'L' Word

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Liam's POV

" You got a fever?" I asked her.

" Yeah." She said to me. " Not that much. I will handle. I am coming to office." She said.

" No need. Take an U turn and go back to your hotel suite and take rest. I will come in an hour. Just don't come to office." I said to her.

" But Dani will not be able to do all alone." She said.

" I will inform Lin to help him." I said.

" Ok." She said.

" Can you tell your friend to accompany you until I am there?" I asked her.

" Who Betty?" She asked me.

" Yes, tell her to be with you until I come there." I said to her.

" But Betty left for Melbourne last night." She said.

" Really?" I asked her.

" Yes." She said.

" Alright I am coming. You just go and sleep." I said to her.

" Ok." She said and hung up. She didn't argue at all that means she is really not feeling well. Otherwise she would never agreed this easily.

" What happened?" I heard Marc.

" Tracy is not well. Got a fever. I need to go and check on her." I said to him. " Can you handle everything today?" I asked him.

" Sure. I will no worries." He said.

" Thanks D." I said. He sighed.

" Don't call me that. It reminds me everything about Trevisan." He said.

" In that case not just your grandfather is a Trevisan. Your dad was also one. What do you want to tell about that?" I asked him.

" My dad was nothing like him. Not at all. He was the best person I have ever known. If you don't believe then ask your dad. You will know." He said.

" I know he was a good person. This why was saying. Your grandpa is not the only Trevisan. Did your grandma ever hurt you?" I asked him.

" No. She hasn't." He said.

" Then why are you hurting her? She wants to see you for once but you don't give her any chance to do that. What you think? Do you think you are doing it right?" I asked him.

" Let's not talk about it." He said.

" Why Dante? Are you running away from the truth?" I asked him.

" The truth?!! Yes, the truth." He laughed dryly. " You want to know the truth?!! Then listen. The truth of my life is my name is Marc Allistone. I have no relation with Trevisan. I don't have any place for them in my life. I don't even care who they are. I don't know them. They are not a part of my life and they don't even deserve to be." He said.

" Your grandpa is going to die soon. Then you will be the heir you want it or not. Then you have to go back to Milan. Why don't you for the last time meet your grandpa!! I swear he repented from the bottom of his heart." I said.

" First of all, I don't care if he is dead or alive, secondly he can donate his money to some charity. Thirdly his repentance has no meaning to me. His repentance can't get my sister back to me. If he can get me my sister back then tell me I will go back to Milan right now and I will do whatever he wants. But if only he can get me my sister back." He said.

" You know it happened. Truth can't be changed." I said.

" Yeah, and the truth is he is a greedy old man who will never change. If I go back he will trade me as well. He blackmailed his own granddaughter for money. Now he can have is billions of dollars and can even take them to his grave with himself." He said. " No one will stop him. But I don't care. I disowned him." He said rudely. I sighed.

" Ok. Don't be mad. Go back to work." I said to him. " I need to go to see Tracy." I said.

" Thanks for understanding." He said.

" Anytime D, I mean Marc." I said.

" Ok, do you still want to call me Dante?" He asked me.

" I am used to call you that. This why just it gets messed sometimes." I said to him.

" You will get used to it." He said and walked out of the cabin. I shook my head.

He will soon understand that. He needs to cooperate. Otherwise there will be a big mess and he will be involved in it. He needs to make things right as much as he can. He is not getting it. He is a Trevisan and he can't deny it even if he wants to. And people will not let him forget that. Finding him out is not that hard either.

I took my jacket and took my keys. I directly drove towards Tracy's hotel suite.

I reached the hotel and got the extra key card. Then went up to the penthouse. I wasn't able to wait to see her. I was already worried.

I entered the suite and went to upstairs. I went directly to her bedroom. I found her laying on the bed in a uncomfortable posture. I chuckled seeing her like this. I went to her and made her lay down on the bed properly in an easy position then removed her shoes. She was ready to go to office cause she was still in her office attire. I carefully made her sit without disturbing her sleep and removed her blazer. Better now. I made her lay down again. Then stood up and get some cold water and a small towel. Wetting it I placed it on her forehead. I wonder how he got this high fever?!! I should call the doctor. I kissed on her forehead and placed the towel on her forehead again. I was going to call the doctor but I found her holding my sleeve while mumbling something in sleep.

" I love you." I heard her saying and I was shocked. My eyes open wide. Did I heard right or I just had an illusion?!! But I heard her saying that. Am I wrong or she did say that for real?!! I don't know. I still can't believe what I have just heard.

Did she really say the 'L' word!!!

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