Wait And Watch

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Tracy's POV

" Well, enough now tell me where are we going?" I asked Betty irritatingly.

" It's a surprise for you." She said.

" I swear it's a bad idea. Not only bad it's just worst." I said to Betty.

" Which is a bad idea?" She asked me.

" Trusting you. It is a worst idea to trust you when I know how stupid your brain is." I said to her.

" Well, can't help it. You have already decided to make it. You can't go back anyways." I said to him.

" Why do I always regret being your best friend?" I asked her.

" Cause you are a stupid." She said to me.

" You think you are normal?" I asked her. 

" Ssssssshhh. Don't talk too much. You really talk too much. Irritating." She said. I rolled my eyes.

" You... urrrghh.... I hate you." I said and she chuckled.

" Don't laugh when you are in fault." I said to her.

" Now what have I done to irritate you, girl? I have done nothing to irritate you. So you stop blaming me. Here I am trying to help you and you are just trying to accuse me!! That's not fair. How can you be so cruel!!!" She acted a bit. I rolled my eyes.

" Stop being a drama queen. You are very irritating." I said to her.

" Yes, I am. Now what will you do about it?" She asked.

" What can I do about it?!! I can't do anything. So you can keep it up. No one will stop you. Irritate me as much as you can." I told her.

" I would do it anyways cause you can't stop me." She said to me.

" No, I can't. May be I was too stupid for being your best friend." I said.

" Regretting now won't help a bit." She said.

" I can feel that. Stupid for a friend won't help to get what I actually need. So, I don't regret actually." I said.

" Alright. Stop talking rubbish now." She said.

" You were talking rubbish." I said.

" What started?" She asked.

" I didn't do anything. Your silence was killing me." I said to her.

" I was just trying to give you a surprise." She replied.

" I want to know this now." I said.

" Sorry. I can't tell you this now." She said to me. I glared at her.

" And why not?!" I asked her.

" Duh!!! Cause it's a surprise." She said. I rolled my eyes.

" Hell with your surprise." I said.

" Can't you wait for a while more?" She asked me.

" No. I can't." I said to her irritatingly.

" Alright. Still you won't get anything." She said.

" Are you going to search for your hot chicks again? If you are on your hunting session then I am out of it. I need to rest. I have tons of works pending currently. Don't have time for these things. Try to understand." I tried to convince her.

" You can work later. Like I am going to stay with you forever. I am going anyways. You won't get the chance to spend time with me then. You will keep missing me." She said in a weirdly sad tone.

" But you said you are going to settle down here." I said to her.

" Yeah, that's also a part of plan." She said and I rolled my eyes.

" I believe that you are Betty. No doubt." I said to her.

" Why? You thought I was an alien?" She asked me.

" Yeah, quite like that actually." I said to her. She laughed.

" No need to think like that." I said. " I will not -" I was saying but I heard someone calling me and I stopped immediately.

" Hi, Tracy." I heard someone saying again and then I turned to see who it was. I saw the guy from last night party. His name is Cameron if I am not wrong. " Hi, betty.''

" Hi, Cameron." Betty said to him.

" Hi." He said to me. " We meet again." He said.

" It seems like that." I said to him. He chuckled.

" So, what's the plan for today? Wanna go out and roam around?" He asked me.

" I am fine. It's ok." I said.

" Yeah, sure. Go, Tres. Have fun." Betty said to me and I glared at her.

" Excuse us for a while, Cameron. We will be right back." I said to him.

" Sure. I will be waiting here." He said and I nodded.

I pulled Betty with me a far to talk with her what I was suspecting.

" Have you called him to come here?" I asked her.

" Yes, surprise." She said and got a glare from me.

" No surprise?" She asked me.

" You must be stupid. I don't want to do it now. Besides Liam is not around what is the use of doing this. Tell me?" I asked her.

" You are trying to say that hasn't have put securities around you? I don't believe that." She said.

" No he didn't." I said. " At least I do believe this."

" I can bet that he has put a team around you." She said and I rolled my eyes.

" He hasn't. Am I a kid?!! Why will he put a team around me?" I asked her.

" You are not kid but you are his Sweetheart. This why he will definitely put the security around you." She said.

" Well, I don't think so." I said.

" Alright then you should go with Cameron." She said.

" Why so?" I asked her.

" To prove me wrong." She said.

" Keeping a bet?" I asked her.

" Yes as I know what the truth is." she said confidently.

" You don't have a clear idea about this you are just thinking about it. Aren't you?" I asked her.

" No. I know that he has his eyes set on you." She said.

" Don't be so sure." I said to her.

" I am sure." She said.

" What do you think I am going to do with you if you are wrong?" I asked her.

" Think about the other way. Things will be easier then." She said.

" Confident, huh?" I asked her.

" Yes. Very. If you think I am wrong here then prove me wrong. I am no problem anyways. But I know I am right here." She said to me.

"Alright. Just wait and watch." I said to her.

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