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Liam's POV

" You fought with her?! What's wrong with you?" Luke asked me.

" Nothing is wrong with me. I don't know. I didn't fight with her. It's just I don't know. I was confused." I told him.

" This is not an explanation. You messed up. You need to clear things out." He said.

" I am trying." I said to him.

" How?! Fighting with her?! When she is not doing well?! You should be with her not here sitting like a foolish repenting on what you have done. What use of that?! Will you explain?!" He asked me.

" Just I am sorry for this. But I couldn't hold it back. It's too much secret to take it. I am done with all the secrets and her attitude of hiding things like this. I am done with it." I said.

" But she is not well when she said she will explain you should have listened to her." He said.

" She said near future. But didn't say when. How long I will wait?! I am totally pissed off with this situation I can't handle it anymore this why. Just this why I came back. I just didn't want to make it an issue now." I said.

" But you fought with her." He said to me.

" I didn't, bro. I came back so that we don't have a fight. I swear we didn't fight. I don't want any fight anymore. I too hate fighting like kids in a small issue for serious." I said. He sighed deeply.

" I can't understand it. You guys are too much messed up sometimes. I just got too much confused." He said.

" Yes me too." I said.

" Then try to get rid of it. Don't get too much complicated." He said to me.

" This what I was trying to do that time but you saw how things got messed up." I said.

" Now you get a chance. Make things right." He said.

" I want to do it as well. But you know it's just not as easy as it looks like if she keeps secret from me." I said.

" She will not keep it secret for the whole life. She will tell you one day. If you keep on this trust issue things and keep bothering her to explain then she will feel out of space. She said she need time then you should trust her that she will tell you." He said to me.

" I told you I was too much pissed off now don't start again." I said to him.

" I am not saying anything about that. Cause whatever I say won't be working on you cause you won't even listen to me. Then what use of talking to yoy about this?" He asked me.

" Exactly no use." I said.

" I am talking about a serious issue." He said.

" Me too." I said.

" You don't look like you are serious." He said.

" I am tired of listening lectures from everyone." I said totally frustrated. " This why I was not paying attention." I said.

" If you keep doing this then things will not work. It will be more messed." He said.

" Then what should I do?" I asked him.

" You should think from her point of view as well. She must have a reason behind it. Not always you will be right." He said.

" Not always I will be wrong as well." I said to him.

" You are not. But you should know that no one is perfect. She has flaws too. You know things might change time to time and she can have a situation which she is not able to explain now."  He said.

" God knows what kind of situation it is that is stopping her from explaining things." I said.

" You remember Aurora's friend Brielle?" Luke asked me.

" Yeah the secret agent, right?" I asked.

" Yes. Brielle Wittgenstein. She is Aurora's closest friend but she couldn't reveal her identity to Aurora before her mission ends. Cause she couldn't even if she wanted. She had her reasons. Just like that everyone has a reason to do things. If you think they are doing things without any reason then you are damn wrong." He said to me. He was right.

I might have reacted much that time I shouldn't do that. What use of regretting now!!! I have already done it. Now how will I make this mess cleared?!! I don't know how to do it but I need to do it. I sighed. I was thinking if I get an idea to make it right. But nothing came to my mind that I could do to make it right. May be I was going to say sorry and take her on a dinner date after office tomorrow. But will it be enough for everything that is messed?!! Cause she must be very angry by now. God!!! Help me.

" Hi, Edwards twins." I found Rora she sat beside me.

" Enjoyed the day?" She asked smirking at me.

" Yes, very much." I mocked her rolling my eyes.

" What happened now?" She asked me confusedly.

" They fought, Babe." Luke said.

" No we haven't." I said. " Luke!!!" I warned him.

" They messed up." He corrected himself.

" Now what did you do?" She asked me.

" Why do you guys always think that I have done something wrong?" I asked them.

" Cause most of the time you do." Aurora said to me innocently. I shook my head.

" I didn't do anything. It was her." She said.

" What did she do then?" She asked.

" She tried to keep a secret and it pissed me off." I said.

" That's it?" She asked me.

" Yes." I said.

" You reacted much." She said.

" Yeah I know." I nodded my head.

" You need to make things right. Beside she is not doing well." She said.

" And she is alone." Luke added.

" Can you go and stay with her tonight?" I asked Rora.

" I surely can go. But think about something to convince her. As you can understand she will be angry with you." She said to me and I nodded.

I know I need to convince her. And I need to think about a way to do so. I did a mistake then I need to make it right. No matter what I need to do it.

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