Nothing More

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Tracy's POV

" Stupid, idiot!!!" I mumbled irritatingly.

I don't know why I was irritated. I just don't like people being bossy around me. I want to boss around. What just happened to Liam that he changed in a few days!!! He wasn't like that. He was not at all like that. But he was staying away from me after that he kissed me. Wasn't that what I wanted!!!

No, you had never ever wanted this. My brain mocked. I sighed. I was really irritated as hell. I don't know why. He was avoiding me as well. But I started to feel awkward now. This is what is irritating me as hell.

" Why God!!! Why can't you see me happy with what I want?!" I mumbled being extremely pissed off with myself.

" Hey, what's wrong?" I heard a voice and found Susan standing in front of my desk with a big smile plastering on her face.

I don't know why but it made me smile automatically without any reason. Like her smile was natural healer. She had her own way to comfort people. I could say that this girl was very very innocent completely opposite of me. Girls like her do exists. Like Natasha. They do exists in this cruel world.

" Nothing wrong actually. I was just thinking about something which made me irritated." I said to her.

" Oh, then stop thinking about that. You will be alright." She said and I chuckled.

" It's not easy. I can't stop thinking about it. It's a very important part of my life and I can't deny it." I said to her.

" Oh, then...umm... I don't have any good advice to give you but I will pray for you that the problem you are in get solved as soon as it is possible." She said smilingly and I nodded.

" Thank you. You are very sweet." I said to her. She blushed with the natural crimson shade. I chuckled inwardly.

" Thank you." She said.

" You are welcome." I said to her.

" You know the board meeting is going on and it is making me too worried." She said.

" Why so?" I asked and moved a bit to let her sit beside me.

" Actually, my sketches are also there. I did all alone. No one helped me. I am afraid that I might have done mistakes." She said and I understood. I knew these people around don't like her for a weird reason. God knows why they don't like a sweet girl like Susan.

" You haven't done anything wrong. I have my full trust on you. I know you didn't do anything wrong." I said to her.

" I wish so." She said to her.

" You girl be confident. Why are you thinking that you are wrong? Why have you got a feeling that you will be wrong, girl?" I asked her.

" I have made things messed before. So, I am kind of scared this time." She said to me. " After this I want to have a vacation and want to go home." She said.

" You can go home now if you want." I asked her.

" I can't. I need to buy tickets. I don't have enough money now." She said.

" Where is your home?" I asked her.

" My family live in Toronto." She said to me.

" Oh, Canada?" I asked her.

" Yeah. Have you ever been there?" She asked me.

" Yeah, with my family. Many times." I said to her.

" Oh, that's great." She said.

" But why don't you have enough money to buy the tickets? I thought you get an enough amount as junior engineer here." I said to her.

" I do but I have to pay for the fees my brother sister's and brother's college fees, my grandma's medicines and then my mom's health issues. She is not well you know. She is in hospital for long time. I don't know when she will be out of there." She said and sighed deeply.

" I am sorry but what happened to her? Is she in coma?" I asked her.

" Yeah. She is in coma." She said.

" What happened to her? I am sorry but I am just curious about it. You don't have to continue." I said.

" You are first person who willingly asked this to me. No one ever cares for others." She said smiling softly.

" I actually don't know what to say but I am really sorry whatever happened to you." I said to her.

" It's ok. My life is just too much messed up. I need to work my ass off to feed my family." She said.

" Where is your dad?" I asked her.

" I don't remember the person who is the reason behind our sufferings." She said and I nodded.

" Alright. Tell me someday when you are ready to share. If only you want to." I said to her.

" Sure. I will tell you." She said.

" Tracy." I heard Lin.

" Yes?" I asked her as I found her standing in front of my desk.

" Boss is wishing to see you. Go, don't be late. Reach him as soon as it possible. Don't make him wait. He is very angry today. God knows why." Lin said and I rolled my eyes inwardly.

What happened to this moron now!!

" I am going no worries." I said and stood up. " I will be back soon, Susan." I said and walked towards stupid's cabin to put some senses in him. I knocked on the door as I reached his cabin.

" Come in." I heard his deep voice still it sounded very cold.

" You called me?" I asked him as I saw him working with the files.

" I think I told you I am your boss and I demand due respect from you." He said very very coldly. I looked st him irritatedly.

" You called me, sir?" I asked gritting my teeth.

" Better." He said. " Yes, I called you Ms. Campbell." He said.

" Why?" I asked him still gritting.

" Cause, I can." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" I don't find any reason behind calling me without any reason. I have works in office. I don't sit lazily." I said to him.

" I can see how you are utilizing your time at office." He said.

" You should focus on your own works not on me." I said.

" You no need to tell me what I will do or not?" He said.

" Why have you called me?" I asked him directly.

" I called you just to tell you that your attitude in office is not at all acceptable. Be careful next time. I am not going to tolerate your behavior." He said.

" What have I done?" I asked him.

" You left before listening my answer." He said.

" In that case I was too much irritated to take anymore stupidity." I said. He looked at me coldly.

" Just remember you are my staff in office nothing more than that." He said.

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