We're Different

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Tracy's POV

"So, you are saying that you are not coming with me?" Stella asked me in a threatening tone.

Stella is my sister in-law, I mean wife of my cousin more than my own brother. This is my family. Flynn, Stella, Finn, Tristan and me.

Family word made my heart bleed inwardly. They took away my family from me. My parents, brother, Flynn's parents his sister Florin and her husband Sean all of them. Uhhh, got new scar on heart it's paining. My Family!!! God, you know everything better, just keep them happy wherever they are, please.

I only have my sister Tasha, happily married to Edwin Stewart, my cousin Flynn and his wife Stella and Flynn's step brother Finn and my little brother Tristan in my life. They are only constant in my life.

I can't thank Finn that he fled away from home taking Tristan at least. That's why he is still alive. Otherwise, they must've killed him too. My heart at once clenched with fear. I looked at the yard to see my brothers, they were playing tennis together. I smiled. I lost everything but my siblings.

I don't want to get hurt again, don't want any other weakness. Enough now. I am tired with fighting myself.

" No, I am not. " I am not comfortable to facing him after all of this. I am already weak.

Actually, Stella is forcing me to come with her to Greece, all of the families will have a vacation there, Tasha also called me, but the fact is he will be there and I don't want to melt again seeing him. I can't let him get hurt.

I am afraid, I really am. Can't lose him, letting him go was the best option. But he never let me go. I can feel I am the reason of his being so cold. I can't help it.

" You are coming or else I won't let you go for skydiving again. " Stella smirked, and here that stupid girl won.

" Fine I will go." Well, I love her so much but sometimes she pissed hell off me. Like this time. She won't go without me.

He will definitely come there, I need to find a way to avoid him or hide from him.

But the question is can you Tracy??

I honestly don't know. I will definitely melt down if I saw him. But I can't be selfish just make him my weakness. I don't even know where the enemies are hiding. All they needs to find my weakness and kill him or her at once.

I don't worry about Tasha, cause she is in good hand. Flynn is very careful about himself, Finn, Tristan, Stella and me. But I can't assure his security. I can't let him get hurt.

I know I have done mistake, it was a sin, but I had no other choice. He begged but I didn't let him get that chance to reach me.

Now, he has become like this ruthless for me. I was talking about Liam Edwards. Yes, Liam. The famous Liam Edwards.

I have hurt him enough to just keep him away from me. I can't remember exactly what I have said. But used harass words.

I know you are thinking how can I be Tasha's sister!!!

Well, situations made me so cold hearted person. I am the way I am. Can't help. Tasha has also gone through a lot.

But we are different. We definitely are.

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