Sooner Rather Than Later

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Liam's POV

" Well stop you both. You guys are becoming more shameless day by day." I said to my twin and my best friend who are supposed to be my advisor this moment are acting like Romeo and Juliet in public. I mean I was only public here in the living room. Others were out for works.

" Well, keep your eyes closed. Thus you won't be watching anything." Rora said.

" But things can easily done if you keep your pervert activities down for your private place." I said to them and both of them glared at me like I killed someone.

" Alright. I quit." I said to them.

" You should." Rora said. I sighed.

" I agree. I should be  quitting every time." I said.

" Now what happened?" Luke asked me.

" Everything gone messed again." I said to him.

" What messed up? I didn't get it." Rora said.

" Is that about Tracy?" Luke asked me. I sighed deeply.

" How things happened?" He asked me. I explained him everything. He kept listening to me without interrupting me.

" Sometimes you rush things like you have a train to catch ahead." He said totally pissed off.

" Well, it wasn't my fault. She ignited me." I said.

" She will always try to ignore you cause she wants you to leave her alone. And you are here not ready to do it. So, you guys should give each other a chance and a bit time. If things goes right then it will come around." He said to me.

" It won't, Luke. This time I need to make it right. Cause she will never ever try to make it right." I said.

" I know but at least you should wait a little." He said to me.

" For what?" I asked him.

" For knowing what she is going to do next to stop you." He said.

I sighed. I am sure that she will do something but I am more than sure that she won't be successful. Cause this time I am not going to stop for anything. Not even she herself can stop me from doing what I want to do. Enough of dramas. I don't want to stop this time cause if I stop I will lose her and if I lose her I will myself as well. I can't let that happen. I will never allow her win this time. It's not going to be easy but still.

" What do you think she can do?" I asked Luke.

" I don't know but she will do something big." Luke said.

" I know that. I need to be careful and keep an eye on her all the time." I said.

" I didn't get one thing." Rora said.

" What's that?" I asked her.

" Why are you talking like she is your enemy or your prisoner?" She asked me.

" I have enough of reasons for that." I said. " But with only one I can explain them properly." I said to her.

" What?" She asked curiously. I smirked at her.

" Everything is fair in love and war." I said and she rolled her eyes.

" I should have known that you have a stupid answer as always." Rora said and I chuckled.

" It's too much fun to tease you and Luke. You guys get irritated too fast." I said chuckling.

" We don't get irritated easily. We get irritated when you go out of limit." Rora said.

" Does he have a limit?" Luke asked.

" Umm.. hmmm .. nice question. I think the answer is no. I don't have any limit. This  why I am special." I said and laughed at them. They just rolled their eyes. I chuckled watching them irritated.

" Why are you so evil?" Rora asked me.

" I don't know. I was born like this." I said and shrugged.

" Definitely you were. How can I forget that!!" She said.

" Yeah. Don't forget that." I said and stood up.

" Where are you going now?" Luke asked me.

" Giving you two some personal space which you guys highly needed." Which made them look at me glaring hard. " What?!! Don't give me this look. I know you guys are eagerly waiting for me to go away." I said.

" Stupid." Rora said.

" Thank you, Rora." I said and she rolled her eyes." Don't roll your eyes. You know!!!" I said and smirked.

" I still don't have a clue why the hell you are my best friend." Rora said frustratedly.

" Cause I am super duper cool." I said and she gave me a boring look.

" Yeah, right." She said in a mocking tone. I chuckled.

" Alright, I am going I don't want to be the third wheel here." I said to them. Both of them gave ne a pointed look.

I laughed and walked out of the living room. How I love to tease them!!! Yeah. I know I am an evil. But it's seriously fun to do that. I chuckled. I took out my phone and called Adam to know if everything is fine there in Melbourne.

" Hello, Liam?" Adam said.

" Yeah, what is happening there? Is everything ok?" I asked him.

" Till now everything is alright. Tracy is out with her friend. They are roaming around Melbourne randomly enjoying time." He said and I sighed.

" Ok, but keep an eye on them." I said to him. " Don't let them go out of your radar." I said to him.

" No worries. We are here to do that." He said to me. " We will keep them under our supervision." He said.

" Alright then. Bye. If anything goes out if control call me immediately. And Be careful. Tracy knows you very well. Don't come in front of her by any means." I said to him.

" Sure. I know that. I won't get caught." He said and I chuckled.

" Yeah. Don't get caught." I said to him.

" Yeah. Of course. I will take care of it." He said and sighed. " I don't want to be her punching bag." He said which made me laugh.

" Still scared of her?" I asked him.

" You would be as well if it was you." He said and I chuckled.

" Alright, I am going. Don't laugh." He said. I controlled my laughter as he was super irritated.

" Ok. Bye." I said and hung up.

God!!! What's wrong with me!! I sighed. Whatever I like to do that. I don't care what people think. Do a little care about them. All I care about is my girl who is extremely stubborn. No problem. Gonna get you anyways, Babe. Enough of acting like kids. I am going to win you this time. Sooner rather than later.

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