Naughty Girl

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Liam's POV

" What is she doing now?" Stella asked me as I called her to tell what happened here.

" Crying like has lost her favorite thing somewhere." I said to her.

" Tell her that everything is fine. No one is hurt. Everything is alright." She said.

" Tried this already." I said to her.

" She didn't stop?" She asked.

" No. Still crying and if she stopped I wouldn't call you for a solution, Stella. Make her stop crying. Tell me something so that I can stop her crying. Or you make her stop crying. Do something. Please please please please please." I said to her.

" Ssssssshhh!!! First calm down. Don't talk too much." She said and I turned see Tracy. She was crying like a little kid.

" But she - " I tried to explain her.

" I said Ssssssshhh. Didn't I?" She asked me. I sighed.

" Ok." I said.

" Deep breath in, deep breath out." She said and I sighed. "Comfortable?!" She asked me.

" Yeah, much more than before." I said to her.

" Good. Now tell me clearly what happened?!" She asked me.

" I called her morning and she said she got a fever so I forbade her to come to office. When I came here I found her sleeping. Suddenly she wake up screaming her friend's name." I said.

" Who Beatrice?" She asked.

" Yes." I said to her. " Doesn't she has a friend other than this Beatrice?" I asked her.

" No. Her only friend is Betty." She said. I sighed.

" This why I hate that girl at the same time I thank her for being there for be with Tracy." I said.
I thought no one can stand her. But I was wrong until I saw Beatrice. Until I saw how she acts with Tracy. She doesn't care just talks like boss.

" You are mess. You both are messed. Actually you both are same." Stella said.

" Why are you saying that?" I asked her.

" Both of you are desperate when you want something." She said and I sighed.

" Sorry, I am just scared. She is not stopping crying. What to do?" I asked her.

" Just keep calm. She will stop by herself." Stella said.

" She has a fever. She needs to have meal and medicine then sleep." I said to her. " But she is not even ready to listen to me. So, I thought she might listen to you. This why I called you." He said.

" Give the phone to her. Let me talk to her. Let's see if I can do something." She said and I walked towards the crying baby. I sighed.

" Stella wants to talk to you." I said giving the phone to her. She looked at me then the phone.

" Talk to her. She will make it right, ok?" I asked her and he nodded taking the phone.

" Hello, Stella?" She said.


" I had a nightmare. It was horrible. You can't even imagine how much of horrible it was. I just can't explain you that. It was just scary." She said.

I came out of the room and decided to make her some breakfast so that she can take medicine and then take rest.

I was thinking what kind of nightmare she had!!! Was it that bad that she started to cry like a kid!!!

I was confused. Tracy never cries like this. She never ever breaks down. But today she is like not listening to anything that I say. Just crying and crying. God make her stop crying now. Or else she will go crazy and make me crazy as well. I sighed. I started to prepare the breakfast then found my phone was ringing. I picked it up without checking the caller ID.

" Hello. Where are you?" I heard Luke.

" At Tracy's place. Why?" I asked him.

" Just was asking if you guys can have lunch with us today. Aurora was asking that." He said.

" Tracy has got a high fever. She slept now crying like a kid saying that she has a nightmare. I am going to take her to the doctor." I said to him.

" Crying!!? Weird!!!" He said and I sighed.

" Yes, crying non-stop." I said to him.

" What are you doing then?! Go make her stop crying." He said.

" You think I didn't try?! I tried a lot but she didn't listen to me. What can I do now?" I asked him.

" Alright, go to her and stay with her. God knows what scared her that much. But it's awkward to know that there is still something that can scare her." He said.

" Feelings are mutual." I said.

" Alright. Go to her. " He said.

" Making breakfast. She needs to have medicine." I said to him.

" Ok, then do it. Bye. Take care." He said. " See you in the evening." He said and hung up.

I kept the phone aside and started to make the breakfast again. Suddenly I felt someone back hugging me. I turned to see Tracy was leaning on my back wrapping her arms around me. I was shocked seeing her like this. She wasn't crying anymore. Just she was hugging me closing her eyes. Her body was burning with fever.

" Everything ok?" I asked her.

" Yes." She said.

" How did you manage to come downstairs?" I asked her.

She just pouted shrugging her shoulder. What happened now?!! She is acting like she is drunk. I bent to kiss on her forehead but she moved away then pressed her lips on mine. I sighed.

" You are still kid, Liam. You should know by now how to kiss your girlfriend, right?" She said smirking with her half closed eyes. Then pouted her lips.

" You should go and take rest." I said trying to resist her cuteness.

" No, no, no. I want to be with you." She said tightening her hold on me.

" I am not going anywhere. Just making the breakfast for you. Don't you want to have breakfast?" I asked her.

" No, I don't want to have breakfast." She shook her head. "Can I have you instead of breakfast?" She asked me and I looked at her weirdly.

" What?!!" I asked her.

" Yes. Can't I?" She asked me.

" Are you drunk?" I asked her.

" May be. Don't know." She said. I sighed. " Let's get married." She said and my eyes widened.

" Married?" I asked her.

" Yes, let's get married and make babies." She said. I looked at her weirdly.

" Babies?" I asked her.

" Yeah. 12. A football team." She said.

" There are 11 in a football team." I said rolling my eyes.

" There are extra players as well. So, 12." She said smiling like a little girl.

I sighed. Fever and that crazy nightmare pulled out the naughty girl inside her.

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