" I will kill you once I wake up  from sleep. Why am I stuck with a stupid like you!!!" I asked.

" Cause you are not a bit better than me. So, you are here totally messed." He said coldly.

" I am messed because of you. You go away." I said closing my eyes cause my eyelids were like heavier than a huge rock. So, it was impossible for me to keep them open for a long time. I knew I was sleeping slowly. I leaned back on the couch.

" Good now sleep." He said.

" And you be ready to get killed by me." I said to him.

" Sure." He said and suddenly he scoop me up in his arms. I squealed in shock.

" What are you doing?! Put me down." I said punching on his back.

" Calm down." He said and put me on the bed. It was much needed for me. But I wasn't ready to accept that.

" Now sleep comfortably." He said and I rolled my eyes which were almost closed.

Suddenly the door opened and Ferguson entered with Betty. By now everything was blurry.

" Hey, I am here." Betty said. But I couldn't see her as my eyes didn't allow me they stayed closed stubbornly.

" Take care of her, please." I heard Liam and the next moment I felt a soft kiss on my forehead. I knew it was Liam. I sighed. I could feel his heart beat. Then he was gone.

" I am going. Come with me for a moment, Ferguson." He called Ferguson and then both of them walked out of the room cause the door opened then it closed. I felt the duvet was covering me. More comfortable.

One thing was cleared that he cares. He didn't change. Betty was right. He was trying to hide his feelings. But no more. Just wait and watch Liam. I am going to make you crazy. Just a few days and I will make you come out of this shell of yours which doesn't suit you. Just need to make you extremely jealous. You do care, Liam. And I know that you will come round. I know that very well cause it's show time now. Gonna catch you now. You are so damn in danger. I chuckled inwardly. In a few days. You will come to know. I am more than excited to do that.

I will show you better. Much more than you can imagine. This what I felt before sleep took over me.

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