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Tracy's POV

" Will you come with me? We need to go and grab some dinner." Betty said to me. I just nodded.

I wasn't listening to her carefully as I was thinking about my plan I was going to hit upon Tania to expose her in front of all of the board meeting tomorrow.  Suddenly someone pulled me with a jerk and I looked up to see who it was. I found Betty looking at me weirdly. She tapped on my cheek lightly then kept her palm on my forehead to check the temperature. I looked around to find out what has happened.

" What?!" I asked her.

" Shouldn't I ask you that?" She asked me.

" Nothing happened. What will happen?" I asked her and she rolled her eyes.

" Then why were you walking like a blind woman?!! That car was going to hit you. Are you out of your mind, stupid!!!" She said angrily.

" Oh, sorry. I wasn't paying attention." I said and she rolled her eyes.

" Keep your sorry to yourself. I don't need any of them. Just keep your eyes open for real." She said irritatingly. I chuckled.

" I have something to tell you." I said to her.

" Yes, tell me. I am all ears." She said to me.

" Not here. Let's go to the restaurant and grab something to eat. I am starving." I said to her.

" What about your lunch? You forgot to take that?" She asked me.

" I skipped that." I said.

" And why is that?" She asked me.

" I was talking with my colleagues. There is a big mess. I found out a way to solve it." I said to her proudly that I found out a way without her. Usually she helps me to clear any kind of mess. But this time Tracy Campbell rocked.

" Yeah, right. And I can sense how much of stupid it will be." She said to me.

" Hey!!!" I said to her. " It's not stupid." I said and we entered the restaurant.

" Let's hear it out and find out." She said as we got a table and ordered our food. " Alright. Now tell me." She said. " Wait, wait. Before that tell me have you met Liam and talked with him about what I told you yesterday?" She asked me and I sighed.

" Actually, it is messed as well." I said.

" Why is that? What have you done? Pulled a fight again?" She asked me.

" No. I saw him in the lift and he was rude as always he is to me in the office." I said.

" You kicked him or did worse than that?" She asked me.

" I have done nothing. Why do you always thing something wrong about me? Is there a single time you thought anything good about me?" I asked her.

" Not a chance. Never ever even in my worst nightmares. You can never do something without getting into fire. Your anger issue is something, dude. You should be a redhead." She said to me and I rolled my eyes.

" Die." I said to her. She laughed.

" Well, tell me what happened?" She asked me. I sighed.

" He said to me that he is stopping to reach me. He will not bother me again." I said.

" Is he giving up on you? I didn't think he will stop here. I agree everyone has a point of endure which you crossed with him." She said.

" He is not giving up. He is giving me space and time to rethink for the last time. He said if I want to go back I have to go back by myself. He won't ask me anymore." I said to her.

" What are you thinking about then? Go and tell him that you don't need the space and time anymore. You want to continue." She said to me excitedly.

" It's not easy for me to let go my ego and tell him that straight forward. I need to think." I said to her.

" F*ck your ego. He let his ego go for you. He did everything for you, Tres. You are being selfish now. I have doubt on your love now. Did you really love him or it was just a complete show off?" She asked me and I looked at her weirdly.

" You were with me, Betty. You know this better than anyone else. You know how I suffered that time. If you are asking me this question then I don't have anything else to say." I said to her.

" I don't know you made me so confused, Tres. It's the perfect time for you to start over. Past is past. Let it go. You won't be able to change it. Come on. Think like a matured woman. I think you have never ever came out of the teenager term. How can you be this childish about this?" She asked me.

" I want to go back to him. I wanted to tell him that this morning. I gathered a lot of courage but suddenly he turned into a cold person to me and I got confused if I really want to do it or not." I said and found her glaring at me. " Well, I am sorry." I said.

" Why the f*ck are you still confused?" She asked me. " Tell me are you still confused?" She asked me angrily. What happened to Betty these days that she is acting so weirdly!!!

" No. I am not. I just need a little more time to plan everything and start a new fresh starting which will be perfect. I need to make it perfect." I said to her.

" There is no perfect time. If you want to make things right then you need to make your time perfect. A perfect time until you wish to make it perfect." She said and I nodded.

" And you have to take steps." She said.

" He is cold to me." I reminded her.

" You were not welcoming to him all these years as well. There is a proverb goes on you know, As You Sow So You Reap. Right?" She asked me. I rolled my eyes.

" Yeah, right." I said.

" Don't worry. I will help you. No worries until you have Beatrice Melchizedek in your life." She said and I sighed.

" Can I ask you a question?" I asked her.

" Sure, ask me anything, Babes." She said to me.

" Why are you helping me to do this when you were against our relationship?" I asked her.

" I was wrong about something. I told you that I am trying to clear out the messes I have caused." She said.

" I didn't follow you." I said.

" You will soon." She said smilingly.

She really got me confused.

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