Save Your Heart💓

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Tracy's POV

" You ok?" Finn asked me as he sat beside me and took my left hand on his then kissed on my forehead. I smiled. He must be worried. Tris was sleeping just laying beside me. He refused to leave me. My little kids. I wanted to hug them but I was not able to move my right hand. Otherwise I have already done it.

I saw my family opening my eyes. I felt alive and relieved. The smile of relief I saw on their face with those happy tears made me want to live only for them. Cause otherwise they will be messed and in a very odd emotional condition. Specially Bro. He was just messed when I saw him the first opening my eyes. He was tensed and scared. I wasn't used to see him weak. Cause he was always strong. But this time I have seen he was so much in a vulnerable situation which doesn't match her at all. I don't ever want to see him like this. I love my brother like he is emotionally strong. I just don't want him to break down cause he never did. 

" I am good." I said though I was in a very vulnerable situation.

I was pitying myself. My head was covering with those bandage. My right hand was forbidden to move until the doctor gives me a green signal. Doctor said some of the ribs were broken as well but they will heal by their own. Ankles are sprained and bruised. I need at least 3 to 4 months to heal. I am ok with that until I really get well. It doesn't matter how long it takes. I was thinking about everything. Just so messed up. My eyes met Tasha and I gave her a tight smile at least I think I did and she returned it wholeheartedly.

I was wondering where Liam was. They said he had a work to do. Which work is more important for him than me?!! I was just pissed off with this. I asked them about Betty the first thing when I opened my eyes. They said she is injured severely so that she can't come here and I can't go to her. Cause I was injured severely as well. So, I decided to meet her a few time later when we both will be a bit fine. So that at least we can talk. It was obvious that Betty will be hurt severely cause her sister was so violent. I swear she was. I for once thought that I won't be able to make it. She almost killed me. If Betty hasn't come in time then it would be difficult for me to save my life. Or you can say I would already be dead by now. So, I am really thankful to her for saving my life. I am lucky actually having a friend like her. No?! I really really want to meet her but they said she is sleeping currently and she needs it. So, I am stopping myself.

" Where are you lost?" I heard Finn.

" Nowhere." I said. " Where is Liam? Do you know that?" I asked him.

" He has gone to talk to the doctor." He said and I nodded.

It's already more than 3 hours I have opened my eyes but he was still absent. Even Kyle, Dani, Susan they were there. But he was nowhere to be found. I was irritated by now. I was very angry with him. What was he doing for so long?! He should have come back by now.

" Oh ok then." I said to him.

" Has Tris slept?" He asked patting Tris' head.

" Yeah." I said looking at Tris whose arm was wrapped on my stomach. I ruffled his hair softly.

" Good for him. Didn't sleep whole the night." He said. I sighed.

" The kids? They went back?" I asked about Scarlett, Harry and Hazel.

" Yeah, Stella took them to the hotel. They need some rest. Can't endure much." Finn said and I nodded.

He was right. Kids are not that strong to endure much in a day. They needed rest and Stella too. I know she might be was dead scared.

" You need rest too, Finn." I said to him.

" Yes, may be. I will go back in the evening. Don't worry about me. You just take rest." He said.

" It's almost evening so you guys can go now. You look like zombie. You will give me a nightmare then" I said to him. He chuckled.

" We will leave when Liam is here. Don't worry he will be hear any time. I texted him he is done with his work. He is coming back." Finn said.

" Good then. Let him come back." I said totally pissed off.

" Ssssssshhh!!! Don't talk. Just take rest. You need a lot of it." He said.

" I have 4 months for that, little boy. Don't worry." I said.

" Just don't talk much now. Go back to sleep." He said. I sighed and closed my eyes.

I don't know how long I slept when I woke up I found the room was dark only a light was on that too on the balcony. It was enough to get a clear view in the room. But I had to adjust myself with the light as I was sleeping. I tried to sat down but it was quite impossible now cause my spinal cord was not supporting after that storm it has survived. Suddenly a light lit up in the room but a bit away from me.

" Why are you trying to sit down? You need anything?" I heard Liam. I rolled my eyes making sure he was looking at me.

" Wow!!! What an way to greet your fiancée after a deadly incident!!!!" I said to him. He didn't say anything. He just came over and sat on the chair next to me. I looked at him. His eyes was stuck on me without blinking. I sighed.

" Yeah, deadly incident. If you were not going to open your eyes by now I would have a heart attack." He said and I sighed.

" Like you would?!" I said though my heart flattered.

" Yes, I would. You can't understand this. It was horrible " he said and sighed.

" I was eventually going to wake up. Why were you so scared?" I asked him to tease him. Yeah, I know I am mad for asking my fiance a weird question in the middle of the night when I am in the hospital bed. He looked at me weirdly.

" You won't understand it. You almost gave me a terrible heart attack." He said.

" Save your heart. Don't get heart attack." I said. " Cause I must be in there, right?" I said to lighten his mood.

" Definitely you are. What kind of question is this!!" He asked me rolling his eyes.

" Then save your heart." I said and I smiled.

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