Not Easy

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Liam's POV

" Do what?" I asked Luke irritatingly.

" Ignore her. Be the boss." He said.

" I can't. You know it's not easy for me." I said to him while tying my tie.

" Do as I say." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" Yeah, then get more messed." I said to him.

" It won't." He said to me.

" How do you know?" I asked him.

" Who is the elder twin here?" He asked me.

" I hate you." I said to him.

" Of course you don't." He said.

" If things goes wrong I am going to kill you." I said to him and he chuckled.

" And if things turns into right then?" He asked me.

" Then it's your responsibility to help me as big brother." I said shrugging. He laughed.

" You won't change, Liam." He said to me.

" Yes, Liam won't change." I said to him rolling my eyes.

" I am going. You go handle it. And don't be weak in front of her. You both are apparently same. Stupid. I am really confused actually who is more stupid." He said while walking out of my room.

" Go and don't show up until the evening. Roam around and spend time with your wife. It's more important." I said to him.

" Both of you are equally important to me." He said while going out.

I shook my head. I took my phone and called Marc. I need to inform him about the meeting which I forgot to do last night.

" Hello, Liam." He said.

" Hello, Marc." I said to him.

" Are you coming office today?" He asked me.

" Yeah, on my way. Call the meeting." I said to him.

" Now?" He asked.

" Yes, in 2 hours to be exact." I said getting in the car.

" But suddenly in a short notice?" He asked.

" Yeah. Why? Any problem?" I asked him.

" No. No problem. I will call it." He said.

" Good. Tell everyone to attend the meeting." I said to him.

" Will do it." He said to me.

" Better then. See you in a while." I said to him.

" Alright." He said and I hung up.

I started to drive towards the office. I tried to keep calm. I need to do it. Who knows may be Luke's idea works!!! He never ever predicts wrong. So, I kinda trust him. He is not at all clumsy like me. Yeah, I know what you guys are trying to ask then how we became twins? I don't know. God made us twins. We are definitely the opposite. Because if we both were like me then it would be doomed. The world would have kicked us out. Soon I reached the office building and I parked the car. I took a deep breath and came out of the parking lot. I entered the office building and people started to greet me. I nodded and entered the lift to reach my cabin. It was quite a bit early. But who cares!!! I went straight to my cabin. It's been 3 months when I last came here. Then I heard someone knocking on the door.

" Come in." I said and I found Marc and Lin coming inside.

" Hey, Liam." Lin said to me.

" Hey, Lin." I said to her and she gave me a brief hug.

" Long time no see." She said to me.

" I came here 3 months back and you were in vacation then." I said to her and she chuckled.

" Yeah, you know my kids. They are too stubborn. I had to take them for a trip." She said.

" Yeah, I got it. How are they now?" I asked her.

" They are fine. Doing great." She said.

" Great then." I said.

" Yeah. You called the meeting?" She asked me.

" Yes, I did." I said to her.

" Why suddenly?" She asked me.

" To discuss about the new project." I said.

" Which new project?" Marc asked me.

" This what we are going to discuss about in the meeting." I said to them.

" Alright. Then we should go and arrange the meeting. It's in an hour. See you in the conference room." Marc said.

" Yeah, sure." I said and he left.

" I forget to ask about Luke. How is he?" Lin asked me.

" He is here with Aurora. Roaming around." I said.

" I have to Luke is a one lucky guy for having Aurora. She is such a pretty girl. Just perfect match." She said.

I agree with her. They are just perfect. Made for each other. I am lucky for having them both in my life as well.

" Yeah, true." I said and sat on my chair. I gestured her to sit on the visitor chair. She sat across me.

" Hmm..what about you boy?" She asked me.

" What about me?" I asked her and she rolled her eyes.

" What about you means when are you planning to get settled down? Your brother already took the step. You should think about it as well." She said and I sighed.

" I don't know. Still confused." I said to her.

" Confused about what?" She asked me giving me a weird look.

" About this setting down thing." I said.

" Still on Tracy, right? I knew that you are still not over it." She said. I sighed.

" You saw Tracy earlier?" I asked her.

" Yeah, I saw her on Luke's wedding reception." She said.

" No. Have you seen her this morning?" I asked her.

" How will I see her? I am not coming straight from Melbourne you know?" She said and I rolled my eyes.

" She joined here as a junior engineer." I explained her.

" What?!! Are you kidding me?" She asked me.

" No, I am not. Haven't Marc told you already?" I asked her.

" Forget about Marc. He keeps forget about everything. But he is a good boss though." She said.

" Oh, more than me?" I asked her.

" Yeah, he is better than you." She said and I chuckled.

" I know he is. Let's go. We should join the meeting." I said to her. She followed me.

We went to Marc and then walked towards the conference room. As soon as I entered the room I was frozen for a moment as I found her standing just in front of me with a puzzled expression on her face still managed to look extremely pretty. It took for me to the whole world not to let her effect on me and ignore her like she doesn't even exists although all I wanted that moment to pull her in my arms and kiss her senselessly. But I better take Luke's advice and it was not at all easy for me.

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